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By: Chuck Purcell Intended For:College and Highschool Level Students.

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2 By: Chuck Purcell Intended For:College and Highschool Level Students

3 What they want you to think: Smoking is sophisticated Smoking is “cool” It won’t affect you unless you smoke allot. Light cigarettes are less bad for you.

4 The Truth Cigarettes are responsible for 30 percent of overall cancer deaths Smoking negatively impacts blood flow to the extremities Smoking is responsible for a host of respiratory conditions Smoking is directly linked to one-third of all heart disease- related deaths Light cigarettes are just as deadly as regular ones.

5 Statistics 20 percent of U.S. adults smoke cigarettes Smoking kills about 443,000 people every year 1 out of every 5 deaths in the United States. It is the leading cause of non accident related deaths

6 Diseases and Cancers Lung cancer Cancer of the mouth Cancer of the throat Cancer of the larynx Cancer of the oesophagus Stomach cancer Kidney cancer Cancer of the bladder Cancer of the pancreas Liver cancer Cancer of the penis Cancer of the anus Cervical cancer Prostate cancer

7 Diseases and Cancers Cont’d Heart attack Coronary heart disease Cardiovascular disease Congestive heart failure Stroke Peripheral artery disease Diabetes Asthma Leukaemia High blood pressure Chronic bronchitis Pneumonia

8 Why it’s Addictive: Nicotine Naturally found in the leaves of tobacco plants Absorbed in lungs,blood,skin,etc. Burst of acetylcholine production gives the the brain and body a substantial boost of energy. Increase in dopamine cause both a euphoric high, as well as an upswing in mood. Glutamate is responsible for the mind's ability to both learn and concentrate

9 Black Lungs From Smoking

10 Smoking and Pregnancy Smoking during pregnancy could lead to: Low birth weights Childhood hyperactivity Improper fetal development Still births/miscarriage Increase risk for SID’s Respitory complications

11 Secondhand Smoking Passive smoking could lead to: 1. Higher risk of developing lung cancer or heart disease. 2. 800 deaths a year are caused from exposure to secondhand smoke 3. Exposure just as deadly as actually smoking, carrying the same negative effects 4. In men, it can cause incompetency.

12 Anti-Smoking Campaign


14 Reasons People Smoke I like smoking It relaxes me It helps me concentrate I'm addicted to nicotine I smoke when I'm bored, stressed, angry I smoke when I'm out with friends I smoke because my partner smokes I smoke to give me confidence I smoke out of habit I don't want to put on weight if I give up I smoke when I am lonely

15 Quitting: Strategies Make a list of reasons to stop. Set date to start quitting Devise a quit plan

16 Ways to Cope with Cravings Take up a new hobby, preferably one that will keep your hands busy Join the gym or attend exercise or dance classes Go for a walk around the block Talk to a friend on the phone Drink a glass of water or juice Read your list of reasons for giving up Chew chewing gum Eat glucose tablets, which as said to be very effective against cravings Clean your teeth and use a mouthwash after each meal Have a relaxing bath Write a letter or send an email Do a crossword puzzle Take a few deep breaths and think about what you are doing

17 Additional Help Smoking cessation groups Niccotine patch or gum Or ask a primary health care professional

18 Smoke Free Air Act Written to elliminate soking indoors Must be a given distance away from public buildings based on the type of building Offenders penalized by law No smoking in food serving establishments

19 Long Term Effects Long term smoking can lead to: Bronchitis Lung cancer Asthma Respitory Complications Death

20 So Is it Worth It?

21 Resources smoking-effects.html smoking-effects.html ts/health_effects/effects_cig_smoking/ ts/health_effects/effects_cig_smoking/

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