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26 - April 2007, New Dheli PILAR GALINDO Software Developer EMMA LUCIA RIVERA Colombia BCH Manager Alexander von Humboldt Institute Bogotá, Colombia Progress.

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Presentation on theme: "26 - April 2007, New Dheli PILAR GALINDO Software Developer EMMA LUCIA RIVERA Colombia BCH Manager Alexander von Humboldt Institute Bogotá, Colombia Progress."— Presentation transcript:

1 26 - April 2007, New Dheli PILAR GALINDO Software Developer EMMA LUCIA RIVERA Colombia BCH Manager Alexander von Humboldt Institute Bogotá, Colombia Progress and technical issues related to implementation of the Colombian BCH

2 CONTENT BCH: Biosafety Project - WB-GEF-Colombian Government Colombia BCH advances Constraints on making information available Progress and technical issues related to implementation of the Colombian BCH

3 “Capacity strengthening for the Implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety in Colombia” Project components Strengthening the legislative framework and operational mechanisms for Biosafety management in Colombia. Capacity strengthening and establishment of an operational system for risk assessment and monitoring. Establishment of the Biosafety Database System and BCH Mechanism in Colombia. Centers of Excellence for Research, Risk Assessment and Monitoring. MAVDT, MADR, MPS, MCIT, DNP, ICA, INVIMA, COLCIENCIAS, CIAT, IAvH Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Development Ministry of Social Protection MPS Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Farming Colombian Institute Ministry of Trade, Industry and Tourism Institute for Monitoring Medicines and Foods Ministry of External Relations (CP Focal Point)International Center for Tropical Agriculture Alexander von Humboldt InstituteNational Department of Planning Colombian Institute for the Development of Science and Technology "Francisco Jose de Caldas” BCH Component in the Project WB-GEF-Colombian Government*

4 Progress and technical issues related to implementation of the Colombian BCH CONTENT BCH Objective in the Project WB-GEF-Colombian Government Colombia BCH characteristics Constraints on making information available

5 Colombian BCH To choose the Nationals Authorized Users for each CNA To establish infrastructure and human team. AvHI as NFP To design the web site and to define services according to national needs To establish alliance with other information systems available in Colombia like CHM and BIS To identify the available information and its conditions Activities done to put the Colombian BCH on line To establish communication with Competent National Authorities - CNA Workshop in Curitiba (March 2006) Workshop in Colombia (Aug 2006) UNEP-GEF Regional specialist for Latin- American

6 Colombian BCH: -Cartagena Protocol -Biosafety in Colombia -Competent National Authorities -National legislation -Projects -News -WB-GEF- project components -Researchers catalog -Content management -Among others…

7 What do we use on the development process? Colombian BCH Integrated Development Environment: debugging, project management, building and deploying You can use also: NetBeans, JBuilder, WebSphere Studio or JDeveloper Graphic design tool to create web sites / Internet applications You can use also: FrontPage Visual Data base administration: create backups, administrate data bases, change tables and attributes, establish relational rules, etc. You can use also: MySQL, Sybase Application server to run the application and make it available through the web

8 Where the Colombian BCH runs? Linux server with Red hat distribution JBoss as Application server PostgreSQL as Data base manager JAVA as programming language: JSP and Servlets JDBC access AXIS Java API to use the WebService Colombian BCH Common Formats are currently available in Spanish, ready to be used by the Competent National Authorities

9 Human team: Software developer Coordinator National Biosafety Project Hardware infrastructure: Server PC for development and testing process AvHI Data Center Time: 1 year, 1/2 Resources needed

10 It was developed on Java using the Model View Controller pattern, where: - The Controller is in charge of receiving the entry events and to manage the application flow. This delegates the HTTP requests to the proper manager - The Model represent the BCH’s logic - The View is composed of JSPs, which shows the HTML forms and data Colombian BCH Application server

11 PostgreSQL Data Base Connection It works through Data Access Object (DAO) concept to: To get and encapsulate the data source access, unlinking the BCH logic from data The DAO establishes the connection with the DB Manager to get and keep the data DAO allows: To create reusable implementations To give installation flexibility/configuration To reduce the complexity of the BCH logic implementation But… It increases application design complexity, since it is necessary to create more classes

12 Web Service comunication It has established communication with Central BCH set cla=C:/jboss-4.0.2/server/default/deploy/axis-1_4/lib/ 1. java -cp %cla%/axis.jar; %cla%/log4j-1.2.8.jar; %cla%/saaj.jar; %cla%/wsdl4j-1.5.1.jar; %cla%/commons-logging-1.0.4.jar; %cla%/commons-discovery-.2.jar; %cla%/; %cla%/jaxrpc.jar org.apache.axis.wsdl.WSDL2Java AXIS component to understand WSDL files AXIS: Apache Extensible Interaction System - OpenSource implementation of SOAP which provides web service tools SOAP: Simple Object Access Protocol Web-Service Description Language, URI which enables the Central BCH to publish its WebService, and allows the clients to call its methods/operations

13 Colombian BCH When you run this instruction you get this classes:

14 User roles

15 Record states

16 Registration process Central BCH

17 Progress and technical issues related to implementation of the national BCH CONTENT BCH Objective in the Project WB-GEF-Colombian Government Useful features in the BCH Central Portal Constraints on making information available

18 There is a lack of documentation to register Information (User level) Sometimes it is difficult to know which information has to be put in each category of information. Is difficult to find information of filled formats (as examples) in some categories of information Constrains on making information available

19 There is a lack of documentation for the software developers There is no way to reach to documentation page: Constrains on making information available

20 There is a lack of documentation for the software developers: (Programmer level): A software developer doesn’t know the steps that he has to implement. To register a Law, you have to register first the National Competent Authority AND keep the ID that you give to it, link this with the law register. We needs the game rules. Constrains on making information available Law WS registration Step1: National Competent Authority NCA - WS registration ID - NCA Step2: Law - WS registration A country can’t assume that costs

21 There is a lack of documentation for the software developers: (Programmer level): The XSD published for the Web Services don't match with the XML files you have to send. It is difficult to know what to write on the XML tags for sending them. Constrains on making information available

22 (cont): There is a lack of documentation for the software developer The description of the mechanisms for interoperability with the BCH is not very clear Constrains on making information available The XSD does not exist to create this file. Colombia doesn’t find this sintaxis through the Central Portal, but with the direct help of the UNEP-GEF.

23 There is a lack to register Information: In the Central Portal BCH there is more than one unique identifier for the same LMO (Example). In the OECD page there is only one register for each LMO.Example Constrains on making information available Mechanism for avoiding the duplication of registers of new LMO´s unique identifier, by giving the existing list for selection and not giving the possibility of new text entry.

24 There is a lack of documentation for the software developers: (Programmer level): There are different Web Services versions and the toolkit does not show the differences between them. There is not a standardized database model to help avoid misunderstandings of the software developers. Constrains on making information available

25 There are inconsistencies in the documentation: Sometimes the BCH give a guide to build the information IDs ( s/register.shtml), but it doesn’t give a standard route “The IDs must be universally unique. We encourage organization to include their domain name in the IDs (e.g. or”. Constrains on making information available

26 There is a lack of tools for implementation of the national application with its requirements: The Central Portal BCH offers the Thesaurus XML files for building the formats and each term has associated an identifier (A1DB53EB-7015-4f60-910C-F226B012A37C). It is not clear how this identifier was built, neither if this identifier should be used in the national applications. Constrains on making information available

27 Detailed documentation To improve the Central BCH forums Conclusions


29 Volver Atrás Multiple register for the same Unique Identifier In Central Portal BCH

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