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Published bySusanna Ross Modified over 9 years ago
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Ohio’s New State Tests Dawn BettsCatherine Schulte Clermont County ESC
What Everyone Needs to Know Scheduling Test Security Ethical Use of Tests Student Pre-ID and Test Eligibility Make up Tests
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Important Roles in the Testing Process District Test Coordinator: define these roles Building Test Coordinator Test Administrator Proctor
Roles of Individuals District Test Coordinator – individual at the district level who is responsible for the overall coordination of test administration: uploading student information, ordering test materials and overseeing the administration of state assessments. Building Test Coordinator – individual at the school level responsible for the overall coordinator of test administration. The role may be taken on by the principal or designee based on established criteria. Technology Coordinator – individual at the school or district level who is responsible for setting up student computers for computer-based testing and may be responsible for uploading student registration files (Pre-ID files).
Roles of Individuals Test Administrator – individual at the school responsible for administering the tests. Test administrators must be employees of the district and hold a current, valid license, certificate or permit issued by the Ohio Department of Education. Proctor – individual who may be called on to help a test administrator monitor a testing session under the supervision of the test administrator. For any group of more than 30 students, a proctor or monitor must be in the room with the test administrator. A proctor or monitor cannot be in the test room alone without a test administrator who meets the criterial above. Proctors may administer accommodations, provided they receive training prior to administration and are administering the accommodations in the same room under the supervision of the Test Adminstrator.
District Test Coordinator Responsibilities Before TestingDuring TestingAfter Testing Schedulinghas primary responsibility for the test administration and oversight of all online systems used during the administration. must use the Online Reporting System to track test completions and ensure all required online tests are submitted. coordinates with tech coordinator, as needed, preparedness for online testing. must report all alleged security violations to ODE must submit any Test Status Requests in TIDE for online administrations, if needed. must ensure that all personnel are aware of state/district test security procedures and follow these procedures at all times. must use the Online Reporting System to track test completions and ensure all required online tests are submitted. ensures that all participating students are pre-identified as online testers. must submit any Test Status Requests in TIDE for online administrations, if needed. must prepare and train BTC for the test administration prior to testing. makes sure TA are familiar with the accessibility features and accommodations available create user accounts for all who need access to online testing systems Or delegate this responsibility.
Building Test Coordinator Responsibilities Before TestingDuring TestingAfter Testing ensure that state/district test security procedures are followed in the building must train all TA and monitors in proper online test administration procedures before testing. must report all alleged security violations to the DTC. can pre-identify students in TIDE using the Add Student task/can update a student demographics and accessibility features in TIDE. must ensure that the TA act in accordance with all security requirements. must ensure that the TA act in accordance with all security requirements. must ensure that TA have necessary student information for testing, including test eligibility and accessibility features and accommodations, student names as they appear in TIDE and student IDs. must use the Online Reporting System to track test completions and ensure all required online tests are submitted. must ensure that TA understand their responsibilities when the test session ends. may also be responsible for creating and maintaining other building-level user accounts in his or her school building. may also be responsible for creating and maintaining other building-level user accounts in his or her school building. must use the Online Reporting System to track test completions and ensure all required online tests are submitted.
Test Administrator Responsibilities Before TestingDuring TestingAfter Testing Complete any necessary trainingAdminister online TestsMaintain Test Security must have a Teacher or TA user account.Maintain Test Securitybe aware of state/district test security procedures and follow them at all times. Implement after testing policy has access to student information needed for student sign-in on test day and knows which test(s) students are eligible to take. knows the testing time available for each test that he or she gives. must report all alleged security violations to the BTC. is familiar with the accessibility features and accommodations available for students. Ensure students have specified amount of time to take test in one day knows how to establish a test session, adjust test settings, approve students to test and monitor and stop test administrations using the Test Administration Interface. Administers accessibility features and accommodations available for students. knows the testing time available for each test that he or she gives. knows how to establish a test session, adjust test settings, approve students to test and monitor and stop test administrations using the Test Administration Interface. downloads the Online Testing Checklist from the Portal References the Online Testing Checklist during testing reviews the Test Administrator Interface User Guide. Monitor student breaks Prepare students for testingmust report all alleged security violations to the BTC.
Proctor Responsibilities Before TestingDuring TestingAfter Testing Complete any necessary training Administer Accommodations Maintain test security Prepare testing environment Maintain Test SecurityImplement after testing policy Assist TA Assist TA in preparing students for testing Monitor testing environment must report all alleged security violations to the TA.
