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Peering Into the Future: Using Peer Advisors to Assist Our Changing Student Populations NACADA Executive Office Kansas State University 2323 Anderson Ave,

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Presentation on theme: "Peering Into the Future: Using Peer Advisors to Assist Our Changing Student Populations NACADA Executive Office Kansas State University 2323 Anderson Ave,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Peering Into the Future: Using Peer Advisors to Assist Our Changing Student Populations NACADA Executive Office Kansas State University 2323 Anderson Ave, Suite 225 Manhattan, KS 66502-2912 Phone: (785) 532-5717 Fax: (785) 532-7732 e-mail: © 2013 National Academic Advising Association The contents of all material in this presentation are copyrighted by the National Academic Advising Association, unless otherwise indicated. Copyright is not claimed as to any part of an original work prepared by a U.S. or state government officer or employee as part of that person's official duties. All rights are reserved by NACADA, and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred in any form or by any means, except with the prior written permission of NACADA, or as indicated below. Members of NACADA may download pages or other content for their own use, consistent with the mission and purpose of NACADA. However, no part of such content may be otherwise or subsequently be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred, in any form or by any means, except with the prior written permission of, and with express attribution to NACADA. Copyright infringement is a violation of federal law and is subject to criminal and civil penalties. NACADA and National Academic Advising Association are service marks of the National Academic Advising Association. The Global Community for Academic Advising 2013 NACADA Summer Institute Jacksonville: Chuck Lepper Ivy Tech Community College Scottsdale: Kathy Stockwell Fox Valley Technical College

2 Peer advisors are students who have been selected and trained to offer academic advising services to their peers. Services provided by peer advisors are intentionally designed to assist in student adjustment, satisfaction, and persistence toward attainment of their educational goals. Who are Peer Advisors? The Global Community for Academic Advising

3 Enhances academic advising programs Demonstrates that advising is taken seriously Demonstrates that addressing student needs is an institutional priority Compatible with all academic advising delivery models Offers versatility – can be tailored to the needs of the institution Implemented institution-wide Used for certain majors or sub-sets of students Peer Advising… The Global Community for Academic Advising

4 Peer advisors are not professional advisors Peer advisors shouldn’t feel that they are counselors Peer advisors need to know their boundaries Peer advisors should advise, not tell advisees what they should or should not do Peer advisors need to refer, refer, and refer as needed! Limitations of Peer Advisors The Global Community for Academic Advising

5 Enhance leadership skills Become actively engaged in the college environment Contribute to the intellectual and personal growth of students Enhance problem solving skills Improve communication skills Receive certificate of participation and letter of recommendation Great for the résumé Benefits for the Peer Advisors The Global Community for Academic Advising

6 Budget constraints Increase in enrollment Increased advisor loads Need to maintain quality advising services Faculty/professional advisors not always available Basic questions need to be handled quickly and efficiently Identifying the Need The Global Community for Academic Advising

7 Obtain administrative support Sponsors Cheerleaders Determine project leaders Include one or two administrators when possible Form a steering committee Those interested in project Antagonists and protagonists Administrators within and outside of department Developing a Framework The Global Community for Academic Advising

8 Strategic Links Link to college strategic directions Example: Strategic Direction: Expand innovative approaches and partnerships to leverage and enhance College resources Link to department strategic plans Example: Accountability Plan: To increase course completion, retention, and graduation rates of current students Developing a Framework The Global Community for Academic Advising

9 Identify realistic timeline Develop Marketing/Recruiting plan Schedule Peer Advisor Training Market for Peer Advisor Applications Determine Scope of Project Determine target population Identify pilot vs. full implementation Identify key tools to be developed (i.e. training manual) Developing a Framework The Global Community for Academic Advising

10 Identify Support and Resources Grants Curriculum consultation Strategic initiative or similar college incentives NACADA Clearinghouse and Peer Advising and Mentoring Listserv Successful practices from other similar/peer institutions of higher education Developing a Framework The Global Community for Academic Advising

11 Determine Programmatic Outcomes Provide leadership development opportunities for peer advisors Provide professional development opportunities for peer advisors Increase student satisfaction with advising services Demonstrate institutional response based on need for increased advising services Increase the quality of advising services Developing a Framework The Global Community for Academic Advising

12 3-tiered approach Applicants the need, the importance, the opportunities and benefits Student Users increased availability of advising Faculty-Staff trained assistance with advising, reduced case loads Marketing The Global Community for Academic Advising

