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Published byBetty Arnold Modified over 9 years ago
TRAINING TO DISSEMINATORS AND INCORPORATORS AGENTS Title of the project - In_Food Quality - 2008-1-PT1-LEO05-00412 3-09-2009 LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME - TRANSFER OF INNOVATION LEONARDO DA VINCI Nome | Rui Vieito| EPRALIMA – Escola Profissional do Alto Lima, C.I.P.R.L. – Portugal – Arcos de Valdevez ttz Bremerhaven Fischkai 1 D-27572 Bremerhaven (Germany)
IQA - INNOVATE TO FOOD QUALITY Period: 2004-2007 Financed for: EQUAL Producers: EPRALIMA – Escola Profissional do Alto Lima – Arcos de Valdevez – Portugal ESTG-IPVC – Escola Superior de Tecnologia do Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo ACIAB – Associação Comercial e Indústrial de Arcos de Valdevez e Ponte da Barca USVC/CGTP-IN - União dos Sindicatos de Viana do Castelo/Confederação Geral dos Trabalhadores Portugueses – Intersindical Nacional
THE PROJECT IQA - INNOVATE TO FOOD QUALITY IQA is a project developed within the programme Equal, inserted on the field of business’ intervention, modernisation and innovation. This project aims to find a solution for enterprises related to: Food Hygiene and Safety (FHS); The existing culture, which has no vocation to the questions concerned with this topic; Lack of information about FHS; Lack of knowledge about the situation on matters of FHS by the leaders and responsible of enterprises; Poor preparation on human resources; Organisational and informal culture adverse to the FHS practices.
GENERAL IDEA - IQA Assisted implementation with coaching process Diagnostic and self-diagnostic activities Work context training Leaders and workers Structural and organizational changes FS operator awareness Company valorisation Consumer safety
THE IQA STRATEGY IS BASED ON THREE MAIN PHASES: IQA’s intervention is held by an integrated strategy 1. Training sessions in FHS; 1.1. Training sessions to the leaders/responsibles in FHS; 1.2. Training sessions to the collaborators - food handlers. 2. Coaching Process to provide responsibles/leaders with the necessary competencies, achieving the company’s objectives related to FHS. 3. Recognition of companies with “Safe Food” stamp.
THE IQA STRATEGY Present stateDifficulties abiding by FS laws + Resources.... Goal Initial coaching training General comprehension of the dynamics of the coaching procedure and its application in the project FS technical training for leaders Offer relevant information about FS to businessmen FS technical training for collaborators Offer relevant information about FS to collaborators Coaching procedure Help put into practice acquired knowledge during training; help on the organizational change Specialized counselling Specialized help to detect specific changes to be made, according to the beneficiary organizations line of work; = Desired stateAchievement of overall FS requirements Present State + Resources = Desired State.
THE IQA STRATEGY Consultancy Coaching Process FHS – Pedagogical Kit Safety Food Stamp
FROM THIS PROJECT TWO PRODUCTS AROUSE: 1.A “Pedagogical Kit”; The “Pedagogical Kit” is composed by the following instruments: – A Training Manual of FHS and the resources connected to it (pedagogical games, videos, activities, etc.); – A narrative of construction and implementation practices for training; – A methodological guide to support the training’s implementation. 1.The stamp: “Safe Food”. The product “Safe Food” stamp aims to be a reward to all the enterprises that meet the FHS requirements established by the project.
IQA - PRODUCTS Pedagogical Kit” Guide for the Implementation of the Pedagogical Kit Narrative of practices Training manuals on FHS for leaders/ dept. heads Training manuals on FHS for collaborators (food handlers)
THE COACHING IN MICRO AND SMALL ENTERPRISES ON THE FOOD AREA Coaching Process Support on the practical implementation of acquired knowledge in training; support in organizational change. Specialized Consultancy Specialized support on the detection of specific changes to be made, depending on the work area of the beneficiaries. Turn the responsible for the unit capable of implementing in his own company Food Safety and Hygiene.