Test Mode Districts and schools could elect to administer tests online or using paper test materials. Regardless of which mode the school is using, each student must complete both parts of the test (PBA/EOY) in the same mode.
PBA (Administration) ELA/L (Session) Unit 1 (Literary Analysis) Unit 2 (Research Simulation) Unit 3 (Narrative Writing) Math (Session) Unit 1 Non-Calculator Section Calculator Section Unit 2 (calculator) PBA Flowchart This diagram illustrates grades 6-8
EOY (Administration) ELA/L (Session) Unit 1Unit 2 Math (Session) Unit 1 Non-Calculator Section Calculator Section Unit 2 (calculator) EOY Flowchart This diagram illustrates grade 7 and HS
Scheduling- Testing Times TestTesting Time for PBATesting Time for EOY Grade 4 Social Studies75 minutes Grade 5 Science75 minutes Grade 6 Social Studies75 minutes Grade 8 Science75 minutes American Government90 minutes American History90 minutes Physical Science90 minutes
Scheduling- Testing Times 3-5 ELA/Math Test Coordinator Manual page 142-145
Guidelines for Administration Time 22 Task Time to be Allotted for an Administration Preparing for testing (includes reading instructions to students and answering questions) 10 minutes Distributing test material 5 minutes Unit testing time 60–90 minutes* Completing end-of-unit activities, including closing units, collecting test materials, and administering a student survey (after EOY) 5–15 minutes *Depending on unit and subject—refer to Unit Guidelines and Schedule table in the Test Coordinator Manual for each Unit Time. Decisions for dismissing students are made at the local level.
Guidelines for Administration Time 23 Guidelines for Administration Time (continued) Provide all students with the entire amount of Unit Testing Time. Once the Unit Testing Time has elapsed, the unit must end. A student may be allowed an extended time accommodation only if listed in his or her IEP, 504 Plan, or EL Plan. Refer to the TCM for state-specific procedures for students to follow after a student’s test has been submitted.
Scheduling Districts and schools are able to establish their own administration schedules within the published windows for both parts of the operational administration. However, the department expects students to complete Part 1, the Performance-Based Assessment (PBA), in one sitting and Part 2, the End- of-Year (EOY) Test, in one sitting Schools may schedule more than one test session per test to accommodate all students who will be testing. Online test sessions can be set up for more than one test, which allows students who are taking different tests to test in the same computer lab at the same time. There is no prescribed test order, and districts and schools can choose whether to administer science first, then social studies, or vice versa. Additionally, districts and schools may elect to administer both subjects on the same day.
Scheduling cont. The testing times do not include the time required for administration preparations. For all test administrations, the room should be free of “clues” that would aid the student in taking the test (e.g., maps and charts). Test administrators should allow at least 20-30 minutes to prepare for the test administration. For online testers, test administrators need to prepare the testing room, establish test sessions, read scripted directions, assist students with signing into the test and approve students to test. The department strongly recommends that districts begin testing the first week of the window and do not wait until the second week of each testing window to begin administering the Science and Social Studies Tests. The department has scheduled 10 days for PBA &EOY In-service and professional days may occur during either 10-day testing window, but these days will reduce the number of test days available to the school and district. There will be no modified testing schedules or extensions to the published test windows.
Scheduling-Make up Tests There are at least two scenarios for conducting make-up testing: ◦A student is absent on the day he or she was scheduled to take a test. ◦A student’s test session is interrupted and the student cannot complete the test during his or her scheduled test session. There is no formal make-up time. Make-ups are permitted as long as they are within each respective testing window. Emergency Closings ◦In the event that a school or district closes due to weather or another emergency during regular testing, please phone the department’s Office of Curriculum and Assessment at 614-466-1317 immediately for guidance on how to proceed.
Make up Tests A student who is absent, or has a test interruption, is not required to resume his or her test with other students who are taking the same test. If a situation, such as a student becoming ill or an unexpected test interruption, results in students having to resume testing at a later point, the district and school must be sure to maintain test security. Online testing districts that experience an interruption that prevents their students from submitting tests on the same day the students start their tests must request that tests be reopened. ◦DTC can request to reopen a test in TIDE for online administrations. ◦Requests to reopen a test cannot be submitted until the day after the test was started. ◦Requests submitted prior to 11:00 a.m. will be reviewed/approved by 12:30 p.m. ◦After approval, the students can sign in and resume the test. ◦Note that once the test is reopened, the student must still complete the test on the day he or she signs in to resume the test.
