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Findings Presentation April 29,2015 Parks and Recreation Master Plan Meridian, Idaho.

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Presentation on theme: "Findings Presentation April 29,2015 Parks and Recreation Master Plan Meridian, Idaho."— Presentation transcript:

1 Findings Presentation April 29,2015 Parks and Recreation Master Plan Meridian, Idaho

2  Process  Demographics  Survey Results  Level of Service  Key Issues  Reoccurring Themes  Preliminary Recommendations  Q & A Agenda

3 Process  Start-up  Community Input  Focus Groups  Stakeholder Meeting  MindMixer  Survey  GRASP Inventory  Level of Service Analysis  Findings Presentation  Visioning Workshop  Operational & Maintenance Analysis  Program & Other Service Provider Analysis  Organizational Analysis  Draft Plan & Presentation  Final Plan & Presentation City of Meridian, Idaho Parks and Recreation Master Plan Project Timeline 2014 - 2015 Tasks and Key MeetingsMonths DJFMAMJJAS I. Strategic Kick-Off and Determination of Critical Success Factors X Task 1: Department Values, Vision and Mission X X II. Inventory and Level of Service Analysis Task 2: Park Classification System X X Task 3: Inventory X X Task 4: Level of Service Recommendations X X III. Public Engagement Process (Task 5) X X X Statistically-Valid Survey X X IV. Recommendations and Strategic Goals (Task 6) X X X V. Strategic Action and Implementation Plan (Task 7) X X VI. Staffing and Organization (Task 8) X X VII. Urban Forestry Management Strategy (Task 9) X X VIII. Pathways Plan (Task 10) X X IX. Park Conceptual Design (Task 11) X X X. Draft and Final Plans, Presentations, and Deliverables X

4 Focus Group Summary 125 Participants in 8 Focus Groups 8 Interviews 1 Town Hall Meeting

5 Demographics Summary Demographics 2014 Population82,814 Number of Households27,883 Avg. Household Size2.96 Median Age33.58 Median Household Income$59,969

6 Population Projection 10 years US Census (2000 and 2010 ) and ESRI Projections 2000 Population41,315 2010 Population75,092 2014 Estimated82,814 2019 Projected90,336 2024 Projected98,522

7 Population Projection by Age

8 Survey Results 3,500 Random Sample Surveys mailed March 20, 2015 Open Link online survey released April 6, 2015 As of April 20, 2015 Mailed survey responses 700 (20%) Open Link survey response 379 Total responses 1,079























31 Level of Service Analysis

32 Inventory & Assessment Visited and Assessed  22 Meridian Parks  217 different Components  10 Indoor Facilities  Meridian Community Center  Senior Center  City Hall  6 School Gyms (discounted)  YMCA Homecourt (discounted)  9 Alternative Providers  WARD, Boise Parks, Schools (Joint Use)  58 Components Located and Assumed Scoring  HOA’s components (typically pools, playgrounds, courts or turf/fields)  64 Components  Schools (Discounted Assumed Scores for Elementary and Middle)  63 Components Located  High Schools Included  21.8 miles of Trails  13 miles of Micro Paths

33 Inventory & Assessment

34 Data Collected in GIS  Displayed in data sheets  Map for each park

35 Inventory & Assessment Summary of Initial Assessment  High quality, well maintained parks  Well distributed parks  Definite distinction between “Community Parks” and “Neighborhood Parks”  Some parks especially “Neighborhood Parks” lack unique or identifiable character  Great restroom standards  Trail system is disconnected  Quality of HOA Parks and other Alternative Providers vary greatly  Schools are important but limited access

36 Not all parks are created equal…

37 Grasp® Analysis

38 Overall Level of Service 1 mile access Premium within ½ mile

39 Level of Service Analysis Access to a “Typical Neighborhood Park” (Champion Park or Renaissance Park) and a Trail

40 Level of Service Analysis Avoiding duplication of service…

41 Level of Service Analysis If we aren’t providing enough… are there other providers?

42 Level of Service Analysis What if we disregard ownership?… maybe a more accurate picture of resident level of service…

43 Overall Level of Service Findings  Wide variety of well distributed recreational opportunities  Overall level of service is high if accessed by an automobile  Over 75% of Meridian above threshold when considering all providers  Alternative providers are an important supplement to Meridian’s “Neighborhood” level of service

44 Walkable Level of Service 15 minute walkable access

45 Walkable Level of Service Analysis Access to a “Typical Neighborhood Park” (Champion Park or Renaissance Park) and a Trail

46 Walkable Level of Service Analysis Avoiding duplication of service…

47 Level of Service Analysis If we aren’t providing enough… are there other providers?

48 Level of Service Analysis What if we disregard ownership?… maybe a more accurate picture of resident level of service…

49 Walkable Level of Service Findings

50  Demographic analysis shows good distribution of parks where people live with 98% of 0-19 age group having walkable access to some recreation service  Heavy reliance on alternative providers for walkable neighborhood level of service in many areas  While Meridian’s “Neighborhood” Parks meet the threshold, lack of trails access keeps areas below threshold in walkability  Surprising discrepancy in average household income from North to South  Generally “no service areas” have lowest average household income

51 Trails and Recreational Connectivity  49 different segments of existing pathways currently  About 22 miles  Displayed with darker being longer length  Orange/Red  13 miles of “Micro Paths”  Pink  133 miles of proposed trails  Gray dashed  Trail Hierarchy  Park Trails  Community Trails  Regional Trails  Making Connections…  Stakeholders  Places  Trails  People  Access  Trailheads and Access Points  Map & App Resources  Public Transportation

52 Preliminary Facility Recommendations  Improve recreational connectivity through neighborhood trail connections and park “spurs”  Continue to improve level of service especially at “Neighborhood” Parks through upgrades or additional components if trails can not be added  Work with neighborhoods to create an individual identity for each neighborhood park  Work with alternative providers to increase level of service in areas Meridian doesn’t have neighborhood parks but level of service is low  Consider programming needs when adding new components to existing parks

53 Reoccurring Themes Connectivity and Pathways Maintain what we have Keep up with rapid community growth Land acquisition for future parks Indoor Recreation Facility Communication / Marketing / Technology Organizational Development / Staffing Dedicated Revenue Source

54 Programming Non-sports Activities Community-wide Special Events Aquatic Programs Teen Programs Outdoor Recreation and Adventure Programs Art in the Park Senior Programs Cultural / Preforming Arts Programs

55 Questions? Your Project Manager Art Thatcher, CPRP Direct: 757-592-3103 Thank You For Your Time & Consideration! 55

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