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Potter’s Village Kisoro, Uganda Charity No. 1126101.

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Presentation on theme: "Potter’s Village Kisoro, Uganda Charity No. 1126101."— Presentation transcript:

1 Potter’s Village Kisoro, Uganda Charity No. 1126101

2 A place where hope is given to children of Uganda…

3 Potter’s Village Here children are given a hope and future …

4 Potter’s Village aims to welcome abandoned babies, babies whose families are unable to support them or provide necessary care, it also provide medical care to those children who need help.

5 “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me” Matthew 18:5

6 The support from outside Uganda is vital to the continued care of these and future children.

7 The help of volunteers is always welcomed, particularly by the children who love the extra attention!

8 Help can come in many forms……

9 …and everybody is welcome

10 The area around Kisoro is beautiful….

11 but for the majority of people, life is hard

12 And facilities are often basic

13 However we are supported by the Diocese

14 We are trying to become more self sufficient.

15 Working together we can continue to help save lives and help those that need us the most.

16 "See that you do not look down on one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.” Matthew 18:10

17 Future projects include: Building a volunteer Hostel A day/training centre Expansion of the Medical Centre Development of the Goat Project

18 Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14

19 Please Pray! for the little ones, the carers and the project senior team and our Medical Centre Staff. Visit the website to find out how you can support us. Potters Village is constantly seeking to grow in its service to little ones, so please help us where you can. How can You help?

20 For more information please visit:

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