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PRODML SIG Team and General SIG Meetings October 13-14, 2009 Schlumberger SIS Offices, Houston.

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Presentation on theme: "PRODML SIG Team and General SIG Meetings October 13-14, 2009 Schlumberger SIS Offices, Houston."— Presentation transcript:

1 PRODML SIG Team and General SIG Meetings October 13-14, 2009 Schlumberger SIS Offices, Houston

2 DOFF Program Leader Initiative PRODML Advisory Group

3 3 DOFF Leader Initiative Dec ‘08. Recognized need to reconnect with “digital oilfield of the future” (DOFF) initiatives in the energy companies. Jan ‘09. Set-up working sub-team. April 2. Europe energy company meeting. May 27. US energy company meeting. June 17. Share results and plans with SIG Early Oct. Completed high-level roadmap Next Steps: –Meetings with SIG members: service/product vendors –Apply in future work plans

4 4 Roles and Relationships

5 5 DOFF Leader Meeting Purpose Re-establish our common interest from an energy company [DOFF] perspective for an industry standard data exchange mechanism – the Energistics™ PRODML™ Standards Advise on direction and extent of PRODML [DOFF] domain coverage, and Formulate clear goals in terms of adoption by energy and service companies. 5

6 6 Participants (April 2, Rijsiwjk) Shell (host) –Jaap Van Ballegooijen –Frans Van Den Berg –Ben Weltevrede Statoil –Trond Lileng –Einar Landre –Lars Olav Grovik –Espen Halvorsen Total –Nicolas Kessler –Hervé Delesalle BP –Jeff Dickens –Liam Donohoe Energistics –Randy Clark –Alan Doniger –Robin Getty (PDS) 6

7 7 Participants (May 27, Houston) Chevron (host) –Jim Crompton –Jim Green –Bill McKenzie –Rick Morneau ExxonMobil –Mark Crawford –Cindy Reece –Russ Spahr Shell (via video) –Frans van den Berg Pioneer –Denny Bullard –Ray Flumerfelt –Tom Halbouty –Carol Tessier BP –Dave Latin –Joe Palatka Energistics –Randy Clark –Alan Doniger –Jerry Hubbard 7

8 8 Target Process Identification Identify 3 to 5 key target business use cases / processes that will benefit and receive added value from PRODML Standards. –Relevant business problems –Relevant business goals –Business capabilities to be supported by PRODML Standards to achieve the goals –Priorities and timeline milestones Future vision for energy companies and product marketplace related to successful deployment / adoption of PRODML Standards. Review additional roadmap material from Energistics / SIG. See endorsement within their organizations / DOFF programs.

9 9 9 Data IntegrationWork Flow Automation PRODML Document (XML) Entity AEntity B PRODML schemas as exchange format between entities. Data Transfer Company Data Stores PRODML Business Objects Business Application(s) PRODML schemas /web services to map data for apps & data stores, simpler workflows PRODML schemas /web services/asset model to automate business processes. App AApp B App C Company Database A Company Database B PRODML SAM* Service PRODML *SAM – Shared Asset Model All Types of PRODML Use Are Important

10 10 High-Level, Business-Oriented Roadmap Contents –Executive Summary –Vision and Priorities for PRODML Standards –Roadmap –Value Proposition –Expectations of Stakeholders –Obstacles or Barriers to Adoption –Measures of Success

11 11 Executive Summary Leaders and associates of the DOFF programs of the seven PRODML SIG energy companies met in Rijswijk on April 2 nd, 2009 and in Houston on May 27 th, 2009 to review the levels of support and progress of the PRODML Standards emerging from activities of Energistics and its PRODML SIG. They decided to reconfirm their intention to support PRODML Standards as an important strategic asset and to form a PRODML Adoption Advisory Group to develop a high-level, business-oriented Roadmap for the PRODML Standards.

12 12 Executive Summary - 2 The aim of this Roadmap is to accelerate and intensify the adoption of PRODML Standards and to provide advice that can help focus the activities of the PRODML SIG, the energy companies and the vendor companies to develop and adopt the PRODML Standards and embed in the relevant software products. The roadmap will provide focus and priorities, express the Advisory Group’s expectations and articulate the value proposition for both energy companies and service / product suppliers. The PRODML Adoption Advisory Group believes that the industry as a whole shares a set of common strategic drivers that motivate the value and quality of production operations. These include: –Increase production –Improve reservoir recovery factors –Improve safety –Improve the reliability of operations –Reduce impact of operations on the environment –Improve organizational efficiency and cost structures

13 13 Executive Summary - 3 The PRODML Adoption Advisory Group identified four key critical work processes: Optimization, Monitoring, Reporting, and Configuration Management, and four corresponding high priority focus areas for activities over the next 2+ years: –Optimize free flowing and artificial lift wells; –Monitor wells and production system for production and integrity; –Transfer production reports in a consistent manner to regulators, partners and internally within the company; –Manage configuration information in support of the other three work processes, including support for the receipt, validation, recording, viewing, and sharing of configuration information among all participating components.

