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CHIEF MILITARY PERSONNEL | CHEF - PERSONNEL MILITAIRE 1 Integrated Personnel Support Center (IPSC) Support Platoon (Soldier care is all we do) MWO Kevin.

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1 CHIEF MILITARY PERSONNEL | CHEF - PERSONNEL MILITAIRE 1 Integrated Personnel Support Center (IPSC) Support Platoon (Soldier care is all we do) MWO Kevin Lamorie Platoon Comd IPSC Petawawa


3 CHIEF MILITARY PERSONNEL | CHEF - PERSONNEL MILITAIRE IPSC SUPPORT PLATOON DEFINITIONS Joint Personnel Support Unit (JPSU) Integrated Personnel Support Centre (IPSC) Directorate of Casualty Support Management ( DCSM) Director Military Careers Administration (DMCA) Administrative Review (AR)

4 CHIEF MILITARY PERSONNEL | CHEF - PERSONNEL MILITAIRE IPSC SUPPORT PLATOON PURPOSE To provide gainful employment, enhanced administrative and service support to personnel posted to the IPSC. Provide sufficient time and an atmosphere where personnel can focus solely on their illness/injury thus aiding in their recovery. Assist Commanding Officers in maintaining the operational readiness of their unit.

5 CHIEF MILITARY PERSONNEL | CHEF - PERSONNEL MILITAIRE IPSC SUPPORT PLATOON AIM The aim of a posting to the JPSU/IPSC is to improve the coordination and facilitation of the delivery of standardized, high quality, seamless consistent care. Allow wounded, injured and ill CF members the opportunity to reintegrate back to their occupation or transition into civilian life and employment.

6 CHIEF MILITARY PERSONNEL | CHEF - PERSONNEL MILITAIRE IPSC SUPPORT PLATOON POSTING SOMEONE TO IPSC SP PL Coordinated effort between mbr, MO (BSurg) and unit. –MO will advise the mbr that their recovery may be a long process so a posting to the IPSC Sp Pl will afford them the best opportunity to recover, or –Often the mbr will request a posting to the IPSC, or –The CO determines that for operational reasons and the need to fill a specific position, posting an ill or injured mbr is necessary. –The main point here is that the process can be initiated by the mbr, the MO or the CoC. But the CO is the final authority. This is a medical holding unit not a dumping ground for administrative and disciplinary problems

7 CHIEF MILITARY PERSONNEL | CHEF - PERSONNEL MILITAIRE IPSC SUPPORT PLATOON POSTING CONT’D The IPSC SP PL is set up very much the same as an Infantry Coy c/w a Pl Comd, Pl WO and Section Comds. Once posted to the IPSC SP PL the Mbr is assigned to a Section and introduced to their Sect Comd. We ensure they completely clear out of their old unit and clear into ours. Our admin staff complete a purge of their PERs file to ensure everything is up to date ie. NOK form, cease of LDA, etc. The mbr is informed there are 3 COA while posted to this unit, they are: –Full recovery and return to their occupation (not necessarily posted back to the unit from whence they came); –A COT; –Transition to civilian life. The mbr is reminded that they continue to be subject to the Code of Service Discipline and must conduct themselves accordingly or suffer the consequences. (Charge, Remedial Measures etc). This unit is not a free ride. The mbr is then introduced to all service providers applicable to their individual needs.

8 CHIEF MILITARY PERSONNEL | CHEF - PERSONNEL MILITAIRE SERVICE PARTNERS IPSC Service providers available at the IPSC: –RTW Coordinator (who doubles as their client svcs rep) –Family Liaison Officer –CF Chaplain Svcs –CF Case Mgt Svcs –OSSIS Peer and Family Support Coordinator –Veterans Affairs Canada –PBSO –Royal Canadian Legion IPSC Service providers available in the area –SISIP –Regional Adaptive Fitness Specialist (PSP) –Other Services as necessary IPSC SUPPORT PLATOON

9 CHIEF MILITARY PERSONNEL | CHEF - PERSONNEL MILITAIRE IPSC SUPPORT PLATOON COAs Once the mbr is cleared into the IPSC a plan is put into place to determine the best COA for the mbr, strictly adhering to the mbrs MELs. This may include; –At home on sick leave, –Employment back at their unit under a modified work schedule, –Employment at another unit under a modified work schedule, –Employment off base with a local civilian employer (last resort and only in extreme circumstances), and –If mbr is posted to IPSC SP PL strictly for VRPSM then wherever their approved plan places them.

10 CHIEF MILITARY PERSONNEL | CHEF - PERSONNEL MILITAIRE IPSC SUPPORT PLATOON POSTING FROM THE IPSC SP PL (fit full duties) Once the mbr is deemed fit by the BSurg, a letter recommending a posting from the IPSC is sent from the JPSU to the CM of the ill and injured. Liaison between the ill and injured CM and the Occupational CM is made and the mbr is posted. Not necessarily posted from where they came. The process is the same as any other CF posting.

11 CHIEF MILITARY PERSONNEL | CHEF - PERSONNEL MILITAIRE IPSC SUPPORT PLATOON POSTING FROM THE IPSC SP PL (to another IPSC) On rare occasions it is necessary to post mbrs between IPSCs for medical reasons. Must be fully substantiated by the medical system. Only granted if care is not available in current location. The IPSC is a “medical holding unit” so CCM and Compassionate postings are not normally entertained. (if a mbr is in this process prior to a posting to the IPSC then please allow that process to take it’s course prior to recommending a posting to the IPSC) Postings between IPSCs are handled like any other CF posting (Brookfield etc).

12 CHIEF MILITARY PERSONNEL | CHEF - PERSONNEL MILITAIRE IPSC SUPPORT PLATOON RELEASE PROCESS Once DMCA determines that a mbr may not meet UofS an advisory msg AR/MEL is received. The mbr may elect to waive the disclosure process and request in writing a quick decision. In this case a decision will be rendered and a release msg cut. If the AR determines that a 3B release is warranted than a disclosure msg is sent to the mbr at which time the mbr is given the opportunity to make representations c/w a request for retention if so desired. If retention is not possible then a msg will normally be received within 8 weeks with a release date approximately 6 mths down the road. Mbr will be given the opportunity and assisted with an application for VRPSM if desired.

13 CHIEF MILITARY PERSONNEL | CHEF - PERSONNEL MILITAIRE General Points Throughout a mbrs posting to the IPSC the mbrs former CoC will be informed of relevant information and the mbrs recovery as requested (normally through watch list meetings). Ensure that all disciplinary issues involving the mbr are dealt with prior to requesting a posting to the IPSC (postings have and will be denied). The IPSC is a medical holding unit not a depository for mbrs who are administrative and disciplinary burdens. Medal presentations and other forms of recognition are presented as requested by the mbr. The IPSC endeavours to have former unit complete presentations if at all possible. Please advise the IPSC of upcoming unit events so former mbrs can be informed thus avoiding embarrassment to all involved and the possibility of ministerial enquiries.


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