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G.A. & A.M. - CERN The future of rad-tol electronics for HEP Giovanni Anelli & Alessandro Marchioro CERN Experimental Physics Division Microelectronics.

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Presentation on theme: "G.A. & A.M. - CERN The future of rad-tol electronics for HEP Giovanni Anelli & Alessandro Marchioro CERN Experimental Physics Division Microelectronics."— Presentation transcript:

1 G.A. & A.M. - CERN The future of rad-tol electronics for HEP Giovanni Anelli & Alessandro Marchioro CERN Experimental Physics Division Microelectronics Group

2 G.A. & A.M. - CERN What comes after SLHC –Luminosity: ~ 10 35 fb -1 –Beam cms energy: ~ same –Radiation levels (5 years): 200 Mrad @ 7 cm, 40 Mrad @ 20 cm –Compensate for higher intensity through higher segmentation –Cost: lower than current ! –Power/channel must decrease

3 G.A. & A.M. - CERN What if SLHC ? If 5x luminosity [1] tracker would require: –2 x speed –2x segmentation  20 M channels –25% higher occupancy Assuming that (magically) FE power/ch remains the same, the CMS tracker would require: –P tot = 60 kW –P cables = 150 kW –Cables  : double, cooling pipes: double [1] This is purely hypothetical, actual numbers may change

4 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Outline Where is technology going (anyway) Problems with following technology What makes CMOS rad-tolerant Is technology all what we need ?

5 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Saving power: Technology 1997 1999 2001 2003 2006 2009 2012 Overall Characteristics Transistor density (2) 3.7 M/mm 2 6.2 M/mm 2 10 M/mm 2 18 M/mm 2 39 M/mm 2 84 M/mm 2 180 M/mm 2 Chip size (3) 300 mm 2 340 mm 2 385 mm 2 430 mm 2 520 mm 2 620 mm 2 750 mm 2 Local clock frequency (4) 750 MHz 1.25 GHz 1.5 GHz 2.1 GHz 3.5 GHz 6 GHz 10 GHz Power supply voltage (5) 1.8-2.5V 1.5-1.8V 1.2-1.5V 1.2-1.5V.9-1.2V.6-.9V.5-.6V Maximum power (6) 70 W 90 W 110 W 130 W 160 W 170 W 175 W Technology Requirements µP channel length (1).20 µm.14 µm.12 µm.10 µm 70 nm 50 nm 35 nm DRAM ½ pitch (1).25 µm.18 µm.15 µm.13 µm.10 µm 70 nm 50 nm T ox Equivalent (7) 4-5 nm 3-4 nm 2-3 nm 2-3 nm 1.5-2 nm <1.5 nm <1.0 nm Gate Delay Metric CV/I (7) 16-17 ps 12-13 ps 10-12 ps 9-10 ps 7 ps 4-5 ps 3-4 ps Solutions Exist Solutions Being Pursued No Known Solution LHC Start SLHC Start

6 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Moore’s law 1965: Number of Integrated Circuit components will double every year G. E. Moore, “Cramming More Components onto Integrated Circuits”, Electronics, vol. 38, no. 8, 1965. 1975: Number of Integrated Circuit components will double every 18 months G. E. Moore, “Progress in Digital Integrated Electronics”, Technical Digest of the IEEE IEDM 1975. The definition of “Moore’s Law” has come to refer to almost anything related to the semiconductor industry that when plotted on semi-log paper approximates a straight line. I don’t want to do anything to restrict this definition. - G. E. Moore, 8/7/1996 P. K. Bondyopadhyay, “Moore’s Law Governs the Silicon Revolution”, Proc. of the IEEE, vol. 86, no. 1, Jan. 1998, pp. 78-81. 1996: An example: Intel’s Microprocessors

7 G.A. & A.M. - CERN When will it stop ? Carver Mead’s Law tox = 210 * L 0.77 from C. Mead, ‘Scaling of MOS Technology to Submicron Feature Sizes’, Journal of VLSI Signal Processing, July 1994 Tox (A)

8 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Why is CMOS so widespread? IC market is driven by digital circuits (memories, microprocessors, …) Bipolar logic and NMOS - only logic: too high power consumption per gate Many improvements in the manufacturing technology made CMOS technologies a reality Modern CMOS technologies offer excellent performance: high speed, low power consumption, VLSI, low cost, high yield CMOS technology occupies a dominant position of the IC market

9 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Following technologies We have no choice other than follow industry, but: Industry may move to SOI Substrates and isolation will change Gate oxides are going down to atomic levels Our volume is dangerously small CMOS is engineered primarily for digital applications VDD is going down (analog harder and harder) Most of our circuits are mixed signal and modeling for analog is poorer ¼ micron is well adapted to our designs, was it just “good luck” ?

