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Comparative Literature/

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1 Comparative Literature/

2 Definition Comparative literature can be simply defined as the study of texts across cultures. It’s said to be interdisciplinary. It’s concerned with patterns of connection in literatures across both time and space.

3 Source Studies Tracing, for example, Shakespeare’s source materials through Latin or Spanish ones. Borrowing from other writers

4 Appearance of the Term In 1816, a series of French anthologies entitled cours de litterature comparee used for teaching literature were published. From that time and on, comparative literature carried this name. In 1857, Matthew Arnold mentioned the term in the plural form “ comparative literatures” in a lecture at Oxford. 1854, the term first appeared in Germany when it was mentioned in a book by Moriz Carriere.

5 A discipline or a field of study ?
It has been clearly debatable whether comparative literature is a discipline or is it simply a field of study. (crises of CL) Rene Wellek In her book, Bassnett frankly mentions that comparative lit. is a field of study. According to Croce, it is neither a subject nor a separate discipline.

6 From his point of view, comparative literature is a process since he considered it as a process of exploring alterations and developments of literary ideas across literatures.

7 Who is the comparatist? There are some nice definitions of the comparatist: While art is generally thought of as an instrument of universal harmony, the comparatist is simply the one who is responsible for disseminating that harmony. comparatively speaking, the comparatist resembles an “international ambassador working on the comparative literatures of united nations.”

8 Theory or Practice Harry Levin complained that we spend far too much of our energy talking about the theory and not enough in comparing the literature’ In the late 1970s new programmes in CL began to emerge in China, Japan and other Asian countries.

9 Comparative Literature and Nationalism
In India, comparative literature has been “used to assert the national cultural identity.” A shift of perspective took place there. While it used to start with Western literature and then look outwards, nowadays comparative literature especially in India is following a completely opposite method: starting with India’s own literature then looking outwards.

10 Terry Eaglton English Lit is in Crisis.
How should we look at other literatures written in English from all parts of the world (by Africans, or Arabs) The work of Edward Saied (orientalism) has provided critics with new vision about the Orient and the Other in postcolonial literature.

11 How to view Shakespeare or Milton?
Treat him comparatively by comparing his work with reference to Indian culture and literature. CL declining in the west but rising in the east (in India, Latin America, Africa…)due to rise of nationalism. Emergence of PCL in 1990 as another name of CL.

12 Impact of Translation Studies on CL
Translate to Arabic (activity) from Stylistics slides Relationship bet CL and translation studies. Relationship bet linguistics and semiotics Bassnette remarks that KL appears les like a discipline and more like a branch of something else.

13 How CL Came into Being First appearance of the term was in France 1816
Germany 1854 England 1848 Mathew Arnold Influence studies (influence and imitation) How to perceive influence: as borrowing or appropriation or theft. (forgery, plagiarism, attribution)

14 The Imperial Perspective
Colonial writers usually underestimate the value of other literatures, Africans, Arabs…etc. How to classify the works of African writers living in England and writing in English..a vexed question…(Altayab Saleh) Edward Fitzgerald’s attack on Persian Lit. Racist and absurd one in the eyes of our author. This reflects the superiority of western culture which is part of the politics of imperialism.

15 The paradox of early CL Cultural Colonialism was also a form of Cl where native writers were evaluated negatively in comparison. Even in Europe itself, French scholars advocate the superiority of French culture and lit. ( Cultural Chauvinism ) Establishment of Chairs of CL France (1897) and in the US at Harvard Un in A chair of CL at the Un of Colombia for Edward Saied. Journals of CL were then founded in Europe.

16 Different Schools There has come to be two obviously different schools of comparative literature: the French and the American

17 Different Schools The French school was too narrow and relied too heavily on factual evidence. It argued that Comparative literature ought to involve the study of two elements ( two different languages). Therefore, a study involving French and Germany was acceptable, but one including Beowulf and Paradise Lost was not. The French CL tended to focus more on the products of the human mind, whereas the German CL were more concerned with the roots or spirit of the nation.

18 Paul Van Tiegham tried to solve the problem of the term by distinguishing bet cl, general lit and world lit. he is in favor of the assumption that CL should involve the study of two languages……binary study bet two literatures (restricted approach) linguistic barrier….. Should we consider authors like Yeats and Shaw as English or Irish…. Wellek attacks the French schools regarding it as a cause of the crisis of CL.

19 Different Schools The American school, however, was completely different. It was a lot more liberal. Henry Remak. According to it, anything could be compared with anything else, regardless even of whether that was literature or not. Interdisciplinary and universal. Unlike the French one, the American school will even allow you to compare a poem with a song. Melting pot theory p33

20 Post-Colonial Approaches 1960
To assert two needs The need to involve politics in CL The need to start from home culture ( as a model or center of excellence) and to look outwards.

21 The decline of Classical education and the 1990 Rise of English
Decline of Greek and Latin languages . Spread of English as the new world of commerce and market place. Names of Dept of Cl in the West Concept of Placing Ibsen and Chekov in London

22 CL and Cultural Studies 1990s
Language and Culture Lit and Culture. Edward Saied and his famous book Culture and Imperialism

23 What is the comparatist’s job?
Simply speaking, a comparatist is normally expected to read the two texts to be compared. highlight the similarities find out the differences make clear the idea of influence

24 The end

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