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Civil War Review.

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1 Civil War Review

2 What was the “Georgia Platform”
It was a statement written by Georgians, Robert Toombs, Alexander Stephens and Howell Cobb, showing their support for the Compromise of 1850.

3 True or False? The Dred Scott decision helped push the nation closer to war by stating the following: The Supreme Court ruled that slaves were property not citizens. True

4 What Amendment to the U. S
What Amendment to the U.S. Constitution gave black males the right to vote? The Fifteenth

5 What did the Missouri Compromise do?
This 1820s act of Congress created a compromise that maintained a balance of power between the free states and the slave states.

6 Consider seceding or pulling out of the Union.
Abraham Lincoln's presidential election in 1860 caused many states to do what? Consider seceding or pulling out of the Union.

7 What is nullification? The states’ rights argument that states don’t have to follow federal laws they feel are unconstitutional.

8 According to the terms of the Compromise of 1850.
When was California allowed to enter the Union as a free state with no slavery? According to the terms of the Compromise of 1850.

9 What law required all free peoples to return runaway slaves to their owners?
The Fugitive Slave Law

10 It was unique to the presidential election of 1860
When was the first time a candidate won the presidency with votes from only one section of country? It was unique to the presidential election of 1860

11 Why were Georgians Robert Toombs and Alexander Stephens viewed with great importance during the Civil War? They were Georgians that held positions of leadership in the Confederate States of America.

12 False True or False? The Dred Scott decision helped push the nation closer to war by stating the following: The Supreme Court ruled that slave owners had to be reimbursed (repaid) for slaves who escaped on the underground railroad.

13 False True or False? According to the Compromise of 1850 the following was seen as a benefit of the North: Congress passed a law allowing fugitive slaves to be returned to their owners.

14 What was the South's position on states' rights?
The interests of the individual states should take precedence (have priority) over the national government.

15 What act of Congress established popular sovereignty to decide the slavery issue as a territory became a state? Kansas-Nebraska Act

16 Where was the notorious Confederate prison in Georgia?

17 There were two major campaigns fought in Georgia during the Civil War, one to destroy CSA supplies and morale on the way to Savannah, the other to capture what city? Atlanta

18 The "March to the Sea," which devastated much of Georgia on a path from Atlanta to Savannah was led by whom? Gen. William T. Sherman

19 The “Georgia Platform”
What statement was written by the three Georgians: Robert Toombs, Alexander Stephens, and Howell Cobb and generated Southern support of the Compromise of 1850? The “Georgia Platform”

20 the Emancipation Proclamation
What famous document issued by Lincoln after the Battle of Antietam led to the freedom of over four million slaves in the United States? the Emancipation Proclamation

21 True or False? The Dred Scott decision helped push the nation closer to war by stating the following: The Supreme Court upheld the legal rights of the southern states and their institution of slavery. True

22 Yes or No. Was concern about the equal representation in the U. S
Yes or No? Was concern about the equal representation in the U.S. House of Representatives an underlying cause of the Civil War? NO

23 Was Savannah the starting or the ending point point in Georgia for General Sherman?

24 or Share Cropping? Tenant Farming Who owned farm animals and equipment to use in working other people's lands.

25 The Commander, Captain Henry Wirz!
After the Civil War, who was the only Confederate executed for what was allowed to happen at Andersonville Prison? The Commander, Captain Henry Wirz!

26 True or False? The Dred Scott decision helped push the nation closer to war by stating the following: The Supreme Court ruled that the federal government could not stop slavery in territories. True .

27 In U.S. history, the Battle of Antietam is famous for what?
This Civil War battle was the bloodiest one day battle in U.S. history.

28 What was the big deal about establishing blockades of Southern seaports?
As the first stage of the Anaconda Plan, this Union tactic caused the most damage to the South's economy (“King Cotton” trade) during the Civil War.

29 What is so significant about the Battle of Chickamauga?
It was a Civil War battle that was fought in GA and won by the CSA, but was not followed up on by the Confederates.