IQA - PRODUCTS The stamp: “Safe Food” Regulation Verification List Inspection Commission
PROGRAMME LEONARDO DA VINCI GENERAL OBJECTIVES To support participants in training and further training activities in the acquisition and the use of knowledge, skills and qualifications to facilitate personal development. OPERATIONAL OBJECTIVES To improve the quality and to increase the volume of co-operation between institutions or organisations providing learning opportunities, enterprises, social partners and other relevant bodies throughout Europe
CONTRIBUTION TO EUROPEAN PRIORITIES LDV Priority 2: – Developing the quality and attractiveness of VET systems and practices The partner entities will benefit of a know-how acquired and consolidated through the experience lived during the IN_Food Quality project. EUROPEAN ADDED VALUE
EUROPEAN ADDED VALUE (CONT.) – The possibility to become the IN_Food Quality in a sustainable Project, through the transferring to other context, and in the way to make the results matches with the needs of the partners entities. – The IN_Food Quality products are made in a support of flexibility and universality, making its adjustment perfectly possible, in function of the needs of each partnership. – By the fact that products benefit from the contact with other cultures and particularize of each country, its quality can also be improved. – Consolidation of the role of the partners entities, concerning to the practices of continuous training, particularly at the level of FSH in a European base of exchange of knowledge and experiences. – Greater prestige of the partner’s entities, when they participate on a transfer process, they are creating innovating processes and conditions for a greater specialization on their training area. – Capacity to influence the political systems, through mainstreaming of the results of the practices of transfer;
EUROPEAN ADDED VALUE (CONT.) – Created by the specialization on practice generated through the transferring process, the partnerships, can stay more experts, can increase the clientele of their products, and provide inexistent services. – Enlargement of the partners contacts with companies, institutions of the 3 sector or profitable, raised by the contacts established through the whole transferring process. – Increasing of know -how on terms of working on partnership.
TRANSFER TO OTHER ORGANISATIONS THE IQA’S PRODUCTS IN_Food Quality aims to be the continuation of IQA project at a European level – It’s main objective is to help companies, mainly micro and small companies around Europe to improve their quality on FHS. IN_Food Quality aims to be a transfer process of the: – products; – methodologies; – practices and – know-how achieved within IQA (Innovate For Food Quality) project
PRODUCTS TO BE TRANSFERRED From IQA, two products are proposed to be transferred : FHS – Pedagogical Kit – The product “FHS – Pedagogical Kit”, which include training manuals of FHS and the resources connected to it (pedagogical games, videos, activities, etc.); a narrative of construction and implementation practices for training; a methodological guide to support the training’s implementation. Stamp Safe Food – The product “Stamp Safe Food” aims to be a reward to all the enterprises that meet the FHS requirements established by the project.
TYPE OF TRANSFER This is a transfer process of products developed under the IQA project; The strategy used for the transfer will be marked by its incorporation on companies and by the adjustment or inclusion on the programmatic contents of training institutions. – For this end, where are fit the companies that exercise their activity on the food sector (food industries, restaurants, supermarkets, butchers and so on). – the transfer carry a geographic dimension, experimented and validated, based on a endogenous reality, it will be intended, through this proposal to catapult the products to other geographic contexts (Spain, Germany, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Romania).
IN_FOOD QUALITY PROJECT HAVE AS PRIMER GOAL – the transfer of the IQA products to businesses or other entities linked to the sector, with training capacity, in order to allow them to implement the strategy developed on IQA, on final beneficiaries and/or at the same time, transfer them to other similar institutions, in order to: »» Increase the level of accomplishment of the requirements on HSF between micro and small companies on the food sector, using a attractive and innovating training methodology, based on a coaching process, evidenced by the “Pedagogic HSA-Kit” product. »» Implement the “Selo Alimento Seguro” product as a way of recognition of the accomplishment of the HSF requirements; »» give conscience to the companies on the food sector, as well as the final consumers, of the importance of the food security and significance of the skillful companies.