13 Expect that people will be apprehensive Change is not easy Know that not everyone is going to be supportive Students are now performing duties historically reserved for faculty and/or professional staff Expect that there will be glitches New programs need to be piloted Even existing programs have difficulties and issues Let the students be your informal advisory committee Both the PAs and the student advisees Getting Started The Global Community for Academic Advising

14 Formal applications Letters of recommendation Reviewed by steering committee members Group interviews Individual interviews Selecting the Peer Advisors The Global Community for Academic Advising

15 Initial one day retreat Peer Advisor Manual/web site Log book of issues and ideas kept in peer advising office Continuing monthly meetings On demand topics Peer advisors and student diverse needs drive agenda items Student Success related concerns Luncheons/Potlucks PA Training The Global Community for Academic Advising

16 As with any advisor training, focus on Informational components programs, policies, procedures, resources, etc. Conceptual components definition and role of advising, advisor and advisee expectations, etc. Relational components communication skills, referral skills, rapport building, etc. PA Training The Global Community for Academic Advising

17 Identify PA program goals Identify desired process/delivery outcomes Identify desired student learning outcomes Map desired outcomes Identify multiple measures for each desired outcome Gather data Determine whether desired outcomes have been met Report the data Act upon the data Continue assessment of desired outcomes Implement assessment of any changes Assessing the Effectiveness of Peer Advising The Global Community for Academic Advising

18 Assessing the Effectiveness of Peer Advising Student Learning Outcomes Cognitive, Psychomotor, AffectiveProcess/Delivery Outcomes Mapping the Experience What experiences? When or by when? Gathering Evidence When gathered? Where gathered? How often gathered? From whom gathered? How gathered? Minimum performance criteria for success? Values Vision Mission Goals Programmatic Outcomes Sharing and Acting Upon the Results Interpret how results inform practice How and with whom to share interpretation Follow up on implemented changes Start the process all over again! (adapted from Darling, 2005, 2010) The Global Community for Academic Advising

19 Peer Advisors vs. Peer Mentors: What is the Difference? Peer advisors typically provide advising services in a variety of formats to the general student population; no assignments are made. Peer mentors are paired in a mentor-mentee relationship with a student or students from a particular student group (incoming freshmen, at-risk, dislocated worker, etc.).

20 The Global Community for Academic Advising Peer Advisors vs. Peer Mentors: What is the Difference? Peer mentors “follow” their mentees for a pre-determined amount of time Peer mentors are proactive in their work with their mentee/s Peer mentors provide a consistent and reliable source of support, direction and inspiration for other students

21 The Global Community for Academic Advising Peer Advisors vs. Peer Mentors: What is the Difference? Peer mentors provide resources that will link academics, career development, and the quality of student engagement during the college experience

22 The Global Community for Academic Advising Using Technology for Peer Advising Course management system (Blackboard) Pinterest Facebook Twitter Blogs Other?

23 The Global Community for Academic Advising FVTC Peer Advisor Connection Training and Hiring Materials can be accessed as follows: Select Blackboard on the left Username – advise Password – advise Select peeradvise: Professional Communications for Peer Advisors Click on Course Documents Pertinent documents located under 1 st item – PAC Hiring and Training Materials Click on link for document you would like to review; if asked for login and password, click on “cancel” and document will open.

24 NACADA Executive Office Kansas State University 2323 Anderson Ave, Suite 225 Manhattan, KS 66502-2912 Phone: (785) 532-5717 Fax: (785) 532-7732 e-mail: © 2012 National Academic Advising Association The contents of all material in this presentation are copyrighted by the National Academic Advising Association, unless otherwise indicated. Copyright is not claimed as to any part of an original work prepared by a U.S. or state government officer or employee as part of that person's official duties. All rights are reserved by NACADA, and content may not be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred in any form or by any means, except with the prior written permission of NACADA, or as indicated below. Members of NACADA may download pages or other content for their own use, consistent with the mission and purpose of NACADA. However, no part of such content may be otherwise or subsequently be reproduced, downloaded, disseminated, published, or transferred, in any form or by any means, except with the prior written permission of, and with express attribution to NACADA. Copyright infringement is a violation of federal law and is subject to criminal and civil penalties. NACADA and National Academic Advising Association are service marks of the National Academic Advising Association. The Global Community for Academic Advising

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