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Sexuality Unit.

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1 Sexuality Unit

2 Is Homer Simpson Sexually Healthy?

3 What messages do we get about sexuality from television characters?

4 How healthy are the sexual messages we get from TV?
Very unhealthy Very healthy 10

5 What is sexual health? IN ________________, a sexually healthy person will… Appreciate his or her own body. Seek further information about reproduction as needed. Interact with both genders in respectful and appropriate ways. Affirm his or her own sexual orientation and respect the sexual orientation of others.

6 A sexually healthy person is someone who…

7 IN RELATIONSHIPS, a sexually healthy person will…
View family as a valuable source of support. Express love and intimacy in appropriate ways. Develop and maintain ___________________. Avoid exploitative or manipulative relationships. Make informed choices about ______________ and relationships. Exhibit skills that enhance ________________relationships. Understand how __________________ affects ideas about family, interpersonal relationships, and ethics.

8 Expresses love & intimacy in appropriate ways?
Marge, I'm going to miss you so much. And it's not just the sex. It's also the food preparation.

9 In PERSONAL SKILLS, a sexually healthy person will…
Identify and live according to his or her values. Take responsibility for her or her own behavior. Practice effective ________________ Communicate effectively with family, peers, and partners.

10 In SEXUAL BEHAVIOR, a sexually healthy person will…
Enjoy and express his or her sexuality throughout life, and in ways that are congruent with his or her values. Enjoy sexual feelings without necessarily acting on them. Express his or her sexuality while respecting the rights of others. Seek new information to enhance his or her sexuality. Engage in sexual relationships that are consensual, non-exploitative, honest, pleasurable, and protected against disease and unintended pregnancy.

11 In SEXUAL HEALTH, a sexually healthy adult will…
Use contraception effectively to avoid unintended pregnancy, contracting or transmitting STI’s, including HIV Prevent sexual abuse. Act consistent with his or her own values in dealing with an unintended pregnancy. Seek early prenatal care. Practice health-promoting behaviors, such as regular check-ups, breast and testicular self-exam, and early identification of potential problems.

12 In SOCIETY AND CULTURE, a sexually healthy adult will…
Demonstrate respect for people with different sexual values. Exercise democratic responsibility to influence legislation dealing with sexual issues. Assess the impact of family, cultural, religious, media, and societal messages on his or her thoughts, feelings, values, and behaviors related to sexuality. Promote the rights of all people to accurate sexuality information. Avoid behaviors that exhibit prejudice and bigotry. ● Reject stereotypes about the sexuality of diverse populations. ● Educate others about sexuality.

13 Sexuality

14 What is sexual orientation?
Sexual orientation is determined by the sex or sexes you are ____________, physically, emotionally, and ________________attracted to.

15 Words to know Asexual Bisexuals Heterosexuals Homosexuals
Individuals lacking sexual __________ or identity. Bisexuals People who are attracted to ______ sexes. Heterosexuals Individuals attracted to the ________sex Homosexuals Individuals who are attracted to the _____sex

16 Intersex Transsexual Transgender
Is a group of conditions where there is a discrepancy between the ________________ and the internal genitals (the testes and ovaries). The older term for this condition, hermaphroditism, came from joining the names of a Greek god and goddess, Hermes and Aphrodite. Transsexual People whose _____________ ___________ is different from their birth biological sex. Sometimes they hormonally and/or surgically change their bodies to more fully match their gender identity. Transgender A person who challenges “traditional” gender roles including transsexuals and cross dressers.

17 Gay vs. Lesbian Gay Lesbian
Term given to males who are attracted sexually and emotionally to men Lesbian Term given to females who are attracted sexually and emotionally to women

18 What causes homosexuality?
No one really knows! There are many theories as to why some individuals are orientated towards homosexuality rather than heterosexuality but they are only speculations at this point in time. Nature Nurture A combination of both nature and nurture

19 Nature The basis behind the nature theory for sexuality is that individuals are born with a certain _____________ which predetermines their sexual orientation.

20 Nurture The nurture theory believes that one's environment and experiences can predetermine one's sexual orientation.

21 Is homosexuality a disease?
No, homosexuality is not a disease. All major mental health organizations, including the American Psychological Association (APA), have stated that homosexuality is not a mental disorder. Depression?

22 Depression Why is depression associated with homosexuality? Anxiety
Stress How would you feel?

23 Did you know? Gay and lesbian youth are two-three times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual peers. Gay and lesbian teens account for thirty percent of all completed suicides among adolescents.

24 Can people change from gay to straight or the other way around?
Regardless of their sexual orientation, people can choose how they behave and how they cope with their feelings. However, trying to be something you’re not can lead to stress, anxiety and depression.

25 Support Groups Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) Rainbow Families of New Jersey (RFNJ)

26 Phobias Homophobia Bias, dislike or fear of homosexuality especially in other, but also in oneself Based on fear and ignorance Ranges from name-calling to murder!

27 It’s not a black and white issue anymore!
HATE CRIMES Is defined as: crime that ____________ the victim's civil rights and that is motivated by hostility to the victim's race, religion, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, disability, or gender It’s not a black and white issue anymore!

28 Matthew Shepard Act The Matthew Shepard Act, as the bill is known in the Senate, provides increased funding to state and local authorities to prosecute a wide range of hate crimes — It would also authorize the federal government to prosecute these crimes when states fail to do so. In the process of becoming an amendment…

29 Matthew Shepard On October 6, 1998, 21-year-old college student Matthew Shepard was tied to a fence in Laramie, Wyoming, pistol-whipped, then left for dead in the freezing night.  He died six days later. On October 12, Matthew was declared dead at the age of 21.

30 Danny Overstreet On September 22, 2000, a man looking to "waste some faggots" entered a gay bar in Roanoke, Virginia and opened fire, killing Danny Overstreet, and injuring 6 others.

31 PFC Barry Winchell Pfc. Barry Winchell, 21, was beaten to death by fellow service members while sleeping in his cot on July 5, 1999 at Fort Campbell, Ky.  His Army colleagues thought (correctly) that he was gay, so they killed him.

32 JR Warren On the fourth of July, 2000, JR Warren, 26, who was black and gay, was beaten to death by three men in West Virginia, then run over by a car to make it look like a hit and run.

33 References ©HiTOPS Training Book.

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