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Cigarettes Types of Tobacco:
Cured and finely cut tobacco rolled in a paper. Cigarettes usually have a filter on the end. More than 4,000 different chemicals have been found in tobacco and tobacco smoke. Among these are more than 60 chemicals that are known to cause cancer.
Smokeless Tobacco The two main types of smokeless tobacco in the United States are chewing tobacco and snuff Although some forms of snuff can be used by sniffing or inhaling into the nose, most smokeless tobacco users place the product in their cheek or between their gum and cheek. Smokeless tobacco contains 28 cancer-causing agents (carcinogens). Examples: Snuff, Snus, Spit tobacco, Dip, Chew
Cigars and Cigarillos Cigars contain higher level of nicotine than cigarettes. For those cigar smokers who inhale, the nicotine is absorbed through the lungs as quickly as it is with cigarettes. For those who do not inhale, the nicotine is absorbed more slowly through the lining of the mouth. Little cigars or cigarillos are very similar in size and shape of cigarettes, have filters and are filled with pipe tobacco. Little cigars are often flavored (e.g., chocolate, cherry, apple, mango).
Pipes Pipes are often reusable and consist of a chamber or bowl, stem and mouthpiece. Tobacco is placed into the bowl and lit. The smoke is than drawn through the stem and mouthpiece and inhaled.
Electronic Cigarettes or E- cigarettes
The e-cigarette is a battery-powered device that contains a cartridge filled with nicotine, flavor and other chemicals. The e-cigarette turns the nicotine and other chemicals into a vapor that is then inhaled by the user. The user will puff on it, similar to a cigarette, and receive a vaporized solution of propylene glycol/nicotine. Recent studies by the FDA show that the e-cigarette contains known carcinogens and toxic chemicals that are harmful to the user.
Hookah Hookah is a pipe used to smoke Shisha, a combination of tobacco and fruit or vegetable that is heated and the smoke is filtrated through water. According to a World Health Organization advisory, a typical one-hour session of hookah smoking exposes the user to 100 to 200 times the volume of smoke inhaled from a single cigarette. Hookah smoking also delivers significant levels of nicotine — the addictive substance in tobacco.
Dissolvable Tobacco This type of tobacco is finely processed to dissolve on the tongue or in the mouth. Varieties include strips, sticks, orbs and compressed tobacco lozenges. They are smoke and spit free, are held together by food-grade binders and look similar to a breath mint or candy. This product does contain nicotine.
Bidis Bidis (pronounced "bee-dees") are small, thin hand-rolled cigarettes imported to the United States primarily from India and other Southeast Asian countries. They have higher concentrations of nicotine, tar, and carbon monoxide than conventional cigarettes sold in the United States, so are even more addictive than cigarettes. Bidis are carcinogenic.
Kreteks Kreteks (pronounced "cree-techs") are sometimes referred to as clove cigarettes. As with bidis, standardized machine-smoking analyses indicate that kreteks deliver more nicotine, carbon monoxide, and tar than conventional cigarettes.
Lung Activity
Effects of Tobacco on the body.
Short-Term Brain Chemistry changes:
The addictive substance causes the body to want more of the drug. The user may experience withdrawal symptoms. Respiration and heart rate increase: Breathing during physical activities becomes difficult Endurance decreased Nicotine may cause irregular heart rate
Short-Term Taste buds are dulled and appetite reduced:
You lose your ability to enjoy some foods Users have bad breath, yellowed teeth, and smelly hair, skin, and clothes: These effects can become permanent over continued use.
Long-Term Chronic Bronchitis: Emphysema:
Cilia in bronchi become damaged and useless Creates a build up of tar in the lungs Chronic coughing and excessive mucus secretion Emphysema: A disease that destroys the tin air sacs in the lungs Air sacs become less elastic, making it more difficult for the lungs to absorb oxygen. Barrel-chested people Advanced emphysema patients use up to 80% of their energy just to breathe
Long-Term Lung Cancer: Coronary heart disease and stroke:
Cilia and bronchi are destroyed, and extra mucus cannot be expelled. Cancerous cells multiply, and move to the lungs Almost 90% of lung cancer deaths are caused by smoking. Coronary heart disease and stroke: Nicotine constricts the blood vessels, which cuts down blood flow to the body’s limbs. Nicotine contributes to plaque build up in the blood vessels, which leads to hardened arteries (arteriosclerosis). Arteries become clogged, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke.
Long-term A weakened immune system:
Long-term tobacco use makes the body more vulnerable to disease.
Surgeon General’s Warning
Other Consequences: Costs to Society: Cost to individuals:
Tobacco related illnesses cost the US about $165 billion a year. Productivity suffers when smokers call in for tobacco-related illnesses Cost to individuals: 1 pack a day=$1500 a year Legal Consequences: Selling tobacco to minors is illegal Tobacco usage on school property can lead to suspension or explusion.
Health Risks to others Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS):
Secondhand smoke- air that has been contaminated by smoke Contains more than 4000 chemical compounds 3,000 deaths a year from lung cancer Mainstream smoke: The smoke exhaled from the lungs of a smoker Sidestream Smoke: The smoke from the burning end of a cigarette, pipe, or cigar More dangerous than mainstream smoke
Health risks to Unborn Children and infants
Smoking during pregnancy is harmful to the fetus Carbon Monoxide reduces the oxygen levels in the blood of the mother and fetus Smoking during pregnancy can lead to: Impaired fetal growth, spontaneous miscarriage, prenatal death, premature delivery, low birth weight, deformities, stillbirths, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Health risks to young children
Secondhand smoke can slow lung development. Children who live with smokers tend to have weaker lungs than children of non-smokers Children of smokers usually have: Severe asthma attacks, ear infections, respiratory tract infections, sore throats, Children learn by example
Drug Time Period 8th- Graders 10th- Graders 12th- Graders
2012 Monitoring the Future (MTF) Study: for 8th-Graders, 10th-Graders, and 12th-Graders (in percent)* Drug Time Period 8th- Graders 10th- Graders 12th- Graders Cigarettes (any use) Lifetime [15.5] [27.7] 39.5 Past Month [4.9] 10.8 17.1 Daily 1.9 5 9.3 1/2 pack +/day 0.6 1.5 4 Smokeless Tobacco 8.1 15.4 17.4 2.8 6.4 7.9 0.5 2 3.2
How do you feel?
Media effects svc
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Assignment: Write a paragraph based on how the media’s portrayal of tobacco affects you or others around you. Give evidence of these effects in your paragraph. Write at least 5 sentences.
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