AND AS SPECIFIC GOALS: »» Transfer the products of the project between entities which have the training capacity and strong interaction with the businesses in other European background (beside the Portuguese); »» Increase the number of entities with training ability, capable to implement the IN_Food Quality project; »» Increase the number of companies recognized with the “Selo Alimento Seguro”, increasing the field in European context.
TYPES OF USERS Depending on the dimension of application of the IQA products, is possible to identify the several types of users, relatively to each product. – In concern to the “pedagogic HSA-Kit”, the identified users are the following: - Managers and executives of companies, namely entrepreneurs companies, which intend to incorporate the product, becoming more skilled to its full implementation on associated companies. - Training agents/coaches/consultants that collaborate with the associations, namely the responsible for the training, training coordinators, trainers/consultants and also coaches. - Active workers (PMEs, Micro companies and companies with big dimensions of the agro-food sector), while final recipients of the product, which will be a target of the technical training on HSF for manipulators; - Entrepreneurs (PMEs, Micro companies and companies with big dimensions of the agro-food sector), while as the head of the final recipients, which will receive technical training on HSF to managers/responsible, as well as be a client on the coaching process and specialized consultancy on HSF.
TYPES OF USERS (CONT.) Relatively to the “Selo Alimento Seguro”, we identify the following users: - Companies of agro-food sector with any dimension that intend to see recognized the full compliance of the requirements on HSF, present on the rules of the “Selo Alimento Seguro”. - Businesses associations that desire to implement a part of the whole IN_Food Quality product. - The final consumers constitute a set of users of the product, because the companies that have it must become it public, spreading the importance of HSF, as well as the requirements needed which are behind the attribution of the seal, involving their clients in this issue.
Integrated process of training for the companies on the food industry: – Flexible and adjusted to their needs; – Allows to work the behavioral strand of its human resources.; – Provide the companies (namely the micro and small ones) of critical and training capacity on the field of HSF. Made to the entrepreneur/responsible by the HSF to develop coaching skills, in order to implement and assure the changes of behave in the organization and implement a HSF policy in their organization INNOVATIVE RESULTS OR CONTENT THE PROJECT IS BASED UPON
INNOVATIVE RESULTS OR CONTENT THE PROJECT IS BASED UPON (CONT.) the “Selo Alimento Seguro” aim to qualify and support the companies of the food sector, that comply the needed requirements for the excellence in the provision of food services. – That means, with the seal is intended to promote, through the public distinction, the initiatives of the companies on the food sector in the accomplishment of the legal requirements inherent to the sector. the seal intends to: – make the consumers more informed and demanding, – searching the companies that give them more FSH guaranties; – distinguish the companies relatively to their quality and security of their services and products; and – improve the performance of the organization (methods, processes and persons), focusing the satisfaction of the client.
THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE PARTNERSHIP THAT WILL IMPLEMENT THE PROPOSAL IN_Food Quality counts with a partnership, represented by organization from different European countries: Portugal, Spain, Germany, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Romania. Total numbers of partners including applicant:9 (Nine) Total number of countries involved:6 (Six)
PARTNERSHIP PARTNERS I NPUTS O UTPUTS Producers - EPRALIMA - ACIAB - PREVIFORM - ESTG-IPVC IN_Food Quality Products Training Support/Consultancy Greater prestige Greater visibility Sustainability of the project Better quality of the products Incorporators/Disseminators - PROMAS - Youth Centre of Haskovo - TTZ - OZ Pes - ADEXA Application of the training methodologyIN_Food quality. Knowledge on requires of FSH. Interaction with the pilot companies of adaptation of the IN_Food Quality products. Visibility of the experiences obtained through the transferring process of the IN_Food Quality products. Reinforce and greater sustainability of the IN_Food Quality products. New information; Greater know–how; New services; New solutions/answer to problems and needs linked to the implementation of FSH
NEW CONSORTIUM Certifique-se de que inclui as fontes impressas e electrónicas e que estás são colocadas por ordem alfabética. EPRALIMA (Promoter entity) ACIAB ESTG-IPVC Previform F. C. IN BULGARIA PROMAS Final Beneficiaries (Agro-food company) TTZ OZ PesADEXA Final Beneficiaries (Agro-food company r) Final Beneficiaries (Agro-food company) Final Beneficiaries (Agro-food company) Final Beneficiaries (Agro-food company)
METHODOLOGY AND WORKPLAN Begins with: – the transferring of the “Pedagogical Kit -HSA” and “Selo Alimento Seguro” products, by the part of the authors, to the incorporators/disseminators In the final of the process it is intended: – that these organizations are able to implement totally, or a part of the IN_Food Quality products, as well as transfers them to other similar organizations, on the respective countries. The cycle of transfer ends : – when each partner is able on the implementation of the products and on the transferring to other producer entities.