Make-Up Testing 28 Students who are absent, become ill, or who can no longer test because of classroom, school, or technical interruptions during original units, may utilize make-up testing. Test security and administration protocols apply. School Test Coordinators will establish the make-up testing schedules for their schools. Units must be taken in order for make-up testing. Students who were absent may return on the day Unit 2 is given, and that student must take Unit 2. Unit 1 will be given during make-up testing. Only the student who misses all Units will take the Units in order if they return within the window. Must occur during the testing window.
Breaks It is permissible for TAs to give students a brief break, test security must be maintained throughout the break. Students should not talk during a break. It is preferable that only one student at a time be allowed out of the testing room. Students who wish to go to the restroom during the test must turn in all their testing materials to the TA prior to leaving the room. This includes: scratch paper, handheld calculators (if applicable), etc. Online testers must pause their tests and should be mindful of the pause rule ◦Pause < 20 minutes: Student resumes and completes test ◦Pause > 20 minutes: Student can resume and complete test but CANNOT go back to change previously entered answers. CAN answer skipped items
After Test Policy Districts and schools must establish a local policy for students who complete the test before the end of the scheduled testing time. ◦Districts and schools may decide that all students, including those students who finish early, will stay in the testing room for the duration of the administration ◦ have some generic silent work on hand for students. The silent work must not be related to the subject matter being tested. ◦Districts and schools may also decide to release students who complete and submit their tests before the administration period ends. ◦Ensure all staff know testing schedule, times, locations and where students will be released after testing
Ohio Specifications PARCC Test Coordinator Manual pp 110-112
Test Security - Agreement Security Plan Training Test Security Administration Policies Procedures Chain of Custody Test Coordinator Manual
Test Security/Ethical Use of Tests TC, TA, P MUST maintain test security at all times (before, during, after testing). And maintain “Standards for the Ethical Use of Tests” (see OAC 3301-7-01). ◦These Standards guide those who are engaged at any stage of the testing process in performing their responsibilities with honesty, integrity, due care and fairness to all. ◦The Standards ensure the integrity of the testing process and the reliability and validity of inferences made from the test results. Violations are punishable by penalties up to termination and prosecution Any alleged violation must be reported All electronic devices (cell phone, iPod, iPads not being used for the test administration, etc.) must be collected from students prior to the test administration. Any person administering a test must be an employee of the district and hold a license, certificate or permit issued by the Ohio Department of Education. During every administration, a test administrator who meets these criteria must be in the room at all times.
Security Plan School Test Coordinators must develop a security plan for their school. A successful security plan will do the following: Inform all individuals authorized to be involved in test administration to review security protocols, prohibited activities, testing irregularities, and security breaches and sign the Security Agreement. Establish and document the chain-of-custody of test materials (described in Section 2.5). Designate a central locked facility with limited access for secure storage of test materials. Document that Technology Coordinators, Test Administrators, and Proctors have received necessary documentation and training for successful, secure administration of the PARCC assessments. Establish who is responsible for shredding or recycling certain specified test materials after administration.
Test Security Protocols The administration of the PARCC assessment is a secure testing event. Maintaining the security of test materials before, during, and after the test administration is crucial to obtaining valid and reliable results. School Test Coordinators are responsible for ensuring that all personnel with authorized access to secure materials are trained in and subsequently act in accordance with all security requirements. School Test Coordinators must implement chain-of-custody requirements for materials as described in Section 2.5. School Test Coordinators are responsible for distributing materials to Test Administrators, collecting materials from Test Administrators, returning secure test materials and securely destroying certain specified materials after testing as described throughout Section 6.0.
Materials – test security Students may not have access to scorable or nonscorable secure test content before or after testing. Scorable secure materials that are to be provided by Test Administrators to students include Test Booklets. Nonscorable secure materials that are to be provided by Test Administrators to students include Large Print Test Booklets, Braille Test Booklets, scratch paper (paper used by students to take notes and work through items), and printed Mathematics Reference Sheets (grades 5–8 and high school). Students may not have access to secure test materials before testing, including printed Student Testing Tickets and printed Seal Codes. Printed Mathematics Reference Sheets (if applicable) and scratch paper must be new and unmarked. Non-Secure copies of Mathematics Reference Sheets are available online for classroom use. During testing students may only use the Reference Sheets shipped with testing materials for paper/pencil. Schools may make printed copies of reference sheets for computer-based testing.