14 14 Executive Summary - 4 A roadmap has been prepared that describes how PRODML Standards should provide support for these work processes, when PRODML Standards support for these work processes should become usable, and when PRODML-enabled commercial vendor products should become available for deployment and adoption by energy companies and service companies. The overall aim is to meet the challenge of achieving commercial availability of PRODML-enabled products, components and/or solutions, supporting deployments covering all four prioritized work process areas by the end of 2011. The Roadmap and additional background material will be presented to Energistics and the PRODML SIG for evaluation, further elaboration, and incorporation into the forward plans for PRODML development and release. Input and advice from the vendor SIG members is expected to ensure that timelines and functional scope are realistic and achievable.

15 15 Vision and Priorities GOALS –PRODML Standards will provide a technical architecture and specifications for the transfer and synchronization of production data within and between companies that will enable the energy companies to: Optimize well and asset production; Monitor wells and facilities for production, integrity and reliability; Transfer production reports in a standard format to regulators, partners and internally within the company; Enhance the productivity of the business professionals through workflows where the low value steps are automated; Base analyses on consistent, up-to-date models and real- time data in all systems.

16 16 Vision and Priorities - 2 Key Critical Work Processes for the coming 2 years –To focus the initial developments by vendors and establish a common PRODML basis, the following priority items were selected: Optimize free flowing and artificial lift wells; Monitor wells and production system for production and integrity; Transfer production reports in a standard format to regulators, partners and internally within the company; Manage configuration information in support of the other three work processes, including support for the receipt, validation, recording, viewing, and sharing of configuration information among all participating components.

17 17 Vision and Priorities - 3 Measure of Success –The overall aim is to meet the challenge of achieving commercial availability of PRODML-enabled products, components and/or solutions, supporting deployments covering all four prioritized work process areas by the end of 2011.

18 18 Vision and Priorities - 4 Solution Components –Technically, this requires that the following be confirmed and/or developed in and for the PRODML Standards: XML schema specifications to support the transfer of production information (e.g. production volume report, well test, etc.); Software Web Services interfaces able to send and receive information consistent with the PRODML XML schema specifications; A single point of entry and support for automated synchronization of configuration data and model updates to support new or modified wells; A standard format expressed in XML schema specifications for asset component configuration information and the software Web Services interfaces to query this information.

19 19 Roadmap The Advisory Group’s high-level roadmap shows: –A target to identify specific requirements for enhanced and/or additional capabilities in the PRODML Standards needed to support the four key critical work processes no later than Q1 of 2010. –A target for completion of development of new releases of the PRODML Standards specifications with support for the four key critical work processes during the second half of 2010. It is understood that the scope, nature, and timing of these releases will depend on the specific requirements identified (above) and other considerations necessary to maintain and resource PRODML Standards development work. –A target for incremental, minor releases of the PRODML Standards specifications based on actual experience from energy companies and service/supplier companies by the end of Q2 of 2011. Over time, standards development work plans should highlight the additional capabilities to become available each year.

20 20 Roadmap The Advisory Group’s high-level roadmap shows: –A target for the availability of commercial and in-house software components enabled for the four key critical work processes using the then current PRODML Standards of the second half of 2011. –A target for revising and extending the Roadmap in Q4 of each year beginning with 2010 to account for actual experience and to extend the requirements for key critical work processes out for the following 2 to 3 years. Following each annual update cycle, the updated Roadmap can be used to review and revise standards work plans and consequently vendor product plans and energy company plans. The Roadmap is illustrated over the initial two year period 2010-11 and the subsequent two year period 2012-13. Detailed processes are shown in each case with higher priority processes appearing in the initial two year period. This is illustration purposes only pending the development of PRODML Standards work plan by Energistics and the SIG.

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23 23 Process Framework The Advisory Group participated in the development of a detailed process framework, aligned with the Energistics Business Process Reference Model, to cover the relevant areas of asset management and production operations. Each of the four key critical work processes correspond to subsets of detailed processes from the framework, as presented in the following lists.

