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Responses: Haiti Earthquake American Samoa Tsunami

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Presentation on theme: "Responses: Haiti Earthquake American Samoa Tsunami"— Presentation transcript:

0 Regional Emergency Coordinator Program -Preparedness, Response and Recovery
Captain Kevin Sheehan, U.S. Public Health Service Regional Emergency Coordinator/Field Supervisor HHS Region IX

1 Federal Medical Preparedness & Response for Disasters and Special Events
Responses: Haiti Earthquake American Samoa Tsunami President Obama Inauguration Republican and Democratic National Conventions G-8 and G-20 Meetings North Dakota Floods Gulf Oil Spill Hurricane Katrina Hurricane Ike & Gustav Many other hurricanes Preparedness Southern California Earthquake Plan New Madrid Earthquake Plan Improvised Nuclear Plan for Nevada Hurricane Plan for Hawaii Typhoon Plan for Guam Northern California Earthquake Plan Cascadia Subduction Zone Plan – Northern California

4/20/2017 HHS Dept Health & Human Services HEADQUARTERS ASPR Assistant Secretary for Preparedness & Response OPEO Office of Preparedness & Emergency Operations ASH Assistant Secretary For Health IGA Intergovernmental Affairs REGIONS To quote Dr Yeskey “…the RECs are the lead for OPEO preparedness and response with the HPP FOs feeding into the REC program. FOs provide healthcare readiness info to the RECs and assist in assessing the healthcare impact during a response. They need to keep each other informed regarding exercises and issues of importance to both. While HPP FOs work in another program, their reason for existence is to ensure that hospitals are prepared to respond, so the RECs need to be kept informed by the FOs.” Regional Emergency Coordinators (RECs) serve as ASPR’s primary representatives throughout the country at the regional level. RECs work closely with State, local, tribal and private sector health, medical and emergency management officials to maintain high levels of preparedness throughout the country’s 10 disaster planning regions and integrate federal ESF 8 partners with state/local responders (EMS, LE, medical providers, hospitals).  RECs participate in the development and implementation of regional and national policies, plans, and procedures that enhance local, state, tribal, federal and private sector preparedness and response capabilities.  RECs collaborate with numerous partners to exercise and evaluate interdependent plans for preparedness and response to natural disasters, terrorist incidents, and other public health or medical emergencies. ASPR HPP’s mission is to enhance the resiliency of healthcare systems to deliver coordinated and effective care during public health emergencies and mass casualty events. HPP Regional Field Officers (FOs) assist HPP awardees better execute their cooperative agreement through enhanced monitoring, technical assistance, healthcare preparedness-related guidance and programmatic assistance to all awardees within their assigned region.  HPP Regional FOs are the official regional liaison between the HPP headquarters staff (the HPP Project Officers) and the HPP award recipient (the states). Regional HPP FO are also responsible for situational awareness, response support, integration across healthcare disciplines (hospitals, out pt providers), and verification of hospital reports and assessing healthcare exercises. REC Regional Emergency Coordinators HPP Hospital Preparedness Program staff RHA Regional Health Administrators MRC Medical Reserve Corps RD Regional Directors

3 Today’s Agenda Role of the Emergency Support Function 8
Role of the Regional Emergency Coordinator Program National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) Patient Movement Federal Medical Service Access Teams and how they will interact with NDMS hospitals after a disaster US Department of Health and Human Services role in Recovery

4 National Response Framework Emergency Support Functions (ESF)
4/20/2017 National Response Framework Emergency Support Functions (ESF) ESF #1 Transportation ESF #2 Communications ESF #3 Public Works & Engineering ESF #4 Firefighting ESF #5 Emergency Management ESF #6 Mass care, housing, human services ESF #7 Resource Support ESF #8 Public Health & Medical Services ESF #9 Urban Search & Rescue ESF #10 Oil & HAZMAT Response ESF #11 Agriculture & Natural Resources ESF #12 Energy ESF #13 Public Safety & Security ESF #14 Long-term recovery ESF #15 External Affairs How the United States Government will respond Coordination missions that are Federal responsibility Selectively activated as needed Provide staffing for incident management organizations The NRP….. The Basic Plan provides the structure and the processes for the national incident management approach. The Basic Plan includes the concept of operations, roles & responsibilities, implementation guidance, authorities, references, preparedness and plans maintenance. Emergency Support Function Annexes group capabilities and resources into functions most likely needed during an incident. The ESF Annexes describe the responsibilities of primary and support agencies that are involved providing support to a State or other Federal agencies during Incidents of National Significance. Within the National Response Plan Framework, HHS has a critical lead role to manage the public health and medical response and support the Department of Homeland Security in their role of overall domestic incident management and Federal coordination.