1 – Management of the project - Coordination of the communication between the partnership - Administrative-financial management of the project WP0| Project managment WP1| Activity of Convergence 4 – Training to incorporators/disseminators (trainers and responsible for the training) -Planning and organization of the action -Development of the action -Evaluation of the action 2- Immersion action to incorporator/disseminators - Coordination of the communication between the partnerships - Administrative-financial management of the project -Development of the action -Evaluation of the action 3 – Implementation plan of the project - Initial Diagnosis of the training needs of the sector -Definition of the geographic area of acting of each partner -Creation of local partnerships (establishment of contacts/protocols with other organizations, including municipal organisms) WP2| Activity of Appropriation Map of the products transferring
5- Process of selection for the attribution of the "Selo Alimento Seguro" - Constitution of audit teams -Adaptation/contextualization of the product "Selo Alimento Seguro ” I-Inscription/candidature of companies to obtain "Selo" -Selection of candidate companies (audits and documental check-list) 6- Adaptation/contextualization of "HSA-Kit Pedag ó gico" -Execution of a diagnosis of the needs (HSW)/audits on selected companies -Adaptation of the Pedagogical Kit in the context of the companies gathered by the incorporators. 7 - Implementation/experimentation of "HSA-Kit Pedagogical" -Initial training in coaching Technical training on HSW to leaders/entrepreneurs Technical training on HSW to manipulators of food Coaching/consultancy process WP3| Incorporation activity 8- Attribution of "Selo Alimento Seguro" -Planning audits -Execution of audits on the companies candidates/selected -Evaluation of the result f the audits executed 9 – Process monitoring -Evaluation of the dissemination strategy -Renegotiation of the dissemination plan WP4| Evaluation of the results and impacts 10 Communication and promotion of the project -Planning and organization of communication actions and promotion of the project -Development of communication actions and promotion -Adaptation of an electronic platform -Raising companies of the food sector for possible application of the products -Ensure the durability/effectiveness of the communication plan WP5| Dissemination
WORK PACKAGE N.º: WP0 Work package title:Project’s Management Start Month:1.10.2008End Month:30.09.2010 Package leader:EPRALIMA Work package aims: Implement the management activities of the partnership, in an operational and financial level, ensuring the effective communication between all the elements of the partnership, during the project. Description of activities: 1.Creation of a “coordinating group” 2.Administrative and financial management of the project 3.Coordination of the communication between the partnership Description of methodological / pedagogical framework (where relevant) It will be created a “coordinating group”, whose head will be the coordinator of the promoting entity (Epralima). During this Project, the group will have direct responsibility on the implementation of all the activities, planning, coordinating and/or elaborating those ones. Description of outputs: General and specific goals of the Project are achieved.
