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H AND U P A F OUNDATION OF H OPE Director of Development.

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Presentation on theme: "H AND U P A F OUNDATION OF H OPE Director of Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 H AND U P A F OUNDATION OF H OPE Director of Development

2 M ISSION AND VISION The Goal Of The Foundation Is To Add Christian Values To The Community And To Have A Spiritual And Economic Impact In The Local Community And Its Surrounding Areas By Offering Help And Hope To People Who Are In Need

3 G OALS AND O BJECTIVES OF T HE DIRECTOR OF DEVELOPMENT To Develop And Implement A Strategic Plan To Raise Funds, And Encourage Volunteering And Consistent Donors Through Marketing And Branding Initiatives For The Foundation In A Cost-effective And Time-efficient Manner Oversee Fundraising And Raise Money This Person May Write Grants, Research Foundations And Corporations, And Oversee Or Implement Other Fundraising Strategies Has An Outreach Role And Often Fulfills A Public Relations Role In Addition To Office-based Work Motivates And Satisfies Donors, Board Members, Staff And Even The Press The Development Director Is Accountable To The Executive Director And The Board And Reports To The Executive Director On A Regular Basis

4 LIST OF EXPECTATIONS OF DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR TO MEET HANDUP ’ S FOUNDATION ’ S CURRENT MARKETING NEEDS  To Increase Our Mailing And Support List  To Develop Sustainable Funding For HandUp Through Relationship Building  To Increase Volunteer Base For HandUp Through Greater Public Awareness  To Develop Support For The Women’s Ministry To The Point Of Being Able To Hire A Director For That Ministry After 1 Year  To Develop A Strategy Within A Team For Financial Support For New Ministries

5 LIST OF EXPECTATIONS OF DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR TO MEET HANDUP ’ S FOUNDATION ’ S CURRENT MARKETING NEEDS Spiritual Gifts  Hospitality And Administration Looking For An Unusual Combination Of A Warm and Personable Individual That That Is Organized  20 plus years in customer service  A Track Record Of Consistent Christian Faith Living And A Track Record Of Personal Ministry  20 plus years with the Lord  10 plus years in service to the Lord

6 LIST OF EXPECTATIONS OF DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR TO MEET HANDUP ’ S FOUNDATION ’ S CURRENT MARKETING NEEDS Someone Who Has A Genuine Passion And “Calling” To Minister To Hurting People And Not Someone Who “Just Needs A Job Become familiar with ALL aspects of HandUp Become familiar with needs of foundation

7 LIST OF EXPECTATIONS OF DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR TO MEET HANDUP ’ S FOUNDATION ’ S CURRENT MARKETING NEEDS Someone With A Personality That Is Flexible And Willing To Learn; Someone Who Would Fit With The Personality Types Of Our 5 Managers And Fit With The Leadership Model Of HUF Awareness of the need to learn mission and vision and workings of office and foundation environment Get to know and understand the staff

8 LIST OF EXPECTATIONS OF DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR TO MEET HANDUP ’ S FOUNDATION ’ S CURRENT MARKETING NEEDS Someone Who Has Natural Talents Toward Fundraising And Volunteer Recruiting 20+ years experience working with the public Volunteers are often future CONSISTENT donors Grant writing Identifying and Marketing HandUp Brand Making a difference in exchange for internships, resume experience, tax write offs, community recognition of giving back Networking with other non-profits, street fairs, park events, other churches, bands, hospitals, clinics, scouts…flea markets.. Networking with skilled individuals, interns-college students

9 LIST OF EXPECTATIONS OF DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR TO MEET HANDUP ’ S FOUNDATION ’ S CURRENT MARKETING NEEDS Someone From The Community That Would Already Know A Variety Of People Regular church attendee Knows some families and businesses in the community

10 LIST OF EXPECTATIONS OF DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR TO MEET HANDUP ’ S FOUNDATION ’ S CURRENT MARKETING NEEDS Someone Who Would Be Described As “Driven” And “Performance Oriented Eager to get things rolling in order to reach foundation target goals Lived and Worked in a large urban environment

11 H OW DO WE GET THERE ? Perform A SWOT Analysis  Strengths  Weaknesses  Opportunities  Threats Examine the 9’P’s Apply the 5 I’s

12 T HE 5 I’ S INNOVATION – Coming up with new and creