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Winning Mobility Solutions The sustainable mobility policy of Ferrara. How popular is it with the inhabitants? Fifth European Conference on Sustainable.

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Presentation on theme: "Winning Mobility Solutions The sustainable mobility policy of Ferrara. How popular is it with the inhabitants? Fifth European Conference on Sustainable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Winning Mobility Solutions The sustainable mobility policy of Ferrara. How popular is it with the inhabitants? Fifth European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns 22 March 2007 Mascia Morsucci, Deputy Mayor for the Environment, Municipality of Ferrara

2 CITY of FERRARA UNESCO WORLD HERITAGE Renaissance city Inhabitants 133.000 133.000 53% female; 5% strangers Territory 404.35 km2 Social and Economic background Rate : Economy lies on services activities and a large number of SME mainly treating agriculture, mechanic and wear products. On its boundary is included one of the Italian most important Petrochemical District. Most recently growth has been registered in the field of tourism and university education.

3 In Ferrara we aim to :  Discourage private transport  Encourage use of ecological means of transport  Educate citizens on sustainable mobility Urban areas suffer heavily by the excessive use of the private car. In the last 30 years the use of private motor vehicles has increased in our Country, to 214%compared to the average EU of 140%.

4 Limitation of private circulation in the city area in the winter Discourage private transport

5 Increased pedestrian area today 6,48 ha Increased Traffic Restricted Zones today 128. ha Discourage private transport

6 Encourage the use of ecological means of transport FOR GIVING THE GOOD EXAMPLE 21 cars to hybrid feeding to replace as many old cars 3.650 liters for year fuel saving About 5% total fuel consumptions /year 8 t less carbon dioxide emitted 210 bicycles, for the Municipal employees for their movements between home and office and for those connecting to the service requirements

7 Encourage the use of ecological means of transport Every year Municipality invests to promote the installation of methane systems on the private cars. in 2006 we invested about 200 thousands euro discreet participation of the citizens % Indagine 2002 By foot12,9 By bycicle27,4 Moto, ciclomotore, scooter4,9 Auto privata43,8 Auto come passeggero7,1 Taxi0,2 Trasporti collettivi3,2 Altro0,6 Totale100 Investment in the public transport to make it more efficient Modernization the bus fleet introducing Natural gas vehicles (accounts for about 30% of the urban fleet) Investment in use of bicycle Reorganization of the bus service from 2006

8 27% share of total daily urban trips are done by bicycles Bike Plan bycicle segregated path network to consolidate the high patronage of bike in 2005 118 km; Encourage the use of ecological means of transport Public Bicycles With a key you’re able to use one of the 76 public bicycles in eight various zones of the city, the railway station, the main city parking this service for citizens who have their centre of study or job in city. The key offers the possibility to take public bicycles from the other Italian cities

9 Educate citizens to sustainable mobility Laboratories with the children to study and to define of the sure distances for the daily way House-School. Promote the sustainable mobility, in the children and in their parents. If we’ll render surer the distances house school, will succeed to make to go the boys to school without car, by foot or by bicycle, we will favor the autonomy of the child, diminishing the traffic derived from the entrance and the escape from school. For more information Ferrara have encouraged lodges to improve their offer with “bicycles of courtesy” today 47 hotels offer this service to the tourists

10 CONCLUSION Disincentive of private mobility Stimulate use of ecological means of transport Educate citizens to sustainable mobility WHAT WE HAVE TO DO to complete and integrate the existing nets with the realization of new cycle-pedestrian routes; to connect the existing cycle-pedestrian net; to extende traffic restricted zones in the city centre; to realize sure distances home – school; to modernize pubblic transport for increasing the average travel speed


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