30 He attacked the civilian infrastructure between Atlanta and Savannah
What did General William T. Sherman do to end civilian support for the war effort in Georgia and shorten the war? He attacked the civilian infrastructure between Atlanta and Savannah

31 Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution abolished slavery?
The Thirteenth

32 What did the South have to do in order to ship cotton to Great Britain and France in exchange for supplies and arms. The South absolutely had to keep its ports open and operational during the Civil War!

33 Yes or No? As part of the Compromise of 1850, slave trading was ended in Washington, D.C., which was seen as a benefit of the North. yes

34 What two points are viewed as the most significant things about the Battle of Gettysburg?
It resulted in the most casualties on both sides and is widely considered a major turning point of the Civil War.

35 What was one Union disadvantage during the war?
They were fighting in somebody else’s “backyard” --- the CSA’s homeland

36 What amendment to the U. S
What amendment to the U.S. Constitution gave black males full citizenship rights? The Fourteenth

37 yes Yes or No According to the Compromise of 1850 the following was seen as a benefit of the North: did NOT benefit the North? Texas did not annex New Mexico as a slave territory.

38 What government agency provided education, training, and social services for many of the newly freed slaves and poor whites? The Freedmen's Bureau

39 President Lincoln or a supporter of his plans for Reconstruction
Who would most likely have agreed that it was important that the North support policies that help the South recover as quickly as possible after the war? President Lincoln or a supporter of his plans for Reconstruction

40 The “Radical Republicans” wanted a plan for Reconstruction of the South that emphasized what approach? A plan for Reconstruction that included harsh demands on ex-Confederates in the South

41 Owned nothing but their labor.
or Tenant Farming? Sharecropping Owned nothing but their labor.

42 yes Yes or No According to the Compromise of 1850 the following was seen as a benefit of the North: California joined the Union as a free state.

43 Because of the South’s practice of adopting laws known as Black Codes, which restricted the rights of freedmen, the U.S. Congress did what? The Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was passed in response.

44 Because Georgia had plenty of cotton, abundant land and water, and inexpensive labor to supply and operate textile mills, Northerners did what after the war? Northern businessmen invested money to build Georgia's textile industry after the Civil War.

45 Which political party of the 1860s was associated with the political and military Reconstruction phases of Georgia's readmission to the Union? Republican

46 Because they had the right to vote, but not the right to hold office.
Henry McNeal Turner and the other black Georgia legislators were expelled from the Georgia House and Senate after their elections in What new rule was used to expel them? Because they had the right to vote, but not the right to hold office.

47 There were two major campaigns fought in Georgia during the Civil War, one to take Atlanta, the other to take… Savannah

48 What was the secret white supremacy organization that became a force in Georgia during Reconstruction and tried to prevent freedmen from exercise their civil rights? The Ku Klux Klan

49 This 1820 act of Congress created a compromise that maintained a balance of power between the free states and the slave states, what was it called ? Missouri Compromise

50 The view that states don’t have to follow federal laws they feel are unconstitutional is known as what? nullification

51 True or False? The Dred Scott decision helped push the nation closer to war by stating the following: The Supreme Court ruled that slaves were property not citizens. True

52 True or False? The Dred Scott decision helped push the nation closer to war by stating the following: The Supreme Court ruled that the federal government could not stop slavery in territories. . True

53 True or False? The Dred Scott decision helped push the nation closer to war by stating the following: The Supreme Court upheld the legal rights of the southern states and their institution of slavery. True

54 True or False? The Dred Scott decision helped push the nation closer to war by stating the following: The Supreme Court ruled that slave owners had to be reimbursed (repaid) for slaves who escaped on the underground railroad. False

55 According to the terms of the Compromise of 1850, what was the decision concerning California?
California was allowed to enter the Union as a free state with no slavery.

56 What was the purpose of the Fugitive Slave Law?
To require the return of runaway slaves to their owners.

57 What was unique about the presidential election of 1860?
It was the first time a candidate won the election with votes from only one section of country.