WORK PACKAGE N.º: WP1 Work package title:Activity of Convergence Start Month:1.10.08End Month:28.02.2009 Package leader:ESTG, ACIAB Work package aims: Consolidate the partnership, evaluating the needs of each incorporator/disseminator partner of all the information about the Project, beginning on the economic-financial aspects and ending on the learning of the activities to be developed on the Project, in order to concentrate all the partners in the same goal. Description of activities: 1.Incorporators/disseminators Immersion action 2.Negotiation and definition of the implementation plan of the project Description of methodological / pedagogical framework (where relevant) It will be implemented an immersion activity to the incorporators/disseminators partners, providing to them not only the familiarization with the products/practices, as well as critical reflection about the same ones. By this way, it is intended that the producer partners, together with the incorporators /disseminators carry out a negotiation and definition of a implementation plan of the Project, with the elaboration of a training need diagnosis on the food industry; definition of the geographic area to be look by each partner; establishment of endogenous partnerships (for example: municipal organisms). Description of outputs: All the partnership has clarified all the general and specific goals of the Project, verifying a strong consolidation between the transfer partners.
WORK PACKAGE N.º: WP2 Work package title:Activity of Appropriation Start Month:1.01.2009End Month:31.07.2009 Package leader:EPRALIMA, ESTG, PREVIFORM Work package aims: Provide the incorporators/disseminators partner’s knowledge and competences inherent to the exploration/use of the products/practices to be disseminated. Description of activities: 1. Incorporators/disseminators training (trainers/responsible for the training) Description of methodological / pedagogical framework (where relevant) The future user agents of the products to incorporate/disseminate will be produced by the producer partners, in concern to the use of the products and practices. Description of outputs: To all the incorporator partners (trainers/responsible for the training) know and apply the products.
WORK PACKAGE N.º: WP3 Work package title:Incorporation activity Start Month:1.02.2009End Month:30.09.2010 Package leader:EPRALIMA, ESTG-IPVC Work package aims: Select and adjust the contents of the products and practices in function of the needs detected by each incorporator/disseminator partner, making possible its experimentation on different contexts. Description of activities: 1. Selection of companies for the attribution of the “Selo Alimento Seguro” 2. Adaptation/contextualization of the “Pedagogical HSA-Kit” 3. Implementation/experimentation of the “Pedagogical HSA-Kit” Description of methodological / pedagogical framework (where relevant) The incorporators/disseminators partners will develop individual activities, with the support of the authors/creator partners, in order to contextualize the practices and products. By one hand, will be constituted, in each country, teams for the technical audits on SHW at the companies selected by the incorporators/disseminators partners. These audits will be the support for the adjustment and contextualization of the products and practices. By the other hand, will be planned and developed training initiatives based on the IN_Food Quality strategy: Initial training on coaching; Technical training on HSW to managers/entrepreneurs; Technical training on HSW to food manipulators; coaching/consultancy Process. Description of outputs: The products/practices are adjusted to the reality of the country of each incorporator/disseminator partner. The incorporators/disseminators partners adopt the role already played by the authors/creators.
WORK PACKAGE N.º: WP4 Work package title:Evaluation of the results and impacts Start Month:1.01.2008End Month:30.09.2010 Package leader:EPRALIMA Work package aims: Avaliar o processo e os resultados da disseminação; e analisar os “ganhos” de toda a parceria em termos de competências, domínio dos processos de disseminação, empowerment organizacional, satisfação e realização dos participantes no processo e as melhorias nos produtos e práticas originais. Description of activities: 1. “selo” attribution 2. Process monitoring Description of methodological / pedagogical framework (where relevant) The attribution of the “Selo Alimento Seguro” product will be a indicator of success of all the dissemination/incorporation process, because it will be translated on a tangible way, in the satisfaction of the recipients and final users of the products/practices. For this purpose, the audit teams formed on WP3, should implement audits to the companies which are candidate to obtain the “Selo Alimento Seguro”. The results of these audits, will decide who is able or not to get the attribution of the “Selo” to the candidate companies. Further this final result, all the process of dissemination/incorporation will be a subject of evaluation during the process, with the eventual renegotiation of the disseminator plan. Description of outputs: All the partnership recognizes the added-value of persons and teams of work, as well as the targeted entities of dissemination.
