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To Georges P Vanier School Home of the Lynx I suddenly have this urge to join Late French Immersion… Do it….

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Presentation on theme: "To Georges P Vanier School Home of the Lynx I suddenly have this urge to join Late French Immersion… Do it…."— Presentation transcript:

1 To Georges P Vanier School Home of the Lynx I suddenly have this urge to join Late French Immersion… Do it….

2  What is Late French Immersion?  What are the advantages and requirements of the program?  Why is GPV the place to be?  How do I sign up?!

3  French immersion program for Grade 7 students with no prior knowledge of French  4 Core subjects taught in French (FLA, Math, Science and Social Studies)  Program covers the outcomes of the regular programs of study with adapted resources.

4  Creative and critical thinker  Looking for a challenge  Wants to learn French!  Strong family involvement and support  Good looking (in that funny teenage way) and nice (when they feel like it)

5 You don’t need to be an A+ student, but you DO need…  Good attention skills  Good listening skills  Good organizational habits  Good work ethic & study habits  Enthusiasm for learning French!  A willingness to learn and take risks

6  Develops learning & listening skills  Increases cognitive abilities & critical thinking skills  Improves skills in your first language  Gives you skills for future language learning  Opens doors for the future (jobs, education etc)

7  Use words that are similar to words in English (ex: question, conclusion, evaluation)  Build on vocabulary and familiar words/phrases  Information is adapted  Use of visual aids, mime, gestures, speak slowly, use simple language and routines  After school tutorial is available

8  Immersion students are mixed in grade 9 Fluency in French (proficiency depends on effort)  Authentic Experiences (Movies, food, games, field trip to Quebec)  Can receive a DELF certificate  Can continue studies in French Immersion (Aberhart, Western)  Bilingual certificate after grade 12  Eligible to challenge the French 20/30 exams  Eligible for Bursaries after High School

9  Students can continue their studies in French Immersion (Aberhart, Western)  Bilingual certificate after grade 12  Students can challenge the French 20/30 exams  Students will be eligible for Bursaries after High School

10  450 students, 5 programs  Hours: 8:15-14:39  Cafeteria – healthy! (no pop, no beer, no wine)  Great Band program!  Field Trips!  France Exchange!

11  Many fantastic Option courses!  We make the Grade 7 transition easy! (same teacher for math/science and language/social studies)  Our PAT results are competitive!  Staff is funny (looking), young (at heart) and they got the moves (like Jagger)

12  More than 200 computers 1:2 computer to student ratio 2-3 computers in every classroom  Teacher websites (D2L)  3 computer labs + mobile lab  Smartboard in every classroom  Camcorders, cameras, ipads Projects

13 We are a Bus Receiver school for these areas : Beddington Heights Cambrian Heights Capital Hills (east of 14 st) Country Hills / Village Evanston Greenview Harvest Hills Highwood Huntington Hills Kincora Mount Pleasant North Haven Panorama (incl Hanson Ridge) Queenspark Village MacEwan Glen Rosedale Rosemont Sage Hill Sandstone Valley Thorncliffe City Transit for : Bridgeland, Crescent Heights, Highland Park, Hillhurst (east of 14 st), Mount View, Renfrew, Riverside, Tuxedo Park, Winston Heights

14  Ask for our registration package!  February 28 th is the official registration deadline but you can do it tonight!! (you know you want to!)  Letter of acceptance and other information will be sent home to you  Open House February 21 st @ 6:00 pm  School Tour for Grade 6 students March 7 th

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