58 Robert Toombs Alexander Stephens
Which Georgians held positions of leadership in the Confederate States of America? Robert Toombs Alexander Stephens

59 Yes or No. Was concern about the equal representation in the U. S
Yes or No? Was concern about the equal representation in the U.S. House of Representatives an underlying cause of the Civil War? NO

60 True or False? According to the Compromise of 1850 the following was seen as a benefit of the North: California joined the Union as a free state. TRUE

61 Yes or No? According to the Compromise of 1850 the following was seen as a benefit of the North: Texas did not annex New Mexico as a slave territory. yes

62 Yes or No? According to the Compromise of 1850 the following was seen as a benefit of the North: Congress passed a law allowing fugitive slaves to be returned to their owners. NO

63 The South's position on states' rights/nullification
What does the following statement describe? The interests of the individual states should take precedence over the national government. The South's position on states' rights/nullification

64 Voting or “popular sovereignty”
What concept was used in the Kansas-Nebraska Act to decide the slavery issue? Voting or “popular sovereignty”

65 Lincoln's election to the presidency
What caused many slave states to consider seceding or pulling out of the Union? Lincoln's election to the presidency

66 The "March to the Sea," which devastated much of Georgia on a path from Atlanta to Savannah, was led by which Union commander? Gen. William T. Sherman

67 The Emancipation Proclamation
Which American document led to the freedom of over four million slaves in the United States? The Emancipation Proclamation

68 Where was General Sherman's final destination in his March to the Sea?

69 After the Civil War, what was the penalty received by the commander of the Andersonville Prison who allowed excessive cruelty to prisoners? He was executed!

70 Which one day Civil War battle was the bloodiest in U.S. History?
Battle of Antietam

71 Establishing blockades of southern seaports
In the end, which Union tactic caused the most damage to the South's economy during the Civil War? Establishing blockades of southern seaports

72 Which Civil War battle was fought and won in GA, but was not followed up by the Confederates?
Battle of Chickamauga

73 To end civilian support for the war effort and shorten the war
Why did General William T. Sherman attack the civilian infrastructure between Atlanta and Savannah? To end civilian support for the war effort and shorten the war

74 What did the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution do?
It abolished slavery.

75 Why did the South absolutely have to keep its ports open and operational during the Civil War?
It had to ship cotton to Great Britain and France in exchange for supplies and arms.

76 Which major battle resulted in the most casualties on both sides and is widely considered a major turning point of the Civil War? Battle of Gettysburg

77 What was one confederate advantage in the war?
Defending their homeland

78 What did the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution do?
It gave black males full citizenship rights.

79 What was the MAIN purpose of the Freedmen's Bureau during Reconstruction?
To provide education, training, and social services for newly freed slaves

80 A supporter of President Lincoln's plans for Reconstruction
Who would most likely have agreed that it was important that the North support policies that help the South recover as quickly as possible after the war? A supporter of President Lincoln's plans for Reconstruction

81 What did the Fifteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution do?
It gave black males the right to vote.

82 Who most likely would have supported a plan for Reconstruction that included harsh demands on ex- Confederates in the South? Radical Republicans

83 Owned nothing but their labor.
or Tenant Farming? Sharecropping Owned nothing but their labor.

84 or Share Cropping? Tenant Farming owned farm animals and equipment to use in working other people's lands.

85 The Fourteenth Amendment to the U. S
The Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was passed in response to what? The practice of adopting laws known as Black Codes, which restricted the rights of freedmen.

86 Why did northern businessmen invested money to build Georgia's textile industry after the Civil War?
Georgia had plenty of cotton, abundant land and water, and inexpensive labor to supply and operate textile mills.

87 Which political party of the 1860s was associated with the political and military Reconstruction phases of Georgia's readmission to the Union? Republican

88 Because they had the right to vote but not the right to hold office.
Henry McNeal Turner and the other black legislators were expelled from the Georgia house and senate after their elections in Why were they expelled? Because they had the right to vote but not the right to hold office.

89 What was the secret white supremacy organization that became a force in Georgia during Reconstruction and tried to prevent freedmen from exercise their civil rights? The Ku Klux Klan

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