WORK PACKAGE N.º: WP5 Work package title:Dissemination of the products Start Month:1.01.2008End Month:30.09.2010 Package leader:ACIAB, PREVIFORM Work package aims: Planning correctly and in function of the needs and resources of the partnership, the activities of: transferring dissemination, communication and marketing to be developed during the project. Description of activities: 1.Communication and divulgation of the project Description of methodological / pedagogical framework (where relevant) The communication and divulgation of the action should be planned, organized and developed in a way to ensure the durability and effectiveness of the communication and divulgation plan. On this work package will be established contacts with other institutions/companies of the food sector, for a possible application of the products. For this effect, it will be used communication channels (telephone, Internet, etc.), media, personal contacts in presentation processes. Description of outputs: It is established a plan which allow the efficient communication and divulgation of the IN_Food Quality products.
EXPECTED RESULTS R1 Adaptation of the“HSA- Kit-Pedagógico”product Type of resultswork package Target group(s)/ potential beneficiaries Partners; Companies (Heads, workers) of the food sector; Training Institutions (trainers, tutors e trainees); Language of the product Portuguese, English, German, Spanish, Bulgarian, Slovak Medium that will be used Internet, CD_ROM, Books Availability (when?) 30.04.2010 Number of copies foreseen if applicable 20 Copies (5 copies of each manual * 4 partners incorporators/disseminators) Didactical methodology (if applicable) Classroom instruction Training on the post work Others
EXPECTED RESULTS (CONT.) R2 Adaptation to “Selo Alimento Seguro”product Type of resultsRecognition tool Target group(s)/ potential beneficiaries Companies of the food sector Clients of companies of the food sector Language of the product Portuguese, English, German, Spanish, Bulgarian, Slovak Medium that will be usedStamp/dístico/cartaz Availability (when?) 1.08.2009 Number of copies foreseen if applicable The number of “stamps” will be dependent of the quantity of companies recruited by the partnership, and each partner should experiment the product at least at 2 companies, which means a total of 8 stamps (4 partners incorporators/disseminators*2 companies) Didactical methodology (if applicable) - Others-
EXPECTED RESULTS (CONT.) R3 Adjustment to the electronic platform Type of results Informatics Platform of Information and Communication Target group(s)/ potential beneficiaries Partners; Companies (Heads, workers) of the food sector; Training Institutions (trainers, tutors e trainees); Experts on training and FHS; Community. Language of the product Portuguese, English, German, Spanish, Bulgarian, Slovak Medium that will be usedInternet Availability (when?) 31.01.2009 Number of copies foreseen if applicable - Didactical methodology (if applicable) - Others-
DISSEMINATION AND EXPLOITATION PLAN It is intended to ensure the effectiveness of the dissemination process, under three structured components of dissemination.
DISSEMINATION – 1ª COMPONENT: PRODUCT / PARTNERSHIP AND PROCESS: 1.Products: are products that respond to the needs of the users that were validated, and then recognized as one added value, and subsequently were considered as products with a utility recognized. The products have characteristics which allow their adaptation and adjustment to different geographic realities. 2.Partnership: the partnership integrate the proposal, predict a successful dissemination because: – The proposed activities of transfer constitute a solution for the problems sensed in the countries where the partnership are from; – the partners entities, have the autonomy to adapt the products in function of their needs; – All the partners, without exception, have contributed to give and also get from it added values. – The entities which participate in the project are credible entities and suitable on the environment they labour. – he dimension of the partnership on this Project is perfectly adjusted to the activities targeted in this project. 3.Process: All the activities were planned as a dissemination process.
DISSEMINATION -2ª COMPONENT: INTERVENIENT The partnership of the Project cover institutions whose role and nature assemble with the activities of dissemination, they are composed by: 1.Producer entities: are the partner’s entities that were involved on the conception of the original product (EPRALIMA, ACIAB, e ESTG) and in it’s process of transfer in a national level (EPRALIMA, ACIAB, ESTG and PREVIFORM). These entities will allow the transfer of knowledge needed for the transfer process. 2.Incorporators and disseminators entities: are the partner’s entities that will obtain the products (by the producer entity), and that will transfer these products to their organizational context. They will also have a disseminator role, because they already have a prestige and capacity in their relation with the economic and social environment in their implementation area. For the dissemination of the project, these partners, inside their environment, will identify potential entities for the dissemination of the products. The incorporators/disseminators entities are: PROMAS, Federation of Consumers in Bulgaria, TTZ OZ Pez, ADEXA. All these partners will participate on crucial stages of the activities of the Project, knowing the products to after apply the disseminating activities.