5 Emergency Support Function (ESF) # 8 Department of Health & Human Services (HHS)
4/20/2017 Medical Care Medical Equipment & Supplies Patient Evacuation Behavioral Health Care Vector Control/Potable Water & Sanitation Mortuary Services Public Health Veterinary Care

6 About National Disaster Medical System (NDMS)
The mission of the National Disaster Medical System to temporarily supplement Federal, Tribal, State and Local capabilities by funding, organizing, training, equipping, deploying and sustaining a specialized and focused range of public health and medical capabilities.

7 Disaster Medical Assistance Teams (DMAT)
locally sponsored and community based. ready to deploy within 12 hours of notification and then remain self-sufficient for 72 hours consists of approximately individuals in each deployable unit ER docs, nurses, paramedics, coms, command & control deploy for 14 days

8 Medical Response Surgical Teams Mortuary Teams
Haiti Mortuary Teams Buffalo Plane Crash US Public Health Service Officers Public Health Teams Mental Health Teams Environmental Health

9 Health and Human Service Partners for Medical Response

10 Agenda continued, Role of the Emergency Support Function 8
Role of the Regional Emergency Coordinator Program Health and Human Services in the Region National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) Patient Movement Federal Medical Service Access Teams and how they will interact with NDMS hospitals after a disaster US Department of Health and Human Services role in Recovery

11 Information Analysis and Performance Measurement
4/20/2017 Regional Emergency Coordinators (RECs) HHS/ASPR REGIONAL OFFICE RESPONSIBILITIES Event Occurs Goal: Community Resiliency Goal: Effective Field Operations Risk Management Mitigation Prevention Integration Preparedness and Readiness Planning (Ready to Act) Response and Transition to Recovery Training and Exercises ICS NRF/NIMS/Health Security Intergovernmental/Agency Coordination and Integration Manage Response Teams Improve Response Times/Effectiveness Logistics After Action Lessons Learned Information Analysis and Performance Measurement RECs daily jobs span the spectrum of the Emergency Management cycle A majority of time and effort are spend on preparedness and readiness planning This requires significant investments of time and attention to relationship building, developing partnerships, and information sharing During disasters/public health emergencies within the region or responding outside the region, RECs step in to ASPR response leadership roles. ESF 8 Leader – directs the overall strategic direction of the federal public health and medical response effort in coordination with the State. Responsible for mission development and coordination with EMG and IRCT commander for mission execution ASPR Incident Response Coordination Team (IRCT) Commander – provides overall coordination and direction of the IRCT and HHS response teams based on broad strategic direction from the EMG and JFO. ESF 8 Liaison - involved in mission generation and sit in positions at the State Emergency Operations Center (EOC), RRCCs; JFOs, Joint Operations Centers (JOCs), etc. These LNOs report directly to the ESF-8 lead. All of the positions the RECs assume during a response include developing situational awareness and managing information. For responses within the region, RECs are responsible for communicating with regional HHS OPDIVs/STAFFDIVs (usually through the RAC) details about HHS response activities, priorities and requests for information.

12 HHS/ASPR Region Spheres of Influence
4/20/2017 Local Health Officials State Health Officers Tribes Community Volunteer Based Organizations Faith Based Organizations RHA Universities Private Industry FEMA Local Elected Officials DHS VA ASPR Regional Executive Leadership Network Congress State EMA Governor’s Offices DoD REC RD ESF #8 Response Assets 1. RECs are part of the larger executive leadership team that ensure a significant cross section of the ESF 8/public health and medical stakeholders are engaged and active in preparedness planning and response. This takes considerable coordination, work and collaboration. It truly exemplifies a team approach to regional planning and response. Other Federal Agencies Public Affairs Public Health Preparedness Directors HHS/ASPR Region Spheres of Influence

13 In-Transit Visability Not Used In-Transit Visability
4/20/2017 Patient Movement Schematic “The Continuum of Patient Movement” FEMA Ambulance Contract (Ambulances and Care Flight) NGB – EMAC / Title 32 Local Federal ESF#8 State DoD Mil Air NDMS Origination / Disaster Area Ground / Air Transport NDMS Destination Site Hospital / FMS DoD Air Transport Patient Transport Begins APOE APOD FCC Traditional EMR Encounter * Initial JPATS Entry / EMR Encounter * Notional / Desired Entry of Pt Info Enters TRAC2ES Exits TRAC2ES In-Transit Visability Origination / Disaster Area Federal ESF#8 Destination Site Click to start the overlay of functional areas. Click once to start the direction from left to right (top portion of the diagram), and click a second time to overlay the functional areas over the bottom portion of the diagram, right to left. APOD APOE DoD Air Transport DoD Mil Air NDMS FCC Not Used Patient Reentry Transport Begins FEMA Ambulance Contract (Ambulances and Care Flight) NGB – EMAC / Title 32 JPATS / EMR In-Transit Visability NoTRAC2ES Hand-Off to Final Destination Facility

