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I. New Political Divisions. A. Brooks Attacks Sumner 1. Preston Brooks beat Charles Sumner on Senate floor because of anti Southern speech he made.

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Presentation on theme: "I. New Political Divisions. A. Brooks Attacks Sumner 1. Preston Brooks beat Charles Sumner on Senate floor because of anti Southern speech he made."— Presentation transcript:

1 I. New Political Divisions

2 A. Brooks Attacks Sumner 1. Preston Brooks beat Charles Sumner on Senate floor because of anti Southern speech he made

3 B. Political Parties Change 1.Republican Party formed – united against spread of slavery 2. Parties that split a.Democrats b.Whigs c.Know-Nothing

4 C. Election of 1856 Won by Democrat candidate James Buchanan First and only President from Pennsylvania!

5 II. The Dred Scott Decision

6 A. The Case 1.Dred Scott – a Missouri slave a.Lived with master in free states and territories b.Argued that because he lived in free territory he was free 2.Chief Justice - Roger B. Taney

7 B. 3 Key Issues and Decisions Issues 1.Was Scott a citizen or property? 1.Did he become free living in a free state? 1.Was the ban on slavery on parts of the LA Territory constitutional? Decision NO – African Americans (free or slave) were not citizens NO – status depended on laws of Missouri NO – declared Missouri Compromise unconstitutional

8 III. Lincoln-Douglas Debates

9 A.The Campaign 1. U. S. Senate seat (Illinois) 2. Debated 7 times in 7/9 districts 3.National press coverage

10 B. Slavery Platform 1.Lincoln - Republican a.Argued Democrats trying to spread slavery across nation b.African Americans entitled to rights listed in Declaration of Independence… but NOT social or political equals 2. Douglas - Democrat a. Said Lincoln thinks African Americans as his “brothers” b. Argued Republican desire for all free states

11 C. 2 nd Debate – Freeport, Illinois 1.Lincoln a.Criticized Democrat contradictory between popular sovereignty and Dred Scott Decision 2.Douglas a.Argued Supreme Court decision did not matter – people include or exclude Congress could not ban slavery but gave citizens of that territory right to ban Slavery cannot exist unless it is supported by local police

12 D. Douglas Freeport Doctrine People vote for representative Representative creates legislation Police enforce legislation Freeport Doctrine Therefore… 1.Slavery is back in the hands of American citizens – Americans could ban slavery 1.The people chose the question of slavery by choosing representatives

13 E. The Election 1. Douglas re-elected 1. Douglas re-elected 2. Fame from debates helped him win the 1860 Presidential Election

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