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Published byLester Julius Bradford Modified over 9 years ago
IEEE Information as a Driver of Technological Research and Development Judy H. Brady IEEE Area Manager Latin America, Japan, Korea and South Africa 28 August 2015
IEEE covers all areas of technology More than just electrical engineering & computer science Aerospace Biomedical Engineering Communications Electronics Electromagnetics Imaging Nanotechnology Optics Power Systems Remote Sensing Secure Communications Transportation Antennas Circuits Computing Energy Information Technology Nuclear Science Physics Power Electronics Radiology Robotics & Automation Software Wireless Over 2 million articles, papers and standards! 2
IEEE content covers a broad spectrum Do you know what this is? 3
The Biggest Physics Experiment of This Century….. …..And it is built with IEEE 4
IEEE was invited to CERN during the final phase of the project Tony Durniac IEEE Director, Publications Jens Vigen Head Librarian, CERN And The World Did Not End Yet! CERN downloaded more than 50,000 IEEE documents the 12 months preceding project completion 5
Relevance to South African Research IEEE Research Areas –Antennas and Propagation –Telecommunications –Satellites –Sensing –Electromagnetic Waves –Applied Optics –Signal Processing –Radiation –….and many others Source: 6
A Sample of Content in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library Search TermDocuments in IEEE Xplore Antennas211,119 Propagation315,596 Telecommunications236,682 Satellite108,107 Sensing413,635 Optics140,342 Signal Processing321,694 Radiation198,518 Electromagnetic Wave49,281 Searches conducted May 2009 using full text and all fields option 7
A Sample of Telecommunications Content in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library 8
A Sample of Aerospace & Defense Content in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library 9
New IEEE Journal Titles in 2008 – Now available in IEEE Xplore IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering IEEE Transaction on Services Computing IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies IEEE Transactions on Haptics S IN 10
New IEEE Journal Titles Coming in 2009 IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development IEEE Journal of Optical Communications and Networking IEEE Embedded Systems Letters IEEE Solid State Circuits Magazine IEEE Photonics Journal 11
Educational Courses Added to IEEE Xplore Provide Advanced Topics for Engineers Based on the best tutorials and short courses offered at IEEE Conferences Dynamic format interactive learning with audio commentary, video, and animations Awards users with continuing education units (CEUs) to maintain licenses/certifications Convenient 24/7 self-paced learning Available via the IEEE Expert Now collection 12
IEL Includes…. Unlimited, access to more than 2 million full-text articles 143 IEEE and IET journals, magazines, and transactions 850+ annual IEEE and IET conference papers 1,900+ approved and published IEEE standards Backfile to 1913…at NO extra charge –IET backfile to the 1800s be added in 2009 Robust search tools with a user-friendly interface Free training and technical support Inspec abstract/citation bibliographic records Weekly updates with more than 12,500 new articles added each month Monthly COUNTER-compliant usage statistics 13
Perpetual Access IEEE Policy for online subscribers – access to the content to which you subscribe in an agreed upon medium. Portico agreement –Agreement in place to keep content is safe incase of catastrophic circumstances –Agreement in discussion for institutional access to content on individual basis USB Back up subscription to IEL –Shipped twice per year at the c ost $6,995 Fully digitized content, no search engine 15
IEEE publishes: i #1 journal in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 18 of the top 20 journals in Electrical and Electronic Engineering 9 of the top 10 journals in Telecommunications 6 of top 10 journals in Computer Science, Hardware & Architecture 5 of top 20 journals in Computer Science, Information Systems 8 of top 20 journals in Computer Science, Software Engineering # 1 in Imaging Science # 1 in Robotics # 2 in Artificial Intelligence # 2 in Transportation Technology # 4 in Biomedical Engineering The ISI JCR presents “quantifiable statistical data that provides a systematic, objective way to evaluate the world’s leading journals” (2007 report released June 2008) IEEE = Leader in Technology Journal Citation Report Results, by Impact Factor 16
