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DIEBETES TYPE 1 BY Miss Amina Usman Sali Dr Wan Jahng.

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1 DIEBETES TYPE 1 BY Miss Amina Usman Sali Dr Wan Jahng.

2 BACKGROUND INFO Type 1 diabetes formally known as insulin dependent juvenile diabetes is a form of diabetes that results from autoimmune destruction of insulin producing beta cells of the pancreas. The subsequent lack of insulin in the body leads to increased blood and urine glucose. The islets of langerhans are destroyed due to genetic susceptibility, followed by the onset of autoimmune destruction which is triggered by some environmental factors such as viral infection.

3 SPECIFIC A IM Knowing how to minimize the intake of sugar in the body. Also, to know the effect of high blood sugar level and how to stay fit from diabetes.

4 INNOVATION My innovation is based on how to keep the blood glucose level in the blood (blood glucose is the amount of glucose in your blood at a given time) low so as to avoid the tendency of acquiring diabetes type 1 Checking the blood sugar level constantly is very important to know if a person has the tendency of getting diabetes type 1 or not. When you are tested for blood sugar level in the body, and discovered that the sugar level is high, it is better to try as much as possible to keep the blood glucose close to target. This will help delay or prevent complications of diabetes type 1. Maintaining healthy eating habits and an active lifestyle, taking medication, if necessary will help the blood glucose levels assume their target range

5 A NIMAL MODEL Immunodeficient mice engrafted with human immune system and human beta cells represent an interesting an promising opportunity to study about diabetes type 1 and translate in into clinical aspects in human beings. Studying rodent like NOD ha helped to define the autoimmune response that leads to the destruction of beta cells and provide clues into the photo genesis of T1D. This model has noted that T1D is characterized by a T-cell mediated immune response against islets auto antigens. Also that it can be transferred with auto reactive lymphocytes. Also the auto immunity persist after long loss of beta cell displaying recurrent autoimmunity when transplanted with syngeneic islets. Similar patterns of pathogenis have been observed in humans.

6 T HE M ECHANISM OF D IABETES TYPE 1 The pancreas is located behind the liver and stomach. The pancreas secrets insulin and glucagon (a hormone produced in the pancreas) into the bloodstream. The release of insulin into the blood lowers the level of blood glucose (simple sugar from food) by enhancing glucose to enter the body cells, where it is metabolized. If the blood sugar gets too low, the pancreas secretes glucagon to stimulate the release of glucose from the liver.


8 F LOW CHART SHOWING MECHANISM OF D IABETES TYPE 1. Beta cells in the pancreas get destroyed Leading to low insulin secretion Insulin deficiency becomes absolute Lack of insulin to move into cells Blood glucose level raises excessively (hyperglycemia) Diabetes Type 1.

9 T REATMENT AND DRUGS Taking insulin (Humulin 70-30, Novolin 70/80) insulin isopenn (Humulin 7 Novolin N), exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy weight, eating healthy foods, and monitoring blood sugar. Other medication include oral medications, such as high blood pressure medications, even if a person don’t have high blood pressure the doctor might prescribe medication known as angiotensin converting enzymes inhibitors or angiotensin receptors blockers. These medications can help keep kidneys healthy.

10 CONCLUSION Diet and physical activity are critically important in the management of the (Blood pressure and Cholesterol) of type 1 diabetes. To effectively manage diabetes and achieve stable blood sugar control, it is important to understand how to balance food intake, physical activity, and insulin. Making healthy food choices every day has both immediate and long-term effects. With education, practice, and assistance from a dietitian and/or a diabetes educator, it is possible to eat well and control diabetes. If all this is taken into consideration, the tendency of having diabetes type 1 is limited. Therefore, the immediate effect of dietary, exercising, and low sugar intake is a likely body free of diabetes.

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