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Membership Orientation Moderator: Tom Choi, Membership Committee Co-Chair Executive Director, UBS - Reno, Nevada Executive Director, UBS - Reno, Nevada.

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Presentation on theme: "Membership Orientation Moderator: Tom Choi, Membership Committee Co-Chair Executive Director, UBS - Reno, Nevada Executive Director, UBS - Reno, Nevada."— Presentation transcript:

1 Membership Orientation Moderator: Tom Choi, Membership Committee Co-Chair Executive Director, UBS - Reno, Nevada Executive Director, UBS - Reno, Nevada Presenter: LeaAnn Teague, MBA, MT(ASCP)SBB, Membership Committee Co-Chair Center Director, UBS – Baton Rouge, Louisiana Center Director, UBS – Baton Rouge, Louisiana

2 Conflict of Interest Statement In accordance with SCABB Conflict of Interest Policy, the faculty for this event have signed a conflict of interest form in which they have disclosed any significant financial interests or other relationships with industry relative to the topics that they will discuss at this program. Such disclosures allow you to better evaluate the objectivity of the information presented in the lectures.

3 S outh Central Association of Blood Banks (SCABB) NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Members from nine states assigned to three districts. (District I, Texas; District II, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Oklahoma; District III, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi.) What is SCABB?

4 Who is SCABB? Technical Director Collections Donor Recruitment/Marketing Testing Patient Care Blood Bank/Lab Supervisor Medical Director Crossmatching Bench Technologist Executive Director Pathologist Phlebotomist

5 Mission Statement and Purpose  The Mission of South Central Association of Blood Banks is to provide opportunities for members to enhance their abilities to deliver quality blood services. Purpose:  To promote, foster and support the exchange of ideas and material and dissemination of information related to blood banking, transfusion medicine, related technical methodology, and administrative practices associated with the above by education and open forums.  To provide information on current events related to blood banking to professional personnel and, on important policy questions, to represent blood banks to the general public through the region consisting of those states defined by the Association's Bylaws.  To assist and support training of personnel in the field and provide mechanisms for individual professional growth.  To promote and foster opportunities for interaction throughout the region, supporting both exchange of ideas and camaraderie.

6 Member Benefits  Quarterly Newsletter  Networking Resources  Annual Meeting  Exhibit Hall  Webinars


8 Networking Resources 2006 NOMINATION SLATE OF OFFICERS SCABB Advertising Opportunities: -- PULSE, the Assoc. newsletter-- Pulse Rate CardPulse Rate Card-- Pulse Ad AgreementPulse Ad Agreement

9 Annual Meeting - Exhibit Hall - Abstracts - Awards - Education Programs - P.A.C.E. - Award Lecturers - SBB Exam Review - Networking! CBBS and SCABB Joint Meeting April 26-29, 2011 The Mirage – Las Vegas

10 LEADERSHIP Executive Committee PresidentPresident-Elect Nancy Haubert, BSMT(ASCP)SBBJose Garcia Creative Testing Solutions Qualtex Laboratories Vice President Treasurer Kirk Kitchen, MT(ASCP)SBBChristie Loe, MT(ASCP)SBB Blood Systems, Inc.Charter Medical, Ltd. Secretary Immediate Past President Jeannie Gardner, RNDennis Harpool, SBB(ASCP) Oklahoma Blood Institute Blood Systems, Inc.

11 District Directors District I – (TX) Diane Lechuga, MT BB(ASCP)James Giacoletti Corpus Christi Medical Center Carter BloodCare District II (AZ, NM, CO, OK, NV) Nancy Mowry, BA, MA American Red Cross District III (AR, LA, MS) David Gremillion, MT(ASCP)SBB MS HP Our Lady of The Lake Regional Medical Center District Director-at-Large Tom Choi, BSBM United Blood Services

12 Committees Committees Administrative ProgramAwards BylawsExhibits Donor Recruitment & CollectionsEducation FinanceMembership FundraisingLocal Arrangements Information TechnologyPlanning NominatingTechnical/Scientific Program PublicationsIndustry Workshops Prot é g é MentorshipHistory/Archives

13 Administrative Committee To develop administrative programs for the association at the annual meeting to include seminars, lectures, paper and poster presentations.

14 Awards Committee To select and showcase winners of awards presented by South Central Association of Blood Banks.

15 Bylaws Committee To recommend changes as needed in the Bylaws of South Central Association of Blood Banks.

16 Donor Recruitment/Collections Committee To serve as a source of expertise in donor recruitment and donor room personnel and to plan seminars for the annual meeting.

17 Education Committee To evaluate current educational offerings to the membership and recommend future directions.

18 Exhibits Committee To coordinate the successful recruitment of vendors, presentation of vendors, presentation of exhibits and hospitality for commercial participants at the Annual Meeting.

19 Finance Committee To propose an annual budget and make recommendations to the Board regarding the financial status of the Association.

20 Fundraising Committee To coordinate and facilitate fundraising activities for the Association.

21 To gather records and pictures from SCABB’s past for future members to look back and remember Historian Committee

22 Information Technology Committee To evaluate and recommend how current technology can be employed by the organization to enhance value to the members benefits.

23 Local Arrangements Committee To plan and coordinate specific activities for successfully hosting the Annual Meeting

24 Membership Committee To recruit and retain individual and institutional members for the Association.

25 Nominating Committee To assemble a quality slate of nominees for Association elections.

26 Planning Committee To guide the Association in planning and implementing long and short term strategies to achieve the mission of the Association.

27 To provide a unique, interactive educational opportunity and foster a passion for Transfusion Medicine as a long-term career. To provide a unique, interactive educational opportunity and foster a passion for Transfusion Medicine as a long-term career. Prot é g é Mentorship Committee

28 Publications Committee To coordinate the production and assure the high quality of major publications of the association.

29 Technical/Scientific Program Committee To plan programs and solicit papers and posters on the technical and scientific aspects of transfusion medicine.

30 Foundation To support the educational efforts of the Association.

31 Get Involved Today! Complete and submit a Committee Call Form now and start your involvement in the South Central Association of Blood Banks!Committee Call Form

32 Join Us….. Or at upcoming SCABB sponsored events!events On Facebook - On Linkedin -

33 WELCOME…and remember YOU make the difference!

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