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College and Career Readiness

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1 College and Career Readiness
Lake County Schools Investing In Excellence! College and Career Readiness Academic Services C² Collaborative Cohort October 18, 2012

2 Common Board Configuration
Date: October 18, 2012 Vocabulary: C² Ready, Teacher Leader, Model Classroom Bell Ringer: Turn and Talk: Reflection Agenda: I DO: Review need for New Teacher Support System. WE DO: Identify targeted focus areas for differentiated new teacher support. YOU DO: Develop comprehensive plan to aid in development of highly effective new teachers. Learning Goal: Educational Leaders will understand the necessity of a differentiated school-based New Teacher Support System. Benchmark: District Goals #1 – Student Achievement #5 – Highly Developed and High Performing Staff Objective: Educational Leaders will develop a Capacity Builders’ Plan to support the development of an effective new teacher. Summarizing Activity: Collaborative planning session using Capacity Builders’ Guide. Homework: Utilize tools provided to complete your Capacity Builders Planning Guide. Review and refine Guide with your school leadership team for Instructional Reviews and share plan at future C2 Cohort Sessions Essential Question: How do we revolutionize the way we teach, lead, and learn for 21st century success?

3 Lake County Schools Vision Statement
A dynamic, progressive and collaborative learning community embracing change and diversity where every student will graduate with the skills needed to succeed in postsecondary education and the workplace. Mission Statement The mission of the Lake County Schools is to provide every student with individual opportunities to excel. Lake County Schools is committed to excellence in all curricular opportunities and instructional best practices. This focus area addresses closing the achievement gap, increased graduation rate, decreased dropout rate, increase in Level 3 and above scores on the FCAT, achieving an increase in the number of students enrolled in advanced placement and dual enrollment opportunities and implementing the best practices in instructional methodology. Academic Services

4 Academic Services

5 Academic Services Curriculum & Instruction ~ Professional Development ~ Teaching & Learning The Office of Academic Services encompasses the core business of Lake County Schools. We provide guidance and support to develop instructional leaders through the coordination of district curriculum initiatives, professional learning, along with teaching and learning programs that result in improved learning for ALL. Our goal is to work collaboratively with schools to continuously and significantly improve student achievement, align curriculum and instructional practice to Florida’s standards, assist schools to develop their capacity to implement data-driven planning and review processes that foster continuous school improvement.   Assurances We will ensure that we work with district staff and school administrators to design and collaborate on systems that address professional learning needs related to improving student outcomes. We will ensure that curriculum is current and at a high level (rigorous) meeting local, state, and national standards. We will ensure that researched-based best practices (programs and processes) are utilized regarding student curricular needs and student learning patterns. We will ensure services are provided that target closing the achievement gap by improving the performance of all students while drastically accelerating the achievement of students of color, English Language Learners (ELL), Exceptional Student Education (ESE) and students living in poverty. Academic Services

6 21st Century Skills Tony Wagner, The Global Achievement Gap
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Collaboration and Leadership Agility and Adaptability Initiative and Entrepreneurialism Effective Oral and Written Communication Accessing and Analyzing Information Curiosity and Imagination Academic Services

7 Progress Pathways to Progress
Sustaining New Teacher Development Pathways to Progress Progress Presented by:: Melissa Bradley ◊ Cathy Caudill ◊ Jeanmarie York LCS Academic Services Unit / Professional Development

8 “Turn & Talk” 1. Revisit your own pathway to progress. 2. Reflect on your first year of teaching; think about one of your most humorous or memorable experiences. 3. Turn to your shoulder partner. You will have one (1) minute each to share your experience with your partner. Countdown Clock

9 Instructional Coach Connections
District provided support to assist in the development of new teachers. Dr. Cele Oldham, Program Specialist TOP Linda Bradley * * Title Services Karen Conrad * Cathy Caudill Jeanmarie York Melissa Bradley New Teachers

10 Can one coach fully develop an effective new teacher?
Rigorous Program Design Right Conditions for Success Differentiated Instructional Support Evaluation for continuous improvement NO. Developing effective new teachers requires a strategic school-based support system.