Chain of Custody Requirements School Test Coordinators are required to maintain a log of secure materials. Schools must maintain the Chain-of-Custody Form or tracking log of secure materials for at least three years unless otherwise directed by your state policy in Appendix C. Secure materials include Test Booklets, Large Print and Braille test materials, Mathematics Reference Sheets written on by students, and scratch paper written on by students. To account for Test Booklets, School Test Coordinators may use their own form or the Chain-of-Custody Form that is included in box 1 of the school’s shipment, unless otherwise directed by your state policy in Appendix C. Secure materials include Student Testing Tickets and printed Seal Codes, Mathematics Reference Sheets written on by students, and scratch paper written on by students. School Test Coordinators may use the Computer- Based Chain-of-Custody Form or similar tracking log to track secure materials (optional for computer-based testing, unless otherwise directed by your state policy in Appendix C). To access a PDF copy of the Computer- Based Chain-of-Custody Form, refer to the PearsonAccessnext Support page.
Chain of Custody Requirements Log collection and secure shredding of Mathematics Reference Sheets written on by students and scratch paper written on by students (for grades 5–8 and high school). Test Administrators are not to have extended access to test materials before or after administration. Test Administrators must document the receipt and return of all secure test materials (used and unused) to the School Test Coordinator immediately after testing. Post-Test Certification Form – Appendix F This form is to be completed after test administration. Refer to your state- specific policy for who (School Test Coordinator or LEA Test Coordinator) should complete the form and how the form is submitted. By submitting this form, I certify that administration of the PARCC assessments has been completed at the following school/district according to PARCC security policies. All known security breaches and testing irregularities have been properly reported.
Test Security Breaches (Electronic Devices – examples) Using a cell phone or other prohibited handheld electronic device (e.g., smartphone, iPod®) while secure test materials are still distributed or while students are testing Exception: Test Coordinators, Technology Coordinators, Test Administrators, and Proctors are permitted to use cell phones in the testing environment only in cases of emergencies or when timely administration assistance is needed. LEAs may set additional restrictions on allowable devices as needed. Technology Coordinators may NOT take photos of TestNav screens Using a computer, laptop, or tablet (other than the one being used to administer a computer-based test) while secure test materials are still distributed or while students are testing
Test Security Breaches (Test Supervision– examples) Explaining passages or test items Coaching students during testing including nonverbal cues, hints, suggestions, or paraphrasing or defining any part of the test Engaging in activities that prevent proper student supervision at all times while secure test materials are still distributed or while students are testing (e.g., grading papers, reading a book, newspaper or magazine) Leaving students unattended while secure materials are distributed or students are testing Giving students more or less time than is allotted without an extended time accommodation Encouraging students to finish early Allowing students to pass notes, talk, or cause disturbances while test materials are still distributed or while students are testing Providing unauthorized persons with access to secure materials Formally or informally scoring student responses to test items
Test Security Breaches (Test Materials– examples) Leaving test materials unattended or not secure at all times while students are testing Viewing or permitting students to view secure test content at any time other than during testing Reading or viewing passages or test items, before, during, or after testing Read aloud, interpreter exceptions Copying or reproducing (screen shots) of any part of secure test materials and online test forms Altering or interfering with a student response Handling test materials for purposes other than test administration Revealing or discussing passages or test times with anyone, including students and school staff, through verbal exchange, email, social media, or any other form of communication Removing secure test materials from the school’s campus or removing them from locked storage for any purpose other than administering the test
Student Pre ID Coordination is KEY! If you have students in a separate facility please work with the appropriate individuals to ensure that your students are registered in the correct location and not missed! (Participation)
Reporting The Online Reporting System includes a Test Management Center and Score Reports. The Test Management Center allows authorized users to track student participation (e.g., how many students have tested online and how many still need to test online). Note that these reports are based on the students who are pre-identified in TIDE for online administrations and the students who have signed into the Student Testing Site. These reports are not available for paper testers during the test window.
Technology The department expects online testing districts and schools to have the necessary online technology requirements in place well in advance of the test window. Districts and schools must not wait until the first day of the test window to prepare student devices for testing. Online testing districts and schools should review the Technical Specifications Manual and Secure Browser Installation Manual for detailed instructions on preparing for online testing. Tech Spec Manual- ◦ Specs-Manual.pdf Specs-Manual.pdf Secure Brower Install Manual- ◦ Secure-Browser-Manual.pdf Secure-Browser-Manual.pdf
Score Results Score results will not be immediately available. Upon completion of the test window, the ODE will undergo a process for setting performance standards. Upon completion of this process and approval of the standards, scores will be calculated and released to districts. The department expects to provide results in fall 2015.
