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Bluetooth Low Energy Based Ticketing Systems 11 th February, 2015 Sriharsha Kuchimanchi 336884 Supervisor: Prof. Riku Jantti Instructor: Shkumbin Hamiti.

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Presentation on theme: "Bluetooth Low Energy Based Ticketing Systems 11 th February, 2015 Sriharsha Kuchimanchi 336884 Supervisor: Prof. Riku Jantti Instructor: Shkumbin Hamiti."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bluetooth Low Energy Based Ticketing Systems 11 th February, 2015 Sriharsha Kuchimanchi 336884 Supervisor: Prof. Riku Jantti Instructor: Shkumbin Hamiti Conducted in: Nokia Technologies 11th Feb 20151

2 Outline Background Mobile payment solutions Gated systems Non Gated systems Objectives of the thesis Study BLE based ticketing system Ticketing protocols for Public transport agencies-Exploring GATT and Attributes Bluetooth Low energy Architecture Proposed Ticketing system & Protocols Conclusion & Future Scope Of Work 11th Feb 20152

3 Background (1) 11th Feb 20153 Mobile payment are ways to pay your money through your Mobile Device. This typically reduces carrying Cash Long Queues can be avoided Popular mobile payment solutions are: Paypal Google wallet Apple pay etc These systems primarly made use of NFC, RFID, Scanning Barcodes, Quick Response (QR) Codes

4 Background (2) Existing Architecture Gated systems (e.g. the metro in London) User taps card when you enter and exit the metro station (i.e. to go through gates). In such systems the validation device, which is responsible for opening the gate, can be seen as a central device. In fact, the validation device analyses the credentials of the phone (e.g. certificate validity) and decide whether or not to open the gate and let the passenger go through 11th Feb 20154 Non-Gated systems (e.g. Helsinki Bus or Helsinki Metro) User does not need to tap, if user has a valid ticket or you may tap just to begin your journey. In this case the validation device can be a passive element (e.g. an NFC tag) which is read and processed by the phone. It is then responsibility of the Phone to properly communicate with the backend about the journey.

5 Objectives of the thesis Designing the Bluetooth low energy (BLE) ticketing architecture A model of Bluetooth Ticketing profile is presented Ticketing protocols using BLE are suggested Requirements for the ticketing system A system which is robust to all kinds of digital thefts A system which is easy to use, scalable and efficient enough. A system which can be implemented on the existing infrastructure without incurring great costs. A system which enables users to conveniently and swiftly purchase their tickets without causing any delays through longer processing times. 11th Feb 20155

6 6 Controller Host Apps Generic Access Profile Generic Attribute Profile Attribute ProtocolSecurity Manager Logical Link Control and Adaptation Protocol Host Controller Interface Physical Layer Link LayerDirect Test Mode Applications Bluetooth Low Energy Architecture

7 Architecture 11th Feb 20157 Physical Layer – Transmits/Receives bits Link Layer – packets and control HCI – interface between Host / Controller L2CAP – multiplexor Attribute Protocol – protocol for accessing data Generic Attribute Profile – how data is organized Application Profiles – what can we do (Eg Heart rate, proximity, Find me, Blood pressure)

8 BLE ticketing system- Model 11th Feb 20158 Top view of a bus 20m 2m Validation device (adv packets of data), retreieve RSSI values B A C Users enter the door with BLE enabled Mobile Identity of the bus Identity of the passenger Identity of the mobile phones Identity of data/Application data Certificate on the phone Credit card/Debit card details of the passenger

9 Attribute Table 11th Feb 20159 HandleTypeValue 0x0001«Primary Service»«GAP» 0x0002«Characteristic»{r, 0x0003, «identity»} 0x0003«identity»“IMEI Number” or PAN 0x0004«Characteristic»{r, 0x0005, «Certificate»} 0x0005«Certificate»X.509 Certificate 0x0006«Primary Service»«Ticketing service» 0x0007«Characteristic»{r, 0x00008, «service name»} 0x0008«service name»HSL service 0x0009«Characteristic»{r, 0x0010, «Ticketing ID»} 0x0010«Ticketing ID »0x0802 Ticketing Certificate Ticketing Service Ticketing service Name Ticketing ID Includes GATT imposes a structure format based on services

10 Ticketing Protocol 10 GET_PAN PUSH_PAN GET_CERT Validation Device Mobile Phone Step 1: The validation device will begin querying the PAN and the certificate from the phone. GET_PAN Step 2: Once the PAN number is cross verified in the database of the VD, a request is also made to get the certificate from the mobile phone. GET_CERT (Get Certificate) Step 3: The validation device would send the PAN of its own to the phone PUSH_PAN Check RSSI value RSSI Yes Mobile Phone Validation Device sd_ble_gap_adv_data_set() sd_ble_gap_adv_start() Connect () sd_ble_gap_adv_start() Disconnect ()

11 Packet structure 11th Feb 201511 Preamble Access Address HeaderLength Data Payload MICCRC 1 octet4 octets1 octet 0 to 33 octets 4 octets3 octets Phases of Security Set Up

12 Conclusion & Future Work 11th Feb 201512 Users do not have to go very close to the Validation Device/Reader Users can use their phone They do not have to carry a separate payment system BLE uses secured connection, enhances safety Future works Enable user to get additional information Find empty seats as the user enters the bus The times of the next few bus stops Any route diversions

13 11th Feb 201513 Thank you so much for listening to me. Student no: 336884

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