10 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Constant field scaling B. Davari et al., “CMOS Scaling for High Performance and Low Power - The Next Ten Years”, Proc. of the IEEE, vol. 87, no. 4, Apr. 1999, pp. 659-667. L, W, t ox, x D, V, V T, C, I,  scale by 1/  Area, Power diss. for a given circuit, Charges scale by 1/  Power diss. per unit area, Charges per unit area do not scale 2

11 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Constant field scaling problem Subthreshold slope and width of the moderate inversion region do not scale!!! V GS log I D 0 V pA nA

12 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Challenges for the future (See the talk by Y. Taur 9/Jul/01) Lithography Leakage currents Gate oxide (materials, tunneling, reliability) Wiring and interconnections (materials) Many metal layers (up to 10) Design complexity (CAD tools) Cost of fabs

13 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Power: Not only our problem… Source: P. Gelsinger, Intel Corp. Presentation at the ISSCC 2001 Source: P. Gelsinger, Intel Corp. Presentation at the ISSCC 2001

14 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Problem: device leakage Source: P. Gelsinger, Intel Corp. Presentation at the ISSCC 2001 Source: P. Gelsinger, Intel Corp. Presentation at the ISSCC 2001 Source: D. Frank et al., Proceedings of the IEEE, 3/2001 Source: D. Frank et al., Proceedings of the IEEE, 3/2001 0.1  m technology Will have a leakage Current of 100A/cm 2

15 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Ideal “Analog Technology” …Several considerations suggest that the 0.35  m or perhaps the 0.25  m [BiCMOS technology] will be adequate… B. Gilbert, “Analog at Milepost 2000”, Proc. of the IEEE, 3/2001 Reasons: 1.Cost of high performance technologies 2.No need for extreme scaling in analog 3.Limited supply voltage Limited topologies Limited signal swing (dyn-range)

16 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Scaling impact on analog circuits With t ox reduced and for the same device dimensions: Threshold voltage matching improves 1/f noise decreases Transconductance increases (same current)

17 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Scaling impact on analog circuits New noise mechanisms Modeling difficulties Lack of devices for analog design Reduced signal swing (new architectures needed) Substrate noise in mixed-signal circuits Velocity saturation. Critical field: 3 V/  m for electrons, 10 V/  m for holes

18 G.A. & A.M. - CERN What makes CMOS rad-tol Radiation tolerant design The Enclosed Layout Transistor (ELT) Guard rings SEE tests

19 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Transistor level leakage (NMOS) Bird’s beak Field oxide Parasitic MOS Trapped positive charge Parasitic channel Source Drain

20 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Single Event Upset (SEU) GND V DD GND V DD Static RAM cell 1 1 0 0 0 1 Highly energetic particle

21 G.A. & A.M. - CERN  V T and t ox scaling

22 G.A. & A.M. - CERN  V th  t ox n + ELT’s and guard rings = TID Radiation Tolerance Deep sub-  m means also: speed low power VLSI low cost high yield Radiation tolerant layout approach

23 G.A. & A.M. - CERN S D G S D G Enclosed Layout Transistor (ELT) ELTs solve the leakage problem in the NMOS transistors At the circuit level, guard rings are necessary

24 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Effectiveness of ELTs 0.7  m technology - t ox = 17 nm

25 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Effectiveness of ELTs 0.5  m technology - t ox = 10 nm

26 G.A. & A.M. - CERN ELT & deep submicron 0.25  m technology - t ox = 5 nm Prerad and after 13 Mrad No leakage No V T shift

27 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Threshold voltageLeakage current Output conductance Annealing NMOS L=0.28 PMOS L=0.28 NMOS L=2 PMOS L=2 Mobility degradation: < 6% NMOS < 2% PMOS 0.25  m technology Total dose results up to 30 Mrad

28 G.A. & A.M. - CERN metalpolysilicon p+ guard ring n+ guard ring IN OUT V SS V DD n+ diffusionp+ diffusion Radiation tolerant layout approach

29 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Single Event Upset tests  = (cm 2 /bit) N events  N bits  sat =2.59e-7 cm 2 LET th =14.7 MeVcm 2 /mg W=29.9 MeVcm 2 /mg S=0.863 Static register, un-clocked mode Design hardened register: LET th between 63 and 89 MeVcm 2 mg -1 at 89 MeVcm 2 mg -1,  < 10 -8 cm 2 /bit F. Faccio et al., “Single Event Effects in Static and Dynamic Registers in a 0.25  m CMOS Technology”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 46, no. 6, Dec. 1999, pp. 1434-1439.