According to*, IEEE has: Top 10 in Telecommunications 8 of the Top 10 in Circuits 7 of the Top 10 in Power Systems 4 of the top 6 in Control Theory #1 journal in Electromagnetic Engineering #3 journal in Computer Imaging A journal's Eigenfactor Article Influence score is a measure of a journal's prestige based on per article citations Eigenfactor: Ranks the influence of journals much as Google ranks web pages Journals considered influential if cited often by other influential journals Measures journal price as well as citation influence Contains scholarly journals as well as newsprint, PhD theses, & magazines Adjusts for citation differences across disciplines Uses 5-year citation data Completely free *Article Influence Score from, November 2008 17
Total Usage Continues to Grow Now an average of over 7M downloads per month Annualized run rate points to 84M+ downloads by YE IEEE Confidential & Proprietary Source: IEEE Xplore Internal Usage Stats 18
2008 Academic Consortia in 40 countries 19
In countries with GDP similar to South Africa South Africa –GDP Per Capita $10,000 (2008 est.) Uruguay –GDP Per Capita $12,200 (2008 est.) Turkey –GDP Per Capita $12,000 (2008 est.) Lebanon –GDP Per Capita $11,100(2008 est.) Brazil –GDP Per Capita $10,100 (2008 est.) Colombia –GDP Per Capita $8,900 (2008 est.) 20
IEEE International Consortia China BrazilSwitzerland India ArgentinaLebanon Korea PakistanJordan UK Saudi ArabiaAustria Spain GreeceChile Australia PortugalEgypt Germany FinlandUruguay Italy IrelandTunisia Thailand RussiaLithuania Nordic IsraelPhilippines Japan PolandIraq Turkey Hong KongColombia Malaysia FranceTaiwan 92 univs 6 univs 105 univs 9 univs 5 univs 21
Quality tools contribute to the technological health of a nation: A Case Study BRAZILIAN FEDERAL AGENCY FOR SUPPORT AND EVALUATION OF GRADUATE EDUCATION CAPES Presentation at IEEE Meeting – Brasília, DF March 25, 2008. 22
CAPES CAPES is a public foundation within the Brazilian Ministry of Education (MEC). It is responsible for promoting and evaluating the entire Graduate System of Education in Brazil. It is also responsible for the development of higher education, science, and technology in the country. CAPES Presentation at IEEE Meeting – Brasília, DF March 25, 2008. 23
One of the greatest scientific databases in the world. Created in 2000 by CAPES to reduce regional disparities, allowing online access to outstanding scientific and technological papers produced all over the world. It allows access to internationally updated scientific full-text data through any terminal connected to the Internet located at authorized institutions. Portal CAPES Presentation at IEEE Meeting – Brasília, DF March 25, 2008. 24
OBSERVATIONS ABOUT ENGINEERING AND DEVELOPMENT The development business needs engineers for their planning and operations. A good quality Engineer determines the performance of businesses or industries. The speed of development of the business sector of a nation depends on the availability of highly qualified engineers. CAPES Presentation at IEEE Meeting – Brasília, DF March 25, 2008. 25
SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTION: BRAZIL AND WORLD: 1981-2006 CAPES Presentation at IEEE Meeting – Brasília, DF March 25, 2008. 26
PH.D. DEGREES GRANTED X PUBLISHED ARTICLES (ISI): 1987 -2006 CAPES Presentation at IEEE Meeting – Brasília, DF March 25, 2008. 27
New Law to Guard South Africa’s IP “The new law is closely linked to the Technology Innovation Agency Act, which provides for the establishment of a public entity to finance individuals and other organisations commercialising their technological innovations and inventions. The department hopes to…. integrate the management of disparate technological innovation initiatives that are still at a developmental stage. All these initiatives are part of the department's larger Ten-Year Innovation Plan, aimed at driving South Africa toward a knowledge-based economy, in which the production and dissemination of knowledge leads to economic benefits… Source: 28
Patent Development is Tangible Proof of Innovation Research indicates that the most successful patents are those that build on scholarly papers The importance of sci-tech literature in patents is increasing In fact, patent referencing to IEEE increased 294% in the last ten years! Source: 1790 Analytics, LLC. The Influence of IEEE on Key Patents. Breitsman, Haddonfield, NJ. 12 January 2006 1790 Analytics, LLC An Analysis of Patent Referencing to IEEE Papers, Conferences, and Standards 1997-2007. Breitsman, Haddonfield, NJ. 21 May 2008 29
Libraries Assist Education by Dissemination of Patent Literature Teaching patent research provides students with a valuable tool for future technological development A study conducted for American Society of Engineering Educators (ASEE) shows libraries are using patents as teaching tools “Patents have been used as teaching materials in engineering courses, especially design courses, for at least thirty years.” Michael White, Queens University Engineering & Science Library, Canada 30