Ohio’s State Tests Manuals Test Coordinator’s Manual ◦For District Test Coordinators (DTC) and Building Test Coordinators (BTC) ◦ TCM.pdf TCM.pdf Quick Find Outline ◦Page 7- Scheduling ◦Page 11- Test Security ◦Page 13- Ethical Use of Tests ◦Page 15- Student Pre-ID and Test Eligibility ◦Page 20- Accessibility Features, Accommodation and Special Versions ◦Page 32- Online Testing ◦Page 41- Paper Testing
Ohio’s State Tests Manuals Directions for Administration Manual ◦For Test Administrators and Proctors ◦ DFAM.pdf DFAM.pdf Quick Find Outline ◦Page 7- Schedules ◦Page 10- Test Security ◦Page 12- Ethical Use of Tests ◦Page 14- Student Pre-ID and Test Eligibility ◦Page 18- Accessibility Features, Accommodation and Special Versions ◦Page 30- Online Testing ◦Page 42- Paper Testing
Test Administrators On test day, you will need the student information listed below. You must keep student information secure at all times. This information is necessary for the student to sign in. ◦First name ◦SSID ◦Test Eligibility ◦Eligibility for accessibility features and accommodations
Test Materials – PARCC supplied 3.1 Paper-Based and Computer-Based Test Materials The School Test Coordinator must distribute test materials to and collect materials from the Test Administrators each test administration day. To maintain their security, test materials must not be stored in classrooms prior to or following the day of administration. Your state may have additional guidance located in your state policy in Appendix C. Test materials that must be distributed to Test Administrators include:
Test Materials – School Supplied Wooden No. 2 pencils with erasers Blank Scratch Paper (graph, lined, blank) to take notes and work through items. Calculators (please see ODE calculator guidance) Mathematics Tools for grade 8 and all HS courses Timing device if one is not clearly visible (clock, watch, etc) Appropriate signs (Stop, Do Not Disturb, etc) For Computer-Based Testing, ensure that Test Administrators have a computer or tablet available.
Blank Paper TAs must supply two pages of blank paper per student, per content area. The TA must supply the paper; students may not bring their own. The paper must be blank, lined or graph paper (or special paper identified in student IEP) TA must securely shred the paper locally.
Materials Prohibited During All Units ■ All cellular phones (including camera phones and smartphones) ● Exception: Test Administrators are permitted cell phones in the testing environment in cases of emergencies(e.g., a student becomes ill), or when timely administration assistance is needed. LEAs may set additional restrictions on allowable devices as needed. Technology Coordinators may NOT take photos of TestNav screens. ■ Other non-test-related personal electronic equipment (e.g., personal document scanners, eBooks, electronic pens) ■ Instructional aids related to the content being assessed ■ Reference books ■ Any resource (e.g., books, posters, models, displays, teaching aids) that defines, explains, or illustrates terminology or concepts or otherwise provides unauthorized assistance during testing ■ Mathematical formulas and conversion tables other than the grade-specific, PARCC approved Mathematics Reference Sheets
Prohibited Classroom Resources Classroom resources such as books, models, displays, and teaching aids may provide unauthorized assistance or explain, define, or illustrate concepts. The following list includes materials that must be covered or removed if they provide students with an advantage in answering questions. There may be other examples not included in this list that school personnel should consider when preparing rooms for testing. Posters, maps, charts, and displays that define, explain, or illustrate terms or concepts (in content tested) Mathematical formulas/theorems Graphic organizers Multiplication tables* (may be allowable if listed in the student’s IEP or 504 Plan) 100s charts* (may be allowable if listed in the student’s IEP or 504 Plan) Definitions Writing formulas Any manipulative not approved through unique accommodation prior to testing* It is not necessary to cover or remove calendars, posters displaying the alphabet or consonant blends, or posters displaying the Pledge of Allegiance
Suggestions for administering CBT Seat students in every other seat Arrange monitors back-to-back Seat students back-to-back Seat students in a semicircle Seat students in wideley spaced rows or in every other row Cloth or paper “curtains” to isolate each computer Card stock (manila folders) taped to sides of monitors Cardboard boxes or display boards to stand freely between computers Cardboard carrels Privacy screens~
Preparing Students- Tutorial Options 56 Tutorials Available to Review: TestNav 8 Tutorial Equation Editor Text to Speech – available for both ELA/L* and Math Graphing Calculator Printable Paper-Based Student Tutorials Online Student Tutorials Practice Tests practice-resources practice-resources * ELA/L text-to-speech test edition is only available for students with disabilities meeting the requirements for this accommodation.
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