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Presentation on theme: "NATURAL PRODUCTS RESEARCH"— Presentation transcript:


BIOPROSPECTING FOR FLAVONOIDS IN UGANDAN FLORA Main collaborator: Prof. Øyvind Andersen University of Bergen,Norway The focus has been guided by the following questions: Have plants been used locally for medicinal purposes? Have plants been researched for flavonoid content before? Are the flavonoids observed in a preliminary screening new compounds or not? Are the plants or plant parts edible

3 Current Research Team Prof. Bernard T. Kiremire
Assoc. Prof. Robert Byamukama Dr. Hannington Twinomuhwezi-Busitema University Ms. Jane Namukobe Ms. Adia Madina Mr. Christopher Adaku-Mbarara University Collaborators: National and International to be detailed later

4 On Going Projects in natural products 2013
1. Bioprospecting For Flavonoids In Ugandan Flora 2. Multi-disciplinary University Traditional Health Initiative (MUTHI): Building Sustainable Research Capacity on Plants for Better Public Health in Africa Researchers: Bernard. T. Kiremire, Robert Byamukama, Grace Nambatya,Jane Namukobe, Adia Madina, Christopher Adaku

5 On Going Projects in natural products 2013 -continued
Collaborators University of Oslo: Prof. Berit Paulsen, Over all coordinator, Mr. Jørgen Kirksæther [Finance admin] University of Bergen:Prof. Øyvind Andersen University of Mali: Prof. Drissa Diallo Joop deJong; Mrs Charlotte van’t Klooster Oxford University: Prof.Gerry Bodeker,Dr. Merlin Willcox, University of Western Cape: Prof.Gail Hughes, University of orange Free state:

6 France-Uganda Research cooperation (FURC) project on plant Phytochemistry
Researchers: Bernard. T. Kiremire, Robert Byamukama, Jane Namukobe Collaborators John.M. Kasenene :Mountain of the Moon University Françoise Guéritte: Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles, France Vincent Dumontet : Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles, France Sabrina Krief : Eco-Anthropologie et Ethnobiologie,France Isabelle Florent :National Museum Natural History,France John D. Kabasa : College of Veterinary Medicine, animal resources and biosecurity, Makerere university :

7 PhD based studies

8 Supervisor/collaborators
Isolation and Characterization of Anti-Bacterial Constituents of Maytenus Putterlickioides, Vernonia Glabra and Thalictrum Rhychocarpum  PhD student Mayeku Philip Wafula Supervisor/collaborators Prof. Bernard Kiremire, Makerere University Prof. Abiy Yenesew, University of Nairobi,Kenya Dr. Josiah Odalo, Jomo Kenyatta University Achievements so far 2 Publications in International Journals

9 Supervisor/collaborators
Phytochemical investigation of selected plants from the family Asphodelaceae for Anti-Infective principles: PhD student Induli Martha Supervisor/collaborators Assoc. Prof. Byamukama Robert, Makerere University Prof. Abiy Yenesew, University of Nairobi, Kenya Achievements so far 2 Publications in International Journals

10 Phytochemical and Antiplasmodial Studies of Neoboutonia Macrocalyx L.
PhD student Jane Namukobe, Makerere University Supervisors Assoc. Prof. Byamukama Robert, Makerere University Prof. Kiremire Bernard, Makerere University Achievements so far 2 Publications in International Journal

11 Supervisor/collaborators
Nutraceutical Potential of Some Ugandan Plants with Focus on Anthocyanins PhD student Christopher Adaku Supervisor/collaborators Assoc. Prof. Byamukama Robert, Makerere University Prof. Kiremire Bernard, Makerere University Prof. Øyvind Andersen,University of Bergen

12 Supervisor/collaborators
Phytochemistry of selected herbal remedies used by traditional herbalists in treatment of malaria in Uganda PhD student Adia Madina, Makerere University (MUTHI) Supervisor/collaborators Assoc. Prof. Byamukama Robert, Makerere University Prof. Kiremire Bernard, Makerere University PROMETRA Uganda-Association of herbalists

Characterization of anthocyanins from Selected Plants in Uganda PhD Candidate Byamukama Robert, Makerere University, PhD Thesis, currently teaching at Makerere University. Out put 4 Publications in International Journal Thesis Publication at Makerere University

14 COMPLETED PROJECTS Characterization and Analysis of Some Natural Dyes from Selected Plants in Uganda. Researcher Wanyama Aaron Philip Guloba, Achievements PhD Thesis published at Makerere University. 5 Publications in International journals

15 Twinomuhwezi Hannington
COMPLETED PROJECTS Phytochemical Investigation of Erythrina Abyssinica, Erythrina Burttii, Erythrina Melanacantha And Derris Trifoliata: Towards Malaria Control. Researcher Twinomuhwezi Hannington Achievements PhD Thesis published at Makerere University. 3 Publications in International journals Lecturership at Busitema University.

16 COMPLETED PROJECTS Antimalarial Activities Of Some Flavonoids And Flavonoid-Rich Plant Extracts Researcher Akala Miima Hoseah Achievements PhD Thesis published at Makerere University. 3 Publications in International journals currently working at Kenya Medical Research Institute[KEMRI]

17 COMPLETED PROJECTS Capacity building MoUs developed
14 MSc graduates working on natural products areas (medicinal and flavonoids). 4 PhD graduates working on natural products 32 publications in International journals MoUs developed MoU with PROMETRA Uganda, process completed MoU with MUMETHA, on-going

18 Capacity building in terms human resource
CONTRIBUTION Capacity building in terms human resource several graduates from Natural products Completed: 4PhDs, 14MSc Ongoing: 5PhDs, 3MSc Contribution to science knowledge/flavoinoid chemistry 30 novel compounds have been characterized together with several known compounds. HPLC, GC-MS, Small equipments for isolation of natural products.

19 FUTURE PROJECTS Improvement of Selected Anti-malarial Herbal Medicines Through Identification of Bioactive Compounds and Development of Standardised Formulation Methods Development of Antioxidants and Flavonoids as food supplements from indigenous plant sources The Potential of Natural Dyes from Selected Indigenous Dye-Yielding Plants as Substitutes for Synthetic Dyes. Pesticide properties of Plants and Their Potential in Crop Disease Control

20 SIDA phase IV Concept was submitted based on the four topics in our future projects PI on the concept is Assoc. Prof. whom Prof. Kiremire has mentored through the previous Projects Required assistance. possible collaborators from SWEDEN on the above areas of natural products

Lack of local funding from University or Government, and this sometimes creates discontinuity when the project ends and you have no other project. EQUIPMENT Research funding usually not enough to buy big equipment vital in Natural products research such as MS and NMR. Much reliance on collaboration in order to use large equipments.

22 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS NUFU SIDA University of Bergen Makerere university
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