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ASA is. Science, Faith and Public Policy ASA Annual Meeting 2010 July 30-August 2, 2010 Washington, DC.

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Presentation on theme: "ASA is. Science, Faith and Public Policy ASA Annual Meeting 2010 July 30-August 2, 2010 Washington, DC."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASA is

2 Science, Faith and Public Policy ASA Annual Meeting 2010 July 30-August 2, 2010 Washington, DC

3 “And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?” Esther 4:14

4 Location: Catholic University of America Downtown Washington, DC

5 Program will feature: Tracks: Biomedical Research, Behavior and Health Environmental Policy Space, Energy and Technology Science Education and Origins Bioethics Special Events: Panel : Being a Christian in the Workplace: Walking the Walk Early Career Networking Event

6 CUA’s Walter J.Pryzbyla Center

7 Pryzbyla Center Grand Hall (Poster Area)

8 Affordable Housing Will Be Available on Campus

9 Things to See in DC See the Capitol From the Balcony of the “Newseum” Supreme Court White House

10 Museum of the American Indian Renwick Gallery National Gallery of Art

11 Air and Space Museum Commercial Space Rocket Space Shuttle (near Dulles Airport) Original Wright flyer Original Spirit of St. Louis Original Apollo 11 capsule Moon lander NASA spacecraft Russian spacecraft Douglas Skyrocket

12 Walk along Pennsylvania Avenue to the new Capitol Visitor Center!

13 Franciscan Monastery at CUA Take the free tour of the “catacombs”

14 The National Cathedral

15 Sightseeing for Scientists: National AquariumPandas at National Zoo Museum of Natural History: Hope Diamond,Rubies in Gems & Minerals Hall

16 Tentative Guided Tours: NIH Laboratories NIST Laboratories NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center Smithsonian Natural History Museum (inside) National Shrine & Franciscan Monastery National Cathedral White House

17 Field Trips Great Falls and C&O Canal Nature Walk Uvdar-Hazy Center (Air & Space Museum at Dulles Airport)

18 2010 ASA Annual Meeting Program Chair: Dr. Susan Daniels –Deputy Director, Office of Autism Research Coordination, NIH – Local Arrangements Chair: Paul Arveson –Management Consultant, Balanced Scorecard Institute – Visit for updates and

19 Blessings, and hope to see you there!

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