30 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Comparison with the general trend This static cell P.E. Dodd et al., “Impact of technology trends on SEU in CMOS SRAMs”, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol. 43, no. 6, Dec. 1996, pp. 2797-2804.

31 G.A. & A.M. - CERN What if deeper submicron ? SEU will be an even bigger problem Possible remedies –Triple redundant logic –Error correcting logic –Self-checking FSM Consequences –Higher power consumption

32 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Density and speed A & B : 0.6  m standard C & D : 0.25  m rad-tol AB CD Area A Area C 3.2 Area B Area D 2.2 V DD [V] Delay [ps] Pwr [  W/MHz] Area [  m 2 ] 0.6  m 3.3 114 1.34 162 0.25  m 2 48 0.14 50 Inverter with F.O. = 1

33 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Is technology enough ? The next issue is power consumption, and not just technology –Need work at all levels Technology Circuits Architecture Algorithms

34 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Power in CMS Tracker: worst case 1) Total # channels: 75,500 FE chips x 128 = ~10M Power/FE: 2.3 mW/channel Pwr/ch data TX: ~0.6 mW/channel Supply: 2.5 V and 1.25 V, P tot = ~30 kW Total FE currents: I DD125 : ~7.5 kA, I DD250 : ~6.5 kA Remote supplies  # of service cables: 1,800 Power in the cables: > 75 kW Cross section of power cables and cooling pipes directly proportional to power dissipated ! 1) Worst case is computed after 10 years of irradiation

35 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Material budget in CMS Tracker

36 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Saving power in VLSI circuits Technology scaling –Advanced technology, packaging, scaling Circuit and logic topologies –Device sizing, Logic optimization (digital), Power down (sleep) mode Architecture (analog and digital) –Signal features (e.g. correlation), Data representation, Concurrency, Partitioning Algorithms –Regularity, Data Representation, Complexity

37 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Designing chips Designing chips is very difficult Need clear objectives Errors are “unforgiving” Need complex tools Analog designers suffer of frequent technology changes Most HEP designs are “mixed” A-D (even worse !) Need large teams and large investments Need time and continuous training Need good engineers Need long term commitments Need complex infrastructure Need stable partnership with foundry Need good and supportive management The last 10% takes 90% of the time

38 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Time investment: Custom components Man*yearsIterations APV25 >10many PLL 43 MUX 13 CCU 52 DCU 33 LD 23 TTCrx 54 Lib Dev 2  APV25 Detector Control Unit (DCU)

39 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Example: Library development First approach ”Well, let’s layout some gates and we are done…” Reality –Complete set of tools to fit library into CAD system –Simulation (timing) models of each gate under all load and operating conditions –Models for synthesis –Wire load models (small, medium, large designs) –Extraction models –Iterate with each new release of tools

40 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Reliability: how much risk can you take ? Did you simulate process corners ? Device/technology modeling –Did you look at electro-migration ? –Did you optimize your design for yield ? ESD: are you following the rules ? –How safe is your protection circuit ? How well was the chip characterized ? –IC Tester or application specific test-bench ? If the chip works ok on the ASTB, how much margin do you really have ? –Will your users follow your application recommendation ?

41 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Miscellaneous issues Industry is moving to 12” wafers The total need for microelectronics for LHC in 1998 was corresponding to small % of the annual production of typical producer in industry We need a large number of prototyping cycles: –Do we have the money ? –Will they care about us ? Do we have the structure necessary to design large chips ?

42 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Conclusions Our community has no choice other than follow the trend in industry –But we are not ‘normal’ users, need access to more info that foundries typically give To adapt a technology for rad-tol requires many man- years of work: Need to work with a ‘minimum’ of technologies Don’t look at the cheapest (short-term) because what really matters is service and support –Our cost is dominated by design cost and not production

43 G.A. & A.M. - CERN Web Slides summarizing some of the talks organized for the microelectronics day organized by Erik Heijne at:

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