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1 Unclassified CORPORAL JCTD Harry H. Dreany Marine Aviation Industry Day II May 5, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Unclassified CORPORAL JCTD Harry H. Dreany Marine Aviation Industry Day II May 5, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Unclassified CORPORAL JCTD Harry H. Dreany Marine Aviation Industry Day II May 5, 2009

2 2 Acronym Decipher ollaborative n-line econnaisance rovider perationally esponsive ttack ink oint apability echnology emonstration JCTD Purpose: …to demonstrate, operationally assess, rapidly deploy, and transition capability solutions and innovative concepts to address the joint, coalition and interagency operational gaps and shortfalls.

3 3 Key JCTD Players JCTD Sponsor: USCENTCOM Oversight Executive (OE):Mr. Scott Stephens OSD / AS&C Lead Service:Maj Mikel Huber HQMC DC(A) Operational Manager (OM):Jerry GellingCENTCOM J8/SA Technical Manager (TM): Mr. Harry Dreany NSWC Dahlgren Transition Manager (XM):LCDR Scott Rivera PMA-234 (NAVAIR)


5 5 Spiral Development to address on-demand NTISR and SA (Spiral 1) and on- demand EA and TISR (Spiral 2) to the grunt for his target area of interest. Develop, integrate, and demonstrate systems capabilities affected by hardware, software, and architectures with the following characteristics: (SPIRAL 1) –Scalable, IP-based, Open-Architecture, interoperable design: –Accommodates current and future operational systems and architectures, for example, The Enhanced Position Location Reporting System (EPLRS) –Integration of EPLRS and The Combat Information Network Applications System (CINAPS) server on a Litening Pod (NTISR) which facilitates rapid integration into existing systems without aircraft modification Scalable situational awareness based on available bandwidth and user interface that supports missions, needs, and locations filtered and tailored to the ground warfighter (SPIRAL 1) –Dismounted Digital Automated Communications Terminal (DDACT) integrated with EPLRS –Scalable network nodes Technical Approach

6 6 Technical Approach (Cont’d) Plug-and-Play, software reprogrammable, scalable, IP-based, Open-Architecture non-kinetic fires solution: (SPIRAL 2) –Provide the EW SOA –Provide TISR via UAS imagery –Integration of Electronic Attack (EA) payload onto a surrogate UAS –Transition target platform configuration is a Shadow 200 rewinged platform, with the payload delivered in a dual pod configuration –The design of the pod concurrent with surrogate integration and test.

7 7 Core Technologies LITENING Pod PNPII; –NGC TRL 7-9; Low risk; Demonstrated in TD-1 on the Harrier (AV- 8B); integrated on F-18; EA-6B Testing Transition Target UAS Configuration: –Shadow RQ-7B Re-wing; Low - Medium transition risk. TRL 7-9 Network Components: –NGC –Combat Information Network Application Systems (CINAPS) TRL-5-6; Low risk; Demonstrated in TD-1 Electronic Attack Payload Systems: –Solution currently under review

8 8 Program Plan Network + + EW SOA Software + AEA TD 1 TD 1ATD 2 LUA MUA FY08FY09FY10/11 UAS EA PAYLOAD EU1EU2 TD 3

9 9 Resulting Goal –Beyond Line Of Sight (BLOS) connectivity to ground forces leveraging manned and unmanned assets –Near real-time direct delivery of time/space relevant information Tailored to small unit request (battlefield fusion) optimizing available bandwidth –Scalable - from distributed small unit operations to major combat operations –Rules based software algorithm-arbitrated deconfliction of kinetic and non-kinetic fires coordination –On-demand, automated EA, where available, considering frequency deconfliction, ground specificity and asset availability/proximity –Request forwarding to appropriate approval authority for all non-sourced requests –Communications agnostic framework adaptable to current and planned waveforms and IP-based, open architecture networks Provide “on-demand” collaborative SA & kinetic and non-kinetic fires to the small unit’s Target Area of Interest (TAI)…..

10 Questions


12 12 JCTD Process JCTD Purpose: …to demonstrate, operationally assess, rapidly deploy, and transition capability solutions and innovative concepts to address the joint, coalition and interagency operational gaps and shortfalls.

13 13 LITENING Pod Large extra bay in pod has been modified to accept a family of data links as the warfighter requirements evolve to meet mission needs –Slip in RF, power and control connectors with capacity for future needs –Pre-wired for two separate antennas Plug and Play design can be installed or removed in less than 10 minutes on the flight line –Allows rapid change based on mission requirements –Ease of maintenance Allows rapid insertion of data link options as technology evolves –Analog and digital modulations –Metadata Spiral development is ongoing Data Link LRU Data Link Bay

14 14 PNP 2 LRU Used for: Controller card software loading Communicating with UHF radio Used for: Programming CNRS radio Resetting circuit breaker C-Band transmitter only

15 15 Shadow 200 Background: USMC Purchased 48 Shadows to temporarily replace the Pioneer Characteristics: Length: ft 11.2 Wing Span, ft 12.8 Gross Weight: lbs 320 Payload Weight: lbs 50 Fuel Capacity: lbs 35 Fuel Type: AVGAS Engine Make: UEL AR741 208cc Power, hp 38 Structure: Aluminum/composite Guidance: Navigation BAE Systems Performance: Endurance: hrs 6-8 Radius, nm 43 (link)/27 (omni) Max Speed: kts 115 Stall Speed: kts 55 Altitude: ft 15,000 Takeoff Means: Conventional/catapult Navigation: Preprogrammed (points)/autonomous/direct control Landing Means: Conventional/net/parachute

16 16 Residuals Identified Products: Networked equipped Plug n Play LITENING Pod with CINAPS server (AV-8B, F/A-18, EA-6B) Position, Location and Identification Service Modified D-DACT & IOW Displays (C2CE image / C2PC injector ) Network Configuration CNRS RT-1922 Network Radios Commanders Workstation – UH-1, H-53 and related design data Video Scout network node and image provider Electronic Warfare Services Oriented Architecture and Infrastructure Electronic Warfare consumer and provider services RQ-7B Shadow Re-wing engineering data to support transition CONOPS ands TTPs EA Payload System


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