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Leadership What comes to you mind ?. Christian Leadership … All that Jesus began both to do and teach ( Act 1 : 1 ) جميع ما ابتدا يسوع يفعله و يعلم به.

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Presentation on theme: "Leadership What comes to you mind ?. Christian Leadership … All that Jesus began both to do and teach ( Act 1 : 1 ) جميع ما ابتدا يسوع يفعله و يعلم به."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leadership What comes to you mind ?

2 Christian Leadership … All that Jesus began both to do and teach ( Act 1 : 1 ) جميع ما ابتدا يسوع يفعله و يعلم به

3 Leading your life to a purpose  Avoid Contradictions Service is life mission and not a part time job  Fruitful Life The LORD was with Joseph, and he was a successful man ( Gen 39 : 2 )  Balanced Life Daniel “ Every thing is created twice “ Stephen R. Covey

4 Old Testament 1.Noah : Building His Ark 2.Joseph : Surviving the famine 3.Nehemiah : Building Jerusalem Walls New Testament 1.Feeding the multitude 2.Counting the Cost Parable 3.Ten Virgins Parable 4.The Talents Parable 5.Apostolic Church Does planning contradict with faith?

5 Planning Strategic ( Long Term ) Operational ( Short Term )

6 Strategic planning  For your personal life  For your service

7 Strategic Planning  Long Term ( Five years or more )  Inspired by a complete vision of service or institution  Vision is translated to Mission and then to strategic Goals then action plan  Most stakeholders share in formulating it  The large emphasis is on the Macroscopic picture rather than small details  Biblical Example : God’s Plan for the mankind SLAVATION

8 Operational Planning  Usually Short or intermediate term  Might be a part of a strategic plan  Objectives are usually time bound  Focuses on fast and tangible achievements  Usually limited by recourses and budget  Action Plan should answer (What? Who? Where? When? How? How much?  Biblical Example: Building the walls of Jerusalem in 52 days

9 Planning Vision Mission Strategic Goals Smart Objectives Action Plan

10 Importance of a vision for a service or a project  Where we would like to go ( Destination )  Unified end  Reference point  Motive

11 Why are you doing this ?

12 Importance of a mission statement  How shall we go there ( Direction )  Shared values and methods

13 Mission Items 1. Who are you? Identity احنا مين 2. What are you offering? Product بنعمل ايه 3. How? Tools & Technology ازاى 4. Who are your target people? Customer لمين 5. Where? Market فين 6. Who is working with you? Personnel بمين 7. How do you want people to see you? Public Image 8. Why? Philosophy ليه 9. Project time span? Concept of Survival & Growth

14 SAINT PAUL SERVICE Vision & Mission

15 Saint Paul Service Vision Engaging people to Christ, on the foundation of the Gospel and the Sacraments of our Living Church

16 Saint Paul Service Mission To deliver the Living Christ within us and show His endless love, to all the unbelievers, uninvolved Christians, and Coptic people in whatever countries which are in need and willing to accept our service. We strive to draw people’s attention to the goal of our existence and afterlife destination, which is the Kingdom of Heaven, and to gain souls to Christ through running successful projects and preparing suitable calibers to be rooted on the Faith of the Coptic Orthodox Church in Egypt, and to be equipped for evangelism and pastoral care. St. Paul Evangelism service will humbly give the needed help and support, avoiding the authoritarian image; this will be achieved through loyal servants who sincerely believe, carefully study, faithfully explain and relevantly apply the word of God through the Church.

17 Research "And other sheep I have which are not of this fold; them also I must bring, and they will hear My voice; and there will be one flock [and] one shepherd.” (John 10 : 16) و لي خراف اخر ليست من هذه الحظيرة ينبغي ان اتي بتلك ايضا فتسمع صوتي و تكون رعية واحدة و راع واحد.

18 Research  Why To know where to go and what to do  When Before we start  to plan ( Exploratory ) To develop our service  to enhance  What Research Question

19 Exploratory Research Methodology After defining the research question  General Search (Literature Review)  Problem definition  Altering the variables of the problem  Scientific Guess (Hypothesis formulation)  Hypothesis Testing (Field Study, Survey, † …)  Results Interpretation  Decision Making

20 Simplified Process ( Again More Practical )  Research Question What are the opportunities of Evangelism ?  General Search 1. Religions and Believes (Commons, Approaches, Places, …) 2. Challenges & Opportunities (Projects) 3. History of Christianity & Previous Missionaries (Do’s and Don'ts) Define the problem Try changing the problem variables  Suggest an answer  Examine your answer †  Decide

21 † Studying Specific Projects † 1. Market Study 2. Regulations 3. Technologies 4. Co-operation Possibilities 5. Logistics 6. Finance  Market Study Process Competitor New Entrants Substitute Customer Suppliers


23 Homework 2 November 2013 Acts 16:1-10: Characteristics of St. PAUL as an Evangelist Daniel Chapter 6: Characteristics of DANIEL as an Evangelist 9 November 2013 Jesus Christ The Leader ( The Mastermind ) Please revise Bible of St. Mathew Chapter 10 St John Chapter 6 and identify the different events expressing points of Leadership & Effective Management

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