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PAVEL DOLEŽAL II Young achievers. 1.What factors are important to you in a mobile phone? What kind would you like to have, if you could? Explain. 2.What.

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Presentation on theme: "PAVEL DOLEŽAL II Young achievers. 1.What factors are important to you in a mobile phone? What kind would you like to have, if you could? Explain. 2.What."— Presentation transcript:

1 PAVEL DOLEŽAL II Young achievers

2 1.What factors are important to you in a mobile phone? What kind would you like to have, if you could? Explain. 2.What do you do with your old mobile phones? Do you remember your first one? What has changed in using mobiles for you? Have your own needs and interests changed along with the market? 3.What applications do you use in your mobile phone? Are there apps you can imagine having but don’t exist yet on the market? 4.What are the advantages and disadvantages of having integrated mobile smartphone apps and connections? Explain why. Exercise 1

3 1.The Czech Republic could be called the third year country. 2.It is much easier to sell web applications today than it was before. 3.The people behind Machinarium had to invest a lot of money in advertising. 4.The market with Internet start-up companies in the Czech republic is growing quickly. 5.Ondra Bartoš is a programmer. 6.Age plays no role when it comes to being successful in IT. 7.Facebook basically dominated all other social networks. 8.Honza Řežáb established two companies both of which went bankrupt. 9.Pepa Průša created the Socialbakers website which earned him a chapter in an O‘Reilly book. Exercise 2 Are these statements TRUE or FALSE?

4 Listen and fill in the gaps Exercise 3

5 Match the English expressions with their Czech equivalent Exercise 4

6 ROLE PLAY 1.GROUP DISCUSSION: What do you think about smart phones, iPhones, iPads, Androids, and latest developments in these technologies? What are their advantages and disadvantages? Do you own any? If not, would you like to? Explain. 2.TEAMWORK: Work in groups of 3. One of you should represent a salesperson, a typical teenager, and their parent/guardian. Develop a role play to persuade the parent to buy the teenager the latest i-technology. What arguments would both parties probably raise? Prepare a funny, unexpected ending to a short role play when the parent and teenager go to the store to buy what they agreed to. Act out in front of your classmates and choose the most clever one. Exercise 5

7 Exercise 6

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