24 Optimize Free Flowing and Artificial Lift Wells 3. Optimize Well Production: Optimize single well production 1 Optimize multiple well production 1 Optimize produced fluids 1 – Considering well / production system flow rate constraints 2. Optimize Multiple Well Flow: Optimize multiple gas lift well flow Optimize multiple natural lift well flow 1. Optimize Single Well Flow: Optimize single gas lift well flow Optimize single natural lift well flow Optimize single artificial lift (other) well flow

25 Monitor Well & Production Systems 3. Monitor Additional Factors: Monitor facility events, alarms and alerts Monitor equipment health Monitor export pipeline Monitor facility integrity Well flow assurance 2. Monitor Flowpath Production, Injection & Integrity: Monitor flowpath production Monitor flowpath injection Monitor well integrity 1. Monitor Basic Flowpath Information: Monitor flowpath instrumentation Monitor adhoc flowpath observation Monitor inflow/drainage area and performance Monitor flowpath events and alerts

26 Report Production 3. Report to Nigeria + Russian Regulators: Report to Nigeria regulator Report to Russia regulator 2. Report to US + UK Regulators: Report to the US regulator Report to UK regulator 1. Use Currently Available Reporting Capabilities: Report daily production and well status Report production activity Report operational HSE Report to partners (daily + monthly) Report to Norway regulator

27 Manage Well Configuration 2. Interrogate Models for Optimization + Synchronize Data: Synchronizing flowpath network with well models Synchronizing well configuration data Interrogating models for optimization 1. Interrogate Models for Monitoring+ Capture Well Configuration Data: Interrogate models for well monitoring Interrogating models for production system monitoring Capturing vendor/service company well configuration data

28 28 Value Propositions Energistics and the PRODML SIG are delivering unique standards to support information exchange in the E&P industry. Adoption of these standards by energy companies and support of these standards by vendor software will: –Allow energy companies to leverage their investment in highly instrumented fields to enable new capabilities for automation and optimization that would otherwise be impossible or difficult to achieve. –Reduce the cost of information exchange between software within an operating company and between operating companies, partners, contractors, and regulatory authorities. –Reduce the cost of replacing/substituting software in order to benefit from improved functionality.

29 29 Value Propositions - 2 By providing strategic guidance and direction for the PRODML Standards, the PRODML SIG member energy and service/supplier companies, the DOFF leaders, and their programs in the energy companies, are helping to ensure that they will be: –Leveraging the full potential of automation and optimization from their investments in advanced field instrumentation. –Improving the opportunity to reduce the costs of information management in the production domain in a systemic manner. –Using effectively the limited resources from the PRODML SIG members by avoiding the potential that they may develop standards for which the industry as a whole has little demand. –Improving the chances of having standards in areas where high costs are being incurred or where significant value can be released. –Avoiding unnecessary internal costs to develop internal standards and/or develop proprietary solutions for software integration.

30 30 Value Propositions - 3 The value of applying strategic guidance and advice for the PRODML Standards to vendors includes: –Simplified methods to provide software as Plug and Play components With PRODML connectivity, tools from a vendor can be more easily integrated within the IT architecture of the Oil and Gas Operator companies. This will reduce the hurdle for adoption of the vendor’s software and hence increase its likelihood. –Lower costs of maintaining the vendor’s software suite. The vendor needs to maintain the PRODML-enabled compliant software components or at least PRODML-enabled connector(s), but is shielded from the need to develop and maintain components or connectors separately for each energy company.

31 31 Expectations of Stakeholders The PRODML Advisory Group hopes that vendors and energy companies will take constructive steps to deploy and adopt the PRODML standards by considering some or all of the following follow-up actions.

32 32 Expectations of Stakeholders - 2 Energy companies should: –Propose and commit on a plan to adopt standards, such as the PRODML Standards, as part of their business practices in different geographical areas or on dedicated joint ventures. –Define/approve the content of the information that has to be exchanged including lists of modeling result types, model result request types, and the scopes of data/information transfers required to interrogate and exchange modeling results. –Prioritize the proposed data/information transfer requirements and commit on a time schedule and plan to adopt the resulting PRODML Standards. –Request vendors to provide information using the PRODML Web Services interfaces and XML schema specifications and to accept information using the PRODML interfaces and schema specifications. –Implement infrastructure and systems based on the PRODML interfaces and schema specifications. –Identify assets or enabling infrastructure initiatives where the PRODML Standards could be deployed and operating by a defined time.

33 33 Expectations of Stakeholders - 3 Service companies should: –Develop capabilities in their commercial software products to publish or collect data via the defined PRODML interfaces and schema specifications. –Develop capabilities in their commercial software modeling products (reservoir, well and facility modeling software) to enable: External triggering of new modeling activities based on a request defining the conditions to be simulated. Interrogation/communication of simulation results by application software through the PRODML-enabled components or connectors and using the PRODML interfaces and schema specifications. Ability to respond to modeling requests by sending its own requests for up- to-date data (e.g. real time pressures), with the relevant data identified by the modeling software as needed to carry out the requested simulation under the prescribed conditions. –Offer support for the PRODML version of the DTS specifications, which succeed the original DTS specifications published within the WITSML Standards. –Develop capabilities in their commercial software products to publish or collect data using the PRODML Standards.

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