Patents are important in engineering education 78.9% gave one-on-one instruction on using a patent database 57.5% teach patent workshops to undergraduate engineering students 52.5%, teach patent workshops to graduate engineering students 51.3%, reported that patents were included in the engineering curriculum at their university Michael White, Librarian at the Queens University Engineering and Science Library, Canada, conducted a survey of 40 librarians of the Engineering Libraries Division of the American Society of Engineering Executives (ASEE). 31
Key Findings of New Patent Study 38% of the sci-tech citations by the top 25 patenting organizations are to IEEE IEEE is highly cited in these technology patents: Source: 1790 Analytics LLC 2008 Study examines Sci-Tech references in patents for the top 25 patenting organizations in 2007 and reveals: Sample U.S. patent citing IEEE information Nuclear and X-ray Optics Power systems Robotics Semiconductors Telecommunications Computer hardware Computer software Information storage Measuring, testing, and control Medical devices 32
U.S. patent references from the top 25 patenting organizations in 2007 to top publishers Based on number of references to papers/standards/conferences from 1997-2007 Non-patent references to top 25 patenting organizations Source: 1790 Analytics 2008 IEEE IEEE cited nearly 4x more than nearest competitor 33
IEEE Journals Are Priced Well Below the Market Average Each year, journal pricing studies show that IEEE publications are priced well below market averages. The annual Library Journal Periodical Price Survey reveals that the average cost of an engineering journal in 2008 is US $1,919. Using the same calculation method, the average price of an individual IEEE journal is just $678 – 65% lower than other engineering journals. Source: “Periodicals Price Survey” Library Journal, April 2008 34
IEL: An Outstanding Value Component2009 IEEE/IET List Price2009 Package Prices All Society Periodicals Package (ASPP)$102,677$43,995 POP All - Conference Proceedings$211,000$54,995 IEEE Standards Collection$171,000 est.$38,495 IET Journals Collection$27,105$14,040 IEEE Spectrum$399 Proceedings of the IEEE$800 Subtotal$512,981$152,724 Backfile Value 1988- 2008 Plus additional backfile of selected titles (250,000+ documents) from 1913-1987 IEEE backfile value estimated at $6,587,217* Only available with IEL purchase Not having the IEEE/IET backfile could easily cost your institution 100 articles per month at $29 per article $34,800 per year** Estimated Total Cost$512,981(not including backfile) 2009 List price of IEL, (single site)$125,995 You save an estimated$386,986 35
IEEE Consortium Pricing Worldwide All Universities Grouped Into Levels (Tiers) Tier criterion includes university size, relevant programs, degrees granted, research need. Consortia partnership agreements recognize economic issues, country need, state of innovation 2009 IEEE/IET Electronic Library (IEL): $125,995 per univ. Tier 1: 25% discount$94,500 Tier 2: 50% discount$63,000 Tier 3: 75% discount$31,500 36
Consortium Advantage Group purchase drives down the price Resources can be streamlined The case for government funding can be made more powerfully The impact of access to high quality collections can be assessed on a larger scale Group usage statistics show the need by institution for future fine tuning Training can be coordinated and shared Opportunity for dialogue among peers 37
Free federated “vertical” search portal to digital libraries of 20+ leading worldwide science and technology societies Searches nearly 4 million articles and papers Focused on the fields of technology, including engineering, physics, mathematics and computer science Powerful, focused aggregation – eliminates internet “noise” for serious researchers Federated search provides the very latest research in real time… no lag time from web crawling and indexing What is Most timely sci-tech search on the web 38
Who is behind Acoustical Society of America American Geophysical Union (AGU) American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) American Institute of Physics (AIP) American Physical Society (APS) American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Audio Engineering Society (AES) AVS ECS IEEE Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP) Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) Optical Society of America (OSA) Royal Society (RS) Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Society for Information Display (SID) SPIE …and more to come From 21 of the Leading sci-tech societies 39
Improvements to Developed: –Clustering tools –Alerting service (RSS or other method) –Bibliographic download capability –OpenURL source –Promotion plans to drive awareness and usage Encourage your users to try 40
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