14 Agenda Role of the Emergency Support Function 8
Role of the Regional Emergency Coordinator Program Health and Human Services in the Region National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) Patient Movement Federal Medical Service Access Teams and how they will interact with NDMS hospitals after a disaster US Department of Health and Human Services role in Recovery

15 Service Access Teams Overview
Involves returning patients who were evacuated through Federal ESF#8 Destination locations could include home, originating facilities, intermediate care facilities HHS Service Access Teams (SATs) shall ensure proper services afforded medical evacuees SAT will serve as patient advocates and provide medical and human services case management Patients will be tracked through the system using Joint Patient Assessment Tracking System (JPATS)

16 Service Access Team (SAT)
SAT will coordinate all aspects of patient return to ensure smooth transition from host State to final destination. Scope of services will include: Work with FCCs, sending and receiving facilities, as well as State EOCs and health departments to identify/track patients Ensure transportation, human services (language translation, food, lodging, etc) and arrangements for discharged patients and attendants Coordinate return of patients and attendants to home state Facilitate communication between attending physician and accepting physician in home state for those requiring follow-on care

17 # 1 - Coordination of Evacuee Return
SAT Primary Functions # 1 - Coordination of Evacuee Return Desired end state is return to home or appropriate placement Medical evacuees are allowed to return when: They are well enough to travel The evacuated state has declared it is safe to return There is an appropriate receiving facility

18 #2 – Medical Case Management
SAT Primary Functions #2 – Medical Case Management Coordinate services with facility discharge planners, receiving facilities, others as required Communicates clearly to patients, families, providers, and staff of receiving facility Arranges for medical transportation/ equipment

19 # 3 – Coordinate Evacuee Travel
SAT Primary Functions # 3 – Coordinate Evacuee Travel SAT communicates with patient movement contractor or the ASPR Response travel Section to arrange transportation Movement may be through a variety of modes: air, train, ground Arrange transportation services for non-medical attendants and/or family members who accompanied patient

20 # 4 – Coordinate Human Services
SAT Primary Functions # 4 – Coordinate Human Services HHS through the SAT will coordinate lodging and human services needs for all discharged patients until transportation to their final destination can be facilitated Note: Family members that accompany patients or non-medical attendants will likely re-enter with patient and will require transportation that matches the patient

21 Service Access Teams (SAT)
#5 – Data Collection SAT works with medical facilities, nursing homes, rehabilitative services units who are providing care to evacuees SAT personnel will have access to the Joint Patient Tracking System (JPATS). Once operational, the SAT will be responsible for updating JPATS until patients are returned to their home state Coordination with appropriate local and state agencies

22 In Case of Death If a patient dies during response operations- SAT will coordinate with local or State medical examiner’s office and patient’s family for disposition of remains

23 JPATS Concept of Operations
Joint Patient Assessment Tracking System (JPATS) Team Basics: Deployed as 2-person strike teams Deployment locations: Aerial Port of Embarkation (APOE) Aerial Port of Debarkation (APOD) / FCC Deployed within 24 hours of notification Will remain until host unit (i.e., FCC) able to use JPATS

24 Agenda Role of the Emergency Support Function 8
Role of the Regional Emergency Coordinator Program Health and Human Services in the Region National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) Patient Movement Federal Medical Service Access Teams and how they will interact with NDMS hospitals after a disaster U.S. Department of Health and Human Services role in Recovery

25 Health and Human Services during Recovery
HHS Roles during Recovery Lead for Recovery in Region – Regional Health Administrator Disaster Response Framework (in progress) ~ National Response Framework Recovery Support Functions (in progress) ~ Emergency Support Functions

26 Health and Human Services Recovery
4/20/2017 Health and Human Services Recovery Recovery Issues Restoration of Clinical Care Facilities (HHS/FEMA) Patient Discharge/Placement (HHS/ASPR) Patient Care for Uninsured (HHS/CMS) Long term population surveillance (HHS/CDC) Environmental Health (HHS/EPA) Restoration of Essential Social Services (HHS/ACF/AOA) Kids outside shelter in American Samoa after the tsunami.

27 Health & Human Services Recovery
4/20/2017 Health & Human Services Recovery Laboratory Capacity (HHS/ASPR/CDC) Coordination of Social Services / Disaster Case Management (FEMA/HHS/ACF) Behavioral Health (HHS/SAMHSA) Long term responder, occupational health issues (HHS/CDC/NIOSH & DOL/OSHA) Fatality Management (HHS/ASPR) Injured resident in American Samoa after the tsunami (Reuters)

28 Review Role of the Emergency Support Function 8
Role of the Regional Emergency Coordinator Program Health and Human Services in the Region National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) Patient Movement Federal Medical Service Access Teams and how they will interact with NDMS hospitals after a disaster U.S. Department of Health and Human Services role in Recovery

29 Haiti Hospital Site Gheskio University in Port-Au-Prince Haiti
Health and Human Services Surgical Team deployment

30 Contact Info Region IX Regional Emergency Coordinators Kevin Sheehan

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