DISSEMINATION - 3ª COMPONENT: DISSEMINATION PLAN All activities will have the participation of the disseminator partners, in order to make them efficient, the implication of the partners on the activities of the Project is crucial, as well as its efficiency on the dissemination will be achieved, if the performers which will participate in the dissemination process, are involved in the all project, from the awareness actions, passing through the planning actions until the experimentation actions. The search of potential beneficiaries it will also be an important stage. The Project is based on a strategy of dissemination in two levels: – the first level that reach directly the incorporators/disseminators partners level; – the second level that will reach the final beneficiaries (for example, fabric/sell and food units), defined during the development of the project.
EXPECTED IMPACT impact on authors/producers, – It is expected that the authors/producer of the IN_Food Quality products become a reference widely recognized by the agro-food, regarding FSH. – the skills (organizational and individual), acquired during the project can be used in a much more efficient way, since they are more consolidated on the agents and organizations, allowing the solidification of the initiative of the institutions relatively to the practices of continuous training and implementation of FSH.
EXPECTED IMPACT (CONT.) impact on the incorporators – the incorporators could benefit of a methodology, including all the resources associated, tested and with proved results, created to provoke a deep and long organizational changes.
EXPECTED IMPACT (CONT.) impact on the final beneficiaries (entrepreneurs): – The impact expected for this target group will be similar of the workers, saving the fact that the behavioural component affect the organizational and manage work of competences in function of FSH, or capacity to articulate individual competences, aiming the creation of organizational competences.
EXPECTED IMPACT (CONT.) Impact on the consumers of the agro-food agro-alimentar – The implementation of the stamp “Alimento Seguro” will be accompanied of information, placed in sites with visibility, in their own establishment, where the requisites needed are indicated, for the recognition through the “Alimento Seguro”. – The final consumers are involved in two ways: On one hand, the public visibility of the requisites will allow to give consciousness the consumers of the implications of the FSH in the public health, and on the logistic of a company on the food industry. By the other hand, the fact that the requisites are public may provoke curiosity on the consumers relatively if certain requisites are being accomplished.
IMPACT ON IN_FOOD QUALITY PRODUCTS It is expected, during the dissemination process, that the incorporators of the products provide competences based in their own experience, improves that make them more useful and adapt to the different targeted.
TARGETS: Vocational Field141 (Teaching and Training) Level ISCED 3VPV-WRK Upper Secondary Education – Level 3 – pre-vocational and vocational programmes - work based Economic sector C10 (Manufacture of food products); I56 (Food and beverage services activities) Expected number of people addressed 250
PRODUCT – STAMP “FOOD SAFETY” Regulation Check List Inspection Commission
CREATION OF A STRUCTURE OF MANAGEMENT OF THE STAMP Management Group of the Stamp – EPRALIMA – Escola Profissional do Alto Lima, C.I.P.R.L. – ESTG – Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do IPVC – The partner
COUNCIL OF INSPECTION - CONSELHO DE VISTORIA EPRALIMA – Coordenação administrativa; ESTG-IPVC; The Transnacional partner
HOW TO APPLY? The participation is a volunteer, it’s not an action of inspection; The request of the Stamp “Alimento Seguro” it is done for the Service of Support of the Management Group, sending the process to a partner organization of the project. Models to use: – Subscription model
WHO CAN APPLY FOR THE STAMP? All the establishments of the food area, what carry out all the Criteria of Adhesion mentioned in the preliminary Analysis of the Candidature: - Food industry; - Horeca Sector; - Cake shops; - Bakeries; - Cutting; Talho - Grocery Stores and Supermarkets; - The whole commerce and for thick of food products; - Hotel management with restoration.