11 New Teacher Support Cohort Series Preview
Look Ahead Session 1 Determining needs of your new teachers Creating a School-based plan Refining Your New Teacher Support Team Session 2 Session 3 Session 4 Developing Effective Instructional Mentors Mentor Support and Direction Coaching Conversations Focused Feedback Based on Feedback

12 Online Anticipation Guide
or or Scan your QR Code on your notes page of your toolkit

13 Retention Rate of First-Year Teachers?
Let’s Talk Numbers 85% Retention Rate of First-Year Teachers? FLDOE , EAIS Report May 2011

14 Retention rate of Florida’s teachers after their 5th year?
Let’s Talk Numbers 61% Retention rate of Florida’s teachers after their th year? FLDOE , EAIS Report May 2011

15 Let’s Talk Numbers In 2008, how many teachers were predicted to leave the profession by the year 2011? 50% National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future (NCTAF), 2008

16 Annual cost of teacher turnover in the U.S.?
Let’s Talk Numbers Annual cost of teacher turnover in the U.S.? $7.3 billion National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future (NCTAF), 2008

17 Lake County – 2011 Rate of Retention
Let’s Talk Numbers Lake County – 2011 Rate of Retention 94% 94% - LCS Office of Planning, Evaluation and Accountability

18 Cause for Applause Current best practices for developing and retaining new teachers
PLCs for new teachers School-based New Teacher Boot Camps Teacher Leaders modeling effective strategies G.I.V.E.S Garnering Inspiration by Viewing other Educators

19 What is your school’s retention rate?
Make a note… # of New Teacher Hires Total # of Teachers = ? Reflection: Consider the last few years on your school campus. What subject area needs to be filled most often? Which grade level sees the largest turnover? …And another!

20 Lack of strong leadership
Certification Issues Spending more time inducting / mentoring new staff

21 Teacher Vacancies

22 The New Teacher Induction Process
“From Hire to Higher”

23 Common Board Configuration
Date: October 18, 2012 Vocabulary: C² Ready, Teacher Leader, Model Classroom Bell Ringer: Turn and Talk: Reflection Agenda: I DO: Review need for New Teacher Support System. WE DO: Identify targeted focus areas for differentiated new teacher support. YOU DO: Develop comprehensive plan to aid in development of highly effective new teachers. Learning Goal: Educational Leaders will understand the necessity of a differentiated school-based New Teacher Support System. Benchmark: District Goals #1 – Student Achievement #5 – Highly Developed and High Performing Staff Objective: Educational Leaders will develop a Capacity Builders’ Plan to support the development of an effective new teacher. Summarizing Activity: Collaborative planning session using Capacity Builders’ Guide. Homework: Utilize tools provided to complete your Capacity Builders Planning Guide. Review and refine Guide with your school leadership team for Instructional Reviews and share plan at future C2 Cohort Sessions Essential Question: How do we revolutionize the way we teach, lead, and learn for 21st century success?

24 Elements of Successful School-Based Support Systems for New Teachers
Effective Principals Multiple Support Structures for Beginning Teachers Strong Program Leaders Ongoing Program Evaluation Effective and Capable Instructional Mentors Revisit Refine Revitalize Elements of Successful School-Based Support Systems for New Teachers

25 Revisiting: Current Support Teams
Principal All APs (not just TQR) Mentors Other Teacher Leaders Instructional Coach for new hires

26 Capable Instructional Mentors
How are they trained? What tools are they using to develop new teachers? Have useful resources been provided to them? Is there a broad spectrum of talent represented? Are they effective when supporting others through coaching, modeling and feedback? Do they represent a cross section of experience? (Emerging to Seasoned) Are they familiar with new teacher requirements? Have they instilled protocols to support new teachers and mentors? What considerations are given when selecting capable mentors? Have they made Team members aware of their roles and responsibilities? How do they provide meaningful feedback? How do they create environments where new teachers thrive? Teacher Leaders Capable Instructional Mentors Assistant Principals Principal School-Based Support Team

27 Important Take Aways for Stakeholders
Roles and responsibilities must be transparent and clarified for all team members Effective collaboration requires flexibility Providing varied opportunities to connect increases awareness and strengthens relationships

28 New Teacher Support System
How do they create environments where new teachers thrive? How do they provide meaningful feedback? Have they made team members aware of their responsibilities? Rate yourself


30 Common Board Configuration
Date: October 18, 2012 Vocabulary: C² Ready, Teacher Leader, Model Classroom Bell Ringer: Turn and Talk: Reflection Agenda: I DO: Review need for New Teacher Support System. WE DO: Identify targeted focus areas for differentiated new teacher support. YOU DO: Develop comprehensive plan to aid in development of highly effective new teachers. Learning Goal: Educational Leaders will understand the necessity of a differentiated school-based New Teacher Support System. Benchmark: District Goals #1 – Student Achievement #5 – Highly Developed and High Performing Staff Objective: Educational Leaders will develop a Capacity Builders’ Plan to support the development of an effective new teacher. Summarizing Activity: Collaborative planning session using Capacity Builders’ Guide. Homework: Utilize tools provided to complete your Capacity Builders Planning Guide. Review and refine Guide with your school leadership team for Instructional Reviews and share plan at future C2 Cohort Sessions Essential Question: How do we revolutionize the way we teach, lead, and learn for 21st century success?

