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UNIT 7 MOBILE APPLICATIONS. OBJECTIVES  CO3 Create a website that is optimized for viewing on a mobile device. 2.

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2 OBJECTIVES  CO3 Create a website that is optimized for viewing on a mobile device. 2

3 LEARNING OUTCOMES LO35 Explain the use of progressive enhancement. LO36 Create an application plan. LO37 Use media queries to support various devices. LO38 Use mobile meta tags to optimize a Web page for mobile. LO39 Describe guidelines for creating a mobile website. LO40 Use a validator to test a Web page. LO41 Use emulators to test a Web page. LO42 Describe the characteristics of various mobile design patterns. 3

4 MOBILE APPLICATION DESIGN GUIDELINES  Make sure that the content displayed to mobile devices has the same meaning (if not the exact wording) as that displayed to non-mobile devices.  Add enhancements to your pages that reflect the capabilities of the user agents.  Use graceful degradation to help older and less capable browsers view your content.  Test all your pages on as many devices and browsers as you can find. 4

5 PROGRESSIVE ENHANCEMENT 1.Build the most widely-supported features 2.Enhance with cutting-edge features 5 Progressive Enhancement Graceful Degradation Best solution

6 CREATING AN APPLICATION PLAN  What is the purpose of this web application?  What are your goals for the application?  Who are the customers or users of the application?  Who are the competitors for the application?  What risks could affect the success of the application?  What is the timeline for application development? 6


8 FONT SIZE  An em is equal to the current defult font size  1 em = 16px  Reset a default font size to 10px : body { font-size: 62.5%; } 8

9 FORMATTING ELEMENT  Set font size to 14px  Specify line height to widen the space between lines p { font-size: 1.4em; line-height: 1.8em; } 9

10 SMARTPHONE FONT SUPPORT  Most smartphones and tables only have a few fonts  Android comes with three Droid Sans Droid Mono Droid Serif  iOS comes with more than three, but fewer than desktop computers 10

11 FONT GUIDELINES  Limit page to two or three typefaces  Body text and headlines Use serif or sans serif fonts 11

12 COLORS AND IMAGES  Change font color color: #000000;  Change background color background-color: #3c6ac4;  Set a background image background-image: url('background.png');  Prevent tiling background: #fff url(background.png) no-repeat 1em 1em; 12

13 COLOR MOCKUPS 13 Smartphone iPod Touch Android tablet

14 MEDIA QUERIES <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles-320.css" media="only screen and (max-width:320px)"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="styles-480.css" media="only screen and (min-width:320px) and (max-width:480px)"> 14

15 VIEWPORT META TAG Properties:  Width  Height  initial-scale  minimum-scale  maximum-scale  user-scalable 15

16 OTHER META TAGS  mobileOptimized  handheldFriendly  viewport  apple-mobile-web-app-capable  apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style  format-detection  apple-touch-startup-image  apple-touch-icon-apple-touch-icon-precomposed 16

17 OPTIMIZING FOR MOBILE  Keep the design simple  Never use horizontal scrolling  Use big buttons  Always offer a choice of how to view the site  Remember user preference  Make data input as painless as possible  Keep your applications small  Add mobile-specific functions  Reduce perception of wait times 17

18 OPTIMIZING FOR MOBILE  Optimize all images  Use colors that are readable  Do not use pixel measurements  Keep your content as clear as possible  Be careful of technology that might break on some devices  Avoid technology that is known to break on mobile devices 18


20 MOBILE CONTENT GUIDELINES Mobile content should be:  Short  Direct  Easy to use  What the customer wants 20

21 SOME THINGS TO ADD  Back to top links  Email links  Extra services 21

22 ELEMENTS OF DESIGN  Color  Direction  Lines  Shapes  Texture 22

23 TOP HEADLINE BLOCK h1 { background-color: #c16f5b; color: #000; } Mobile Site 23

24 ADDING SHAPES  Draw a line using  Add rectangles, squares, and circles { height: 10em; width: 10em; border-radius: 5em; -moz-border-radius: 5em; -webkit-border-radius: 5em; text-align: center; line-height: 10em; } 24

25 MOBILE DESIGN PATTERNS  Simple designs Keep number of images to a minimum Provide material in a single column Show enough content that the user doesn't have to click often to go to a new page  Buttons Place at top  Lists Easier to read than paragraphs Keep them short 25

26 MOBILE DESIGN PATTERNS  Teasers A headline with an arrow link  Menus Typically two levels  Pages Previous, Next, list of numbers at the bottom  Endless pages Text that just scrolls and does not require paging 26

27 MOBILE DESIGN PATTERNS  Tabs Good top-level navigation Make sure all can fit on one line  Toggle content Get more content on a page without crowding All content loads, even if some is not visible  Smart loading Load content before advertising or navigation Consider hiding non-essential content  Consistency Desktop and mobile designs should look similar 27

28 TYPES OF VALIDATORS  HTML validators  Accessibility validators  Code validators  Mobile validators 28

29 THINGS VALIDATORS WARN ABOUT  Page size  Graphic size  Scripts and style sheets  Forms Text fields are hard on a phone Radio buttons and checkboxes are better  Access keys Access keys make buttons and links easier to click 29

30 MODERNIZR  Loads and tests the availability of 40 CSS3 and HTML5 functions  Allows you to add your own tests  Enables HTML5 tags in IE 6, 7, and 8 30

31 WHAT MODERNIZR DOES NOT DETECT  Date and color pickers  Inability to edit using contenteditable attribute  Support for the preload attribute in audio and video  Support for soft hyphens and the tag  Consistent rendering of HTML entities  PNG alpha transparency 31

32 HTML5 MOBILE FRAMEWORKS  Sencha Touch  jQuery Mobile  Jo  PhoneGap 32

33 TESTING AN APPLICATION  Purchase or rent a device  Ask someone to test it for you  Use an emulator 33

34 DESKTOP EMULATORS 34 BrowserEmulator Android iOS WebOS content&view=article&id=1788&Itemid=55 Blackberry Windows cf-a63a- 4f97-952c-8b51b34b00ce Opera

35 ONLINE EMULATORS 35 EmulatorLink Opera Mini Simulator dotMobi Emulator

36 SUPPORTING EARLIER VERSIONS OF IE HTML5SHIV <script src= " html5.js"> 36

37 SUPPORTING EARLIER VERSIONS OF IE IE6 UNIVERSAL CSS <link href="http://universal-ie6-" media="screen, projection" rel="stylesheet"> 37


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