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Connecting to the Future - Keynote. I come from a place: Beddau.

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Presentation on theme: "Connecting to the Future - Keynote. I come from a place: Beddau."— Presentation transcript:

1 Connecting to the Future - Keynote





6 I come from a place: Beddau



9 And now live here.

10 I mean here. 6 miles from Sydney; 1000 from care…

11 Prepared a strategy for here….. Coffs: Centre of the digital universe?

12 In all these places I have pondered -how they work -how they flourish -how they decline and -how they may be re-vitalised or even born

13 -what drives its economy? -who runs the place? -is there a momentum behind which we can get/shape? -is it bust/good money after bad? -places with houses/no job/jobs no houses -47 Wearing my urban regeneration hat; I tend to ask of a place

14 And here …..Cornwall

15 Cornwall transformed by HSBB

16 Cornwall – transformed with HSBB -Recovered GDP -Population growth

17 This is a bust place – no legacy left by mining


19 -Reducing tyranny of distance? -Abolishes advantages of geography? -Strengthening regional areas? -Diversifying economy -Virtual clustering...lets remind ourselves why HSBB as a legacy?

20 -HSBB not just NBN -competitive advantage? -speeds-what for? -demand gap -fibre and mobile complementary -bandwidth - Youtube, Health -resilience but most uses below 20 mbps though 100 is new international entry point -Korea Digital not just HSBB

21 - For nation:10% →1% - For SMEs:2.6 → 1 - For people:$1,200 Digital Economic Benefits

22 Plays to decentralisation of economy knowledge workers don’t need factories environment/ home/ travel to work/ coffee/ universities/ suburbs not centres?/ HSBB and places

23 For Individuals - financial savings & greater consumer choice - more opportunities to stay in touch & form part of online communities - improved access to health & well being information - more support for independent living - more involvement in civic & democratic activity - more opportunities for learning & developing social capital - greater employment opportunities (ref)

24 Impact on economies -3-4%GDP -75% from non ICT companies -Real increase in per capita GDP of $500 over last 15 years -Industrial revolution took 50 years -If internet consumption and expenditure were sector +bigger than energy and agriculture combined -2 billion connected to internet -Business models/David Jones/Westfield

25 Impact on performance -Triggers significant increase in performance in business at all levels particularly SMEs -those using web technologies grew more than twice as fast as those with minimal presence -export 2X and create 2X jobs -repeat 75% value of internet captured by traditional industries

26 SMEs -Biggest beneficiaries -least time -show and tell -SMEs not leveraging ICTs as much as bigger cost but find increased revenue -lower costs -higher productivity and net job creation -SMEs that spend more than 30% of budget on web technologies grow revenue 9x SMEs spending less than 10%

27 Role of Government -Big role pushing usage -Catalyst -creating right business environment -pushing usage -individuals and businesses -SK and Sweden have programs to teach capabilities to businesses with fewer than ten staff -government digitisation of itself -ten million program and broadband ready buildings certs -creating demand through digitisation

28 Digital Inclusion -Only 70% online -especially in rural areas -Elderly, indigenous, young, workless, remote

29 Digital not just HSBB HSBB not just BN/competitive advantage? speeds-what for? demand gap fibre and mobile complementary Bandwidth/ Youtube/ Health resilience but most uses below 20 mbps/though 100 is new international entry point/Korea

30 -networked society -digital economy -egovernment -edemocracy -Government 2.0 -Smart places, intelligent communities -regional economies HSBB as new catalyst

31 Impact of HSBB On service delivery -Health, economy, education -Public service transformation at heart -About business model transformation

32 Public services & high speed broadband in the web/gov 2.0 era -personalisation of public services -co-production and re-design of public services -reducing the cost of government, in particular through joining up public service delivery within and across organisations

33 From eGov -more efficient and effective -government ‘as is’ … to weGov -create a new one -people powered public services redefining the role of government the big debate

34 This is a journey… -to co-produced government -personalised government -making public services 2.0 happen

35 next trending topics: the next wave -meshing the best of web 1.0 with web 2.0 from transactions to conversations and relationships -less (government delivery) is more – work with trusted (often micro) third parties as public service partners -making mass insight meaningful – turning ideas into action -collaborative customer service & crowdsourced citizen action

36 trending topics: the next wave -customisation, personalised services & social data -public service design & the citizen-centred state mainstreams -online meets offline: augmenting reality & ending exclusion -geo-everything -mobile matters

37 active hyper-active local communities - explosion of web based tools to enable citizens to report issues - less co-production, rather more effective customer services & more efficient reporting for government itself to resolve

38 All personal data and government transactions on one site

39 Sharing information across the public sector

40 happen Making public services 2.0 happen the big 3 for government leaders 1. lay the foundations digital inclusion, open data, IT infrastructure, technology 2.foster culture change inside and outside of government, ‘be the web’, leadership, role modelling 3. catalyse and nurture innovation competitions, changing models of procurement

41 Why we produced the strategy -the benefits are not automatic -we need to organise to maximise benefit

42 At a local government level Leading by example - digital services - as advocate - as entrepreneur/builder/ISP - as convenor - area promoter - as business support - as partner with university - digital inclusion - open gov./ e-democracy

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