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International Student Success University of Bridgeport.

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1 International Student Success University of Bridgeport

2 International Student Legacy Bridgeport in the 1950s Industrial City of Recent Immigrants International Graduate Scholarship Programs Established by local community committees Argentine – West German – Greek – Hungarian – Indian Israeli – Italian – Japanese – Polish – Portugese – Scandinavian Spanish SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAMS 2

3 Orientation Activities International Student Orientation Newsletter Counseling Services and Residential Life Support Groups Student Health Services Health care and hygiene Safety and Security Orientation 3

4 Cultural and Social Activities Coffee Hour Monthly, informal discussions sponsored by various departments or schools. “Piece of Your World” Monthly Student Presentations about their own Society and Culture International Festival Annual event showcasing international and domestic cultural heritage, traditions, and customs. 4

5 Support Activities Undergraduate and Graduate Resource Center Writing tutorials and assistance Subject matter tutorial assistance Presentation skills workshops Optional Practical Training Information Sessions Curricular Practical Training Information Sessions Resume Reviews / Mock Interviews Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Tax advising for international students 5

6 English Language Instruction English Language Institute Bridge to College English Program level 5 and 6 summer prep for fall Business English Class MBA students – English and Business Concepts Intensive English Program 6 levels / 8 week sessions English 010: English Communication – pronunciation, listening comprehension and conversation. English 100I: focused, individualized work on special problems using English fundamentals. Engineering 495: Contemporary Issues in Communications (e.g. oral, written and formal presentation) skills and research methods and techniques used in business, technology, and engineering disciplines. 6

7 Undergraduate Program by Total Enrollment PROGRAM% international marketing50.00% electrical engineering63.64% international business63.64% intntl pol econ & dipl35.00% computer science55.32% industrial design24.49% interior design30.00% finance78.00% computer engineering45.45% accounting53.01% general studies17.58% graphic design24.18% mass communication14.89% biology6.41% business administration40.91% health sciences11.70% 7

8 Undergraduate Programs by % International PROGRAM% international biology6.41% health sciences11.70% mass communication14.89% general studies17.58% graphic design24.18% industrial design24.49% interior design30.00% intntl pol econ & dipl35.00% business administration40.91% computer engineering45.45% marketing50.00% accounting53.01% computer science55.32% electrical engineering63.64% international business63.64% finance78.00% 8

9 Graduate Programs by Total Enrollment Program% international East Asia Pacific Rim20% Design management75% Computer engineering91.30% Global media & comm84.38% Global dev & peace46.67% Accupuncture16.67% Tech management88.24% PhD computer sci & eng80% Biomechanical Engineering87.67% Mechanical Engineering91.57% Electrical engineering92.21% Computer science93.64% MBA55.70% 9

10 Graduate Programs by % International Program% international Accupuncture16.67% East Asia Pacific Rim20% Global dev & peace46.67% MBA55.70% Design management75% PhD computer sci & eng80% Global media & comm84.38% Biomechanical Engineering87.67% Tech management88.24% Computer engineering91.30% Mechanical Engineering91.57% Electrical engineering92.21% Computer science93.64%

11 Undergraduate Retention Rates fa 11 domfa 11 intntlfa 12 domfa 12 intntlfa 13 domfa 13 intntl PROGRAM biology81.48%50% 100%76.67%75% health sciences72.73%100%68.42%100%61.90%100% mass communication70%100%53.33%33.33% general studies62.5166.6663.7794%51.55%70% intntl pol econ & dipl75%100%67%100% business administration60%85.71%83.33%88.89%50%66.67% computer engineering100%50%75%72.73%85.71%0% marketing100%33.33%100%75%100% accounting100% 75%100%87.50%50% computer science100%50%100% 33.33%83.33% electrical engineering international business100% finance100%66.70%33.33% 11

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