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U.S. Political Parties Democrats vs. Republicans Ms. Dennis & Mr. Patten PIG Fall 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "U.S. Political Parties Democrats vs. Republicans Ms. Dennis & Mr. Patten PIG Fall 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 U.S. Political Parties Democrats vs. Republicans Ms. Dennis & Mr. Patten PIG Fall 2014

2 U.S. Political Parties: Beginnings What is a political party? –Organization of people who share similar ideas about the way the country should be governed

3 Political Party Systems 3 Political Party Systems in the World 1.) One Party System: Political party and the government are the SAME Only 1 party, so no competing ideas Party membership based on lineage, wealth, military power, religious power Example: China (Communist Party)

4 Political Party Systems 2.) Multi-Party System: Three or more parties compete for control of the government –Common in Europe, Israel, Japan –Advantage : provides voters with many different choices and ideas –Disadvantage: difficult for one party to get majority of votes, which leads to a Coalition: EXAMPLE – Italy (50 different govts. since WWII) Daisy AllianceSunflower Alliance Italian Communist 500,000 votes 450,000 votes 200,000 votes Coalition

5 Political Party Systems 3. Two-Party System: Two parties compete with each other to run the government. –Party system of U.S.: Democrats and Republicans –Advantages: Continuity –Disadvantages: Minority parties (third parties) receive little attention – focus is on two main parties

6 U.S. Political Parties: Characteristics Democratic Party –Tends to Attract  Working people (blue collar)  Liberals  Catholics  Minorities  Union Members  People in favor of govt. involvement in social policies

7 U.S. Political Parties: Characteristics Republican Party –Tends to attract  Businesspeople (white collar)  Protestants  Conservatives  Non-minorities  Non-union supporters  People against govt.involvement in social policies

8 Democrats: The Issues The Economy and Taxes: –In favor of large government and progressive tax system in which wealthy pay a larger share than the poor –Willing to raise taxes if needed to balance the budget –Laws needed to protect American businesses from international competition

9 Republicans: The Issues The Economy and Taxes: Are generally in favor of a smaller government Generally for free market agreements with other countries, like NAFTA- North American Free Trade Agreement. Vehemently against raising taxes even if it means a budget deficit Tend to believe in global trade and don’t tend to protect US businesses from international competition

10 Republicans: The Issues Environment: –Favor the exploration of all resources in the U.S. for energy production and have generally opposed looking for more environment-friendly power alternatives –Pushed for oil drilling in ANWR, the building of more nuclear power plants, a shift towards the use of coal, and have submitted proposals that would weaken the Clean Air Act

11 Democrats: The Issues Environment: – Support stronger environmental laws and protection of nature –Push for cleaner air and water –Support funding for preservation

12 Democrats: The Issues Health Care: –Push for more Heath Care funding (Medicare, Children’s Health Insurance Program) –In favor of program to ensure all Americans have quality, affordable health care. (100% government funded) –Support the Affordable Care Act

13 Republicans: The Issues Health Care: –Believes health care should work within the free market system where competition will lower the costs of healthcare (no federal govt. involvement) –Against President Obama’s Affordable Care Act

14 Democrats: The Issues Foreign Policy: –Generally much more supportive of international agencies than are Republicans – support NATO and the UN handling international affairs –Generally want to avoid U.S. involvement in international affairs –Tend to believe in diplomacy and slow to go to war

15 Republicans: The Issues Foreign Policy: –Have brushed aside international organizations in favor of unilateral policy of preemption –The previous Bush Doctrine supported preemptive invasion when necessary to protect the security of the U.S. –Argue that the use of American military force is essential for keeping the world safe for Democracy

16 Democrats: The Issues Welfare/Social Security: –Fundamental right of Americans – government should provide a broad safety net (healthcare, education, welfare, food stamps) for the poor –Support increased child care for welfare recipients so they are more able to work steady jobs –Support funding for job training so recipients will be more competitive in the job market –Best way to protect is to maintain federal government control – protect those that are in need –Largely oppose privatizing social security

17 Republicans: The Issues Social Security: Favor privatization of social security –Citizens will be able to opt to place portions of money that would have gone into Social Security into other types of accounts. Accounts will give the opportunity to play the stock market in an attempt to increase returns. (takes away Federal responsibility)

18 Democrats: The Issues Crime and Punishment: –Focus on rehabilitation sentences rather than long prison sentences for criminals –Usually against the death penalty –Focus on the rights of the accused

19 Democrats: The Issues Crime and Punishment: –Focus on prison sentences as a deterrent to crime –Usually support the death penalty –Usually for stiffer penalties for convicted criminals

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