MAINTENANCE / RENOVATION OF THE STAMP The Stamp “Alimento Seguro” it has a term of validity of 12 months. The sealed enterprise will have to apply for the renovation or maintenance of the stamp inside his period of validity (12 months). Each cycle of renovation of the stamp “Alimento Seguro” it understands a period of 3 years. after concession, in the first one and in the second year the enterprise will have to ask for Auditing of maintenance and in the third year the Inspects of Renovation.
WHO GIVES THE STAMP “ALIMENTO SEGURO”? EPRALIMA – Administrative co-ordination; ESTG-IPVC; The partner The COUNCIL OF INSPECTION values the candidatures for the stamp “Alimento Seguro”. The Stamp“Alimento Seguro” is granted by EPRALIMA together with ESTG IPVC and the partner country envolved.
HOW IS THE STAMP? The Stamp “Alimento Seguro” be provided to the company saddled with the format of a certificate, in format of paper and through a plate, what will have to be put in the exterior front of the building of the establishment. The stamp will have an own logótipo and will have to be considered of individual and non-transferable use. Graphic Standards - Manual of reproduction and application of the symbol stamp “Alimento Seguro”
GOAL: Appreciate and promote the effort developed by the companies that benefit from the IQA strategy, or others that have made an effort to implement FSH. a) Make consumers better informed and more demanding, looking so for the enterprises that give them more guarantees from FSH; b) To distinguish the enterprises as for quality and security of his products and services; c) To improve the performance of the organization; methods, processes and persons, with focus in the satisfaction of his clients.
CRITERIA OF ADHESION 2.º PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF THE PROPOSAL Legal compulsory criteria to the functioning - License of Use, licenciamento industrialist or for establishments of restoration and drinks, sanitary permits or permits of license or authorization of use; - Declaration of not debt to the Social Security; - Declaration of not debt to the Finances : - Complaints book; - Map of the Personnel duly updated; - Badges required for each sector of activity; - Price tables properly up-to-date and with VAT; - Medicine, Hygiene and Safety in the Work; - Training in the area of hygiene and food security and HACCP, for part of the workers; - Opening hours of shops; - Fastening of time-table of the workers; - Industrial register Cadastro Industrial;
WHO RECEIVES THE INSCRIPTION? The partner of the In_food Quality Project in the respective country;
3.º AUDIT OF THE ESTABLISHMENT ON FOOD HYGIENE AND SAFETY An Auditing will be scheduled with the interested establishment. Checking effectuated through the list of checking by auditor. - Hotel, Catering and Beverages – Check List 1; - Food industry (general) – Check List 2.
4.º ELABORATION OF THE AUDIT REPORT AND APPRAISAL OF THE ESTABLISHMENT ACCORDING TO THE FULFILMENT OF THE REQUISITES A report will be prepared on the conditions of Hygiene and Food Security found in the establishment and will be attributed according to the criteria established in the list of checking a punctuation from 0 to 100, according to the biggest or least fulfilment of the parameters; All the establishments begin with 100 points and are attributed demerits by each not carried out item. – To the Item not checked corresponds a decrease from 1 point. – For each red item, will correspond a decrease 3 point.
6.º AUDIT TO VERIFY IMPLEMENTED IMPROVEMENTS – See Check List Stamp “Alimento Seguro”
7.º ELABORATION OF AUDIT REPORT The same thing what in the 4th item
8.º AUDIT FOR THE OBTAINMENT OF THE “SAFETY FOOD STAMP” By auditors on pre-scheduled visits with companies, using the checklist Stamp ‘Alimento Seguro'
9.º AFTER THE VISIT AND BASED ON THE VERIFIED CRITERIA OF THE INSPECTIONS the inspection commission will issue an judgment approving, or not, on the stamp
10.º DISCLOSURE The Partnership of Development of the In_food Quality Projecto will disclose all companies sealed.
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