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2 The French national Agency for the promotion of higher education, international student services and international mobility CampusFrance Doctoral studies.

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2 2 The French national Agency for the promotion of higher education, international student services and international mobility CampusFrance Doctoral studies in France 27 th March 2012 KU Leuven Journée doc et post-doc PhD and postdoc opportunities in and with France

3 3 The French national Agency for the promotion of higher education, international student services and international mobility Doctoral studies in France A high-level research  Research in France, supported by the French government, is particularly dynamic Research and Development expenditure: 42.7 billion € (2009) 5th place in OECD countries (2009) 6th in the world in number of scientific publications 4th in the world in number of patents  International awards for French researchers 55 French Nobel laureates 11 winners of the Fields Medal of 52 (2 in 2010) 2 nd in the world for its performance in Mathematics  41% of Phd students registered in France are international students

4 4 The French national Agency for the promotion of higher education, international student services and international mobility Doctoral studies in France France Doctoral Departments / Bologna process  Doctoral Departments (since 1990) - today 285 Ecoles doctorales accredited by the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research  PhD students within the Doctoral Department are under the scientific responsibility: o either a supervisor of the Ecole Doctorale o or two directors of thesis  Doctoral Department supports PhD students: o to insert the Doctors in the academic institutions o to integrate the socio-economic, administrative, industrial world  Bologna Process 1999 / Berlin 2003 / Bergen 2005 o Integration of doctoral studies between the European higher education area and the European research mobility o Increased cooperation in doctoral and postdoctoral o Recognition of joint degrees, including Doctoral level Joint Doctorates / Cotutelles internationales de thèse Le Doctorat se prépare dans une École Doctorale (ED), au sein d’une Unité de Recherche (UR) – Les ED fédèrent des Equipes de Recherche d’un ou plusieurs établissements d’enseignement supérieur autour de thématiques scientifiques – Elles sont identifiées par un numéro unique. Leur nombre varie chaque année du fait des fusions, des fermetures et des créations d’écoles. Encadrement scientifique de haut niveau Préparation à l’insertion professionnelle – Formations, enseignements, séminaires et stages – Ouverture sur le monde industriel Durée : 3 ans

5 5 The French national Agency for the promotion of higher education, international student services and international mobility Doctoral studies in France Organization of the research / position of the Doctoral Departement Laboratory Director 2300 PhD students PhD student Doctoral departement University PRES cluster Links between Teaching and Research within institutions of higher education

6 6 The French national Agency for the promotion of higher education, international student services and international mobility Doctoral studies in France Key figures Ecoles Doctorales

7 7 The French national Agency for the promotion of higher education, international student services and international mobility Doctorate / LMD system ECTS and National Diplomas  Level required: A degree equivalent to a European Master (5 years of Higher Education) A diploma proving the ability to do research  Knowledge of French language is not required: English is the working language of many laboratories The thesis may be written in English (with French summary)  Funding required About 1000 euros per month minim um Applying for admission Doctoral studies in France

8 8 The French national Agency for the promotion of higher education, international student services and international mobility Joint Doctorates / Cotutelles internationale de thèse

9 9 The French national Agency for the promotion of higher education, international student services and international mobility FIELDSDomains / Specialities Agriculture and ecological sciences Agri-food biotechnology, Food science; Biology of organisms; animal, plant and microbial biotechnologies; Environmental Biology, population, ecology Biology, Medicine and Health Biomolecules, Pharmacoly, therapeutics; Clinical researh, technological innovation, public healh; Life and health sciences; Molecular and cellular aspects of biology; Physioloy, biology of organisms, population, interactions Chemistry Materials chemistry; Materials engineering; Organic, mineral, industrial chemistry Engineering science Electrical engineering, power electronics ; Fluid mechanics, thermics, combustion, acoustics, biomechanics, bioengineering; Process ingineering, cold plamas; Solid state, material and surface mechanics Human sciences and Humanities Educational sciences; Information and communication sciences; Psychology; Sciences and technics of physical activities; Languages and Literatures; Philosophy and Arts Mathematical sciences Mathemactics and their interactions Physics Dense media, materials and composites; Diluted media and fundamental optics; Elementary constituents and theorotical physics; Hot plasmas Sciences and technologies of information and communication Automation, signal treatment; Electronnics, photonics; Informatics and applications Sciences of the earth and the universe, space Astronomy, astrophysics; Earth, fluid envelopes; Solid earth and deep layers; Solid earth and Surfaces envelopes Sciences of society Economical and Management sciences; Legal and political sciences; Social sciences Doctoral studies in France Scientifc fields

10 10 The French national Agency for the promotion of higher education, international student services and international mobility Doctoral studies in France Research profiles collection

11 11 The French national Agency for the promotion of higher education, international student services and international mobility Doctoral studies in France

12 12 The French national Agency for the promotion of higher education, international student services and international mobility Doctoral studies in France The directory level D Campus France 3 ways to search for the students Regions Scientific domains Keywords

13 13 The French national Agency for the promotion of higher education, international student services and international mobility Find financial assistance for study and research in France Campus Bourses: grant search engine>Finance your program

14 14 The French national Agency for the promotion of higher education, international student services and international mobility Doctoral studies in France  PhD registration file:  Detailed CV (résumé) of the PhD candidate  List of diplomas (grade, disctintion, honours) and marks  Certificate of funding or financial aid  Motivation letter and topic thesis  Letter of appreciation by Master supervisor  Detailed topic thesis signed by the director Doctoral Departement registration

15 15 The French national Agency for the promotion of higher education, international student services and international mobility Doctoral studies in France Living in France

16 16 The French national Agency for the promotion of higher education, international student services and international mobility System of doctoral contracts -International joint supervision of dissertation research - Partnership with industry - Awarded and administered by Doctoral Departements - CIFRE agreements -Professional training -True employment agreements -All doctoral degree students -Contractual status 3 years 1,625 € < /monthly Research Employment Doctoral studies in France

17 17 The French national Agency for the promotion of higher education, international student services and international mobility Doctoral studiens in France PhD international students support Registration Hosting Daily life Integration Tutoring Public healh Bank French language Cultural events … EURAXESS Researchers in Motion Network of more than 200 Service Centres located in 40 European countries. Scientific Visa: fast-track to European research careers for non-European Union/third country nationals Practical information about administrative and legal issues EURAXESS France regions - individual assistance - to facilitate foreign researchers’ reception and stay in and around cities in France - “convention d’accueil” (hosting agreement) Doctoral Department Ecole Doctorale University International Relations office PRES cluster Collège doctoral Foundation Alfred Kastler Cité internationale universitaire de Paris - hospitality and support for foreign researchers in France - to maintain contact with them following their return home

18 18 The French national Agency for the promotion of higher education, international student services and international mobility Doctoral studies in Europe Promodoc consortium coordination by Campus France

19  Dr Jean-Luc Ito-Pagès Higher Education Programs Adviser Ph.: +33 1 40 40 57 14

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