31 Refining: Using Data to Determine New Teacher Support
“Hire vs Higher” - Determine instructional effectiveness of all new teachers regardless of HR grouping. How can Support Team collect data on each new teacher? FEAPs / Marzano Collegial Conversations Walkthrough data Formative Observations Student Assessment Data tied to new teacher Behavioral Student Data

32 Refining: Prioritizing New Teacher Needs
Are your new teachers a C? A 2? Or Ready? C 2 Ready Intensive Coaching required Highest level of support needed (human and material) COACHING Can benefit from meaningful collaboration with peers, capable mentors; focused feedback COLLABORATION Demonstrates effective instructional practices based on measurable data CONSULTATION * Prioritize the teacher’s needs based on data and match them with structured resources

33 Hire to Higher: Supporting New Teachers
Intensive Support Consistent ,targeted assistance Community Support Ongoing assistance from School-based Team Additional assistance provided by District Instructional Coaches as needed Enriched Support Support provided by School-based Team and web-based tools and resources facilitated by district PLCs for new teachers Consultation Collaboration Coaching C Ready

34 Revitalizing: Developing Differentiated New Teacher Support
Use the instructional focus areas checklist to establish a matrix of model classrooms across varied content / grade levels Highlight model classrooms and teacher leaders where strategies are performed with fidelity Create opportunities for new or struggling teachers to visit model classrooms


36 Benefits of Creating a Model Community
Provides differentiated support to new teachers Can identify gaps in depth and breadth of model instruction Helps to accelerate Common Core focused instruction Encourages development of teacher leaders Promotes open community of learning


38 Common Board Configuration
Date: October 18, 2012 Vocabulary: C² Ready, Teacher Leader, Model Classroom Bell Ringer: Turn and Talk: Reflection Agenda: I DO: Review need for New Teacher Support System. WE DO: Identify targeted focus areas for differentiated new teacher support. YOU DO: Develop comprehensive plan to aid in development of highly effective new teachers. Learning Goal: Educational Leaders will understand the necessity of a differentiated school-based New Teacher Support System. Benchmark: District Goals #1 – Student Achievement #5 – Highly Developed and High Performing Staff Objective: Educational Leaders will develop a Capacity Builders’ Plan to support the development of an effective new teacher. Summarizing Activity: Collaborative planning session using Capacity Builders’ Guide. Homework: Utilize tools provided to complete your Capacity Builders Planning Guide. Review and refine Guide with your school leadership team for Instructional Reviews and share plan at future C2 Cohort Sessions Essential Question: How do we revolutionize the way we teach, lead, and learn for 21st century success?

39 Planning Activity & Gallery Walk

40 New Teacher Development Toolkit

41 Building Capacity – What’s Next?
Capacity Builders’ Planning Guide 1. Return to Principal. 2. Share information about effects of teacher turnover and importance of developing new teachers who can impact student achievement. 3. Collaborate to design a school based impact plan for New Teacher Development. School Based Support System 1. Share concept with Leadership Team. 2. Analyze current New Teacher Support System to determine gaps in support. Refine as needed. 3. Confirm that all new teachers have been assigned capable mentors. 4. Provide PLCs for new teacher mentors to better equip them with skills to mentor/coach effectively. Model Matrix 1. Convey concept to members of Support Team. 2. Identify at least three (3) model teachers in each instructional focus area. 3. Determine gaps in instructional focus areas. 4. Provide opportunities for new teachers to visit model classrooms/teacher leaders.

42 Participant Scale and Reflection (Please complete and turn in)
0-Not Using No understanding or implementation steps taken away 1-Beginning Little understanding and inconsistent implementation steps taken away 2-Developing Moderate understanding and implementation steps taken away 3-Applying Consistent understanding and implementation steps taken away along with monitoring componets for effective execution 4-Innovating In addition to criteria of Applying, enhanced understanding, implementation, monitoring, and execution take aways Academic Services

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