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Ma T h OK Yosef Karasik. Bertrand Russell "Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty — a beauty cold and austere, without.

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Presentation on theme: "Ma T h OK Yosef Karasik. Bertrand Russell "Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty — a beauty cold and austere, without."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ma T h OK Yosef Karasik

2 Bertrand Russell "Mathematics, rightly viewed, possesses not only truth, but supreme beauty — a beauty cold and austere, without the gorgeous trappings of painting or music.”

3 Reasoning as a WOK Find a function for: X=1 Y=1 X=2 Y=2 X=3 Y=3 X=4 Y=4 X=5 Y=125

4 Inductive reasoning Is reasoning that takes specific information and makes a broader generalization that is considered probable, allowing for the fact that the conclusion may not be accurate. Jesse and the divas

5 Get to work! Draw 3 different triangles on paper and measure the sum of their angles (as accurate as possible) using your protractors. What results did you get?

6 Questions Can we come up with a conjecture for the sum of angles in a triangle based on your measurements? What will that conjecture be? (KQ) Under what conditions can we ignore results that come as contradictions to the hypothesis?

7 Deductive reasoning Is a type of reasoning which goes from general to specific. Deductive reasoning is based on premises and if the premises are true, then the reasoning will be valid. Come up with a different proof for the sum of angles in a triangle.

8 Inductive or deductive? Jennifer leaves for school at 7:00 a.m. and is on time. Jennifer assumes, then, that she will always be on time if she leaves at 7:00 a.m. Snakes are reptiles and reptiles are cold-blooded; therefore, snakes are cold-blooded. All observed women in one area wear high heels, so all women must wear high heels. All dogs are mammals. Spot is a dog. Spot is a mammal. Robert is a teacher. All teachers are nice. Therefore, it can be assumed that Robert is nice.

9 Questions Were there any assumptions (premises) in your proof? Can you prove them as well? Axioms – a self-evident truth that requires no proof. A universally accepted principle or rule.

10 The postulates of geometry You can only draw one line between two points. There's 360° around a circle Two lines can intersect at ONLY one point A line segment has ONLY one midpoint An angle can only have one bisector Any geometric shape can be moved without changing its shape And more…

11 Proof What methods of proving are there?  Direct proof  Proof by induction  Proof by contraposition  Proof by contradiction  Proof by construction  Proof by exhaustion  Others…

12 Further explore What makes a proving method valid? What makes a sound proof? Can one proof method be better then the other?

13 Balloons! Draw triangles on balloons and measure the angles. –Calculate the sum of the three angles Measure side lengths of any right angle triangle.

14 WHAT THE…!?!?!? Why not as expected? Does size of balloon make a difference? What if you were inside the balloon? How many right angles can the triangle contain? How can you decide which one is the hypotenuse?

15 The postulates stop working! They work for planes, but not curved surfaces How about earth then? Is it flat?

16 Spherical Geometry Redefine “straight line”, “circle”, “Plane” Lobachevsky’s Geometry

17 Further explore What role perception plays in mathematical understanding? Does context affect mathematical understanding?

18 Is Zero Nothing? What do you think of when you see O? 0? Do they bring the same or different things to your mind? History of the symbol (quill pen)

19 A few questions What remains when 7 is taken away from 7? A place value symbol as in 402.6, giving value to other digits around it but having no value itself. The number that causes great difficulties if you try to divide by it 12/0=? –Undefined? –Infinity? What is ?

20 Does 2=1?

21 More of nothing What happened to the certainty of Math? Nothing, emptiness, lack of anything, absence, void, black, darkness, oblivion… and therefore the embodiment of evil!

22 A bit of history Zero as absence in ancient times. –Ancient Greeks and Romans –Babylonians –Chinese traders Zero as a number, entity, presence A shift from NAME to SYMBOL

23 Magic number Zero counts the totality of what isn’t there It is the gateway between the positive and negative numbers A number without qualities

24 Zero or nothing? Presence or absence? {} null set – called ϕ {0} the set containing 0 So how about { ϕ }?

25 In art Nothing is? Black(absence of color) or White(presence of every color)?

26 In Music John Cage “The material of music is sound and silence. Integrating these is composing. I have nothing to say and I’m saying it” He sat there turning pages from time to time, then stood up and bowed

27 The simpsons YouTube S09E17 14:30 simpsons-season-9-episode-17-lisa-the- simpson?ver=1 simpsons-season-9-episode-17-lisa-the- simpson?ver=1

28 In Literature George Gershwin – in Porgy and Bess “I got plenty of nothin’, nothin’s plenty for me” Lewis Carroll – Alice in conversation with the king –A: I see nobody on the road –K: I only wish I had such eyes, to be able to see nobody, and at such a distance too

29 The church God exists! Demonstrating that something can come from nothing if nothing is acted on by an infinite being – hence the act of creation can take place.

30 Zero and infinity – a love story A young child when asked about what is infinity: “The biggest number ever was thousand thousand thousands” What about thousand thousand thousands plus 1? “Well”, she said, “I was very close wasn’t I?” Geometric series – adding infinite numbers and end up with finite sum.

31 Nonsense Rhyme As I was going up the stair, I met a man who wasn’t there. He wasn’t there again today. I wish, I wish he’d stay away.

32 Knowledge questions for you (you’re welcome!) Can ethics (and others areas of knowledge) be reduced to equations? (George Price) Does mathematics provide us with more practicable knowledge than less quantitative data? Are those who understand mathematics better equipped to deal with the modern world? (algorithms) What role does mathematics play in our knowledge acquisition? Do those who understand math have a clearer understanding of the world?

33 More KQs To what extent does our perception of ordinary life depend on statistical knowledge? What are the dangers associated with this in terms of providing us with a realistic view of the world? To what extent is our perception of the world shaped by the way a ‘base 10 approach’ is instilled in us from an early age? Correlation VS causation – To what extent interpretation of statistics affects our understanding. Why does it have very little effect to tell people that they can’t statistically beat the odds in a casino?

34 Thanks for nothing

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