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International Non-governmental Organizations: ICOMOS ICCROM ARCH 530 Assist. Prof. Dr. Ozlem Olgac Turker Presented by: Taraneh noorian.

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Presentation on theme: "International Non-governmental Organizations: ICOMOS ICCROM ARCH 530 Assist. Prof. Dr. Ozlem Olgac Turker Presented by: Taraneh noorian."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Non-governmental Organizations: ICOMOS ICCROM ARCH 530 Assist. Prof. Dr. Ozlem Olgac Turker Presented by: Taraneh noorian

2 The International Council on Monuments and Sites: is an organization of professionals throughout the world that currently brings together over 7500 members. ICOMOS works for the conservation and protection of cultural heritage places. It is the only global non-government organization of this kind, which is dedicated to improving the application of theory, methodology, and scientific techniques to the conservation of the architectural and archaeological heritage. Its work is based on the principles enshrined in the 1964 International Charter on the Conservation and Restoration of Monuments and Sites (the Venice Charter). ICOMOS

3 ICOMOS is a network of experts that benefits from the interdisciplinary exchange of its members, among which are : Architects historians archaeologists art historians geographers Anthropologists engineers and town planners The members of ICOMOS contribute to improving the preservation of heritage, the standards and the techniques for each type of cultural heritage property : buildings, historic cities, cultural landscapes and archaeological sites

4 The U.S. National Committee of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (US/ICOMOS) fosters heritage conservation and historic preservation at the national and international levels through education and training, international exchange of people and information, technical assistance, documentation and other activities consistent with the goals of ICOMOS and through collaboration with other organizations. US/ICOMOS membership includes professionals, practitioners, supporters and organizations committed to the protection, preservation and conservation of the world's cultural heritage. US/ICOMOS is the U.S. National Committee of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), the international non-governmental organization dedicated to the preservation and conservation of the world's cultural heritage.International Council on Monuments and Sites Goals of ICOMOS :

5 HISTORIC BACKGROUND FROM THE EMERGENCE OF THE CONCEPT OF WORLD HERITAGE TO THE CREATION OF ICOMOS - Until the end of the 19th century, architectural heritage had been a matter of national concern only and most of the laws regarding the protection of historic buildings in Europe date back to that period. few association existed in each country, but their scope never went beyond national borders. Cultural internationalism, as we know it today, was an outcome of the first World War, with the creation of the group of Nations, and most of all of the second World War, with the creation of the United Nations Organization and the establishment of the UNESCO. -In 1957, in Paris, the First Congress of Architects and Specialists of Historic Buildings recommended that the countries which still lack a central organization for the protection of historic buildings provide for the establishment of such an power and, in the name of UNESCO, that all member states of UNESCO join the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) based in Rome. - The Second Congress of Architects and Specialists of Historic Buildings, in Venice in 1964, adopted 13 resolutions, the first one being the International Restoration Charter, better known as Venice Charter, and the second one, put forward by UNESCO, provided for the creation of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS )Second Congress of Architects and Specialists of Historic Buildings

6 ICOMOS' MISSION Objectives -to bring together conservation specialists from all over the world and serve as a forum for professional dialogue and exchange; -to collect, evaluate and distribute information on conservation principles, techniques and policies; -to co-operate with national and international authorities on the establishment of documentation centers specialising in conservation; -to work for the adoption and implementation of international conventions on the conservation and enhancement of architectural heritage; - to participate in the organization of training programmers for conservation specialists on a world- wide scale; -to put expertise of highly qualified professionals and specialists at the service of the international community Some of creativities -the influence of the Venice Charter by creating flexible doctrinal texts for specific sectors of architectural heritage; -extending adaptable management techniques for cultural properties; -developing training programmers on a multilateral basis involving the partnership of National and International Committees; - elevating ICOMOS International Documentation Centre in Paris and setting up video and slide libraries devoted to architectural heritage; - organizing and managing expert missions at the request of heritage administration and legal entities which judge necessary the intervention of a consultant for a particular conservation question

7 ICOMOS MEMBERSHIP ICOMOS National Committee Membership Each National Committee is made up of its individual and institutional members, sustaining and honorary members. All the members must be qualified in the field of conservation, practicing the profession of architect, town planner, engineer, administrator of heritage, art historian or archivist 4categories of membership in ICOMOS National Committees: Individual membership is open to any individual actively engaged in the conservation of monuments, groups of buildings or sites. Institutional membership is open to any institution Sustaining membership is open to any individual or institution which would like to support the aims and activities of ICOMOS or which would like to contribute to international co- operation in the field of conservation of the cultural heritage. Honorary membership of ICOMOS is conferred solely by the ICOMOS General Assembly in response to a proposal from an ICOMOS National Committee, upon individuals who have rendered outstanding services in the field. HOW TO BECOME A MEMBER Professionals interested in working in the field of cultural heritage can make a membership request to ICOMOS by the intermediary of their National Committee. If there is no National Committee in a country, the membership requests have to be addressed to the ICOMOS International Secretariat for approval by the ICOMOS management Committee.

8 Membership Benefits - participation in an international professional network (expert meetings, professional workshops, scientific exchange, training programmers) - possibility of participating to the triennial ICOMOS General Assembly - possibility of participating to National and International Scientific activities - access to information on national conferences and seminars - free subscription to ICOMOS newsletter - discounts on selected publications - free or reduced admission to many heritage sites and museums world- wide

9 ICCROM ICCROM is an intergovernmental organization dedicated to the conservation of cultural heritage. Its members are individual states which have declared their adhesion to it. It exists to serve the international community as represented by its Member States, which currently number more than 110. ICCROM contributes to preserving cultural heritage in the world today and for the future through five main areas of activity: Training, training by developing new educational tools and materials, and organizing professional training activities around the world Information, ICCROM has one of the world's leading conservation libraries. Research, The ICCROM Laboratory is both a resource and reference point for conservation experts. Cooperation All ICCROM activities involve institutional and professional partners and Advocacy ICCROM disseminates teaching materials and organizes workshops and other activities to raise public awareness and support for conservation.

10 Brief History - It was in the aftermath of the Second World War that the proposal was made to create an intergovernmental centre for the study and improvement of methods of restoration. - Following an agreement with the Italian government, the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property was established in Rome in 1959. - In 1978, the abbreviation ICCROM was devised and has been used ever since. - ICCROM has always devoted particular attention to interdisciplinary collaboration in conservation, involving scientists, conservators, restorers, archaeologists, art historians, curators, architects, engineers and city planners. - Since the 1980s, regular Rome-based activities have increasingly been complemented by long-term international and regional programmers. Together, these form a worldwide platform, combining technical co-operation with research, training, provision of information, exchanges of personnel, and raising awareness about heritage conservation. - The topics of the regular short courses and the long-term programmers have ranged from the conservation of museum, library and archive collections to historic structures in stone, brick, wood or earthen architecture, archaeological sites, historic urban areas and cultural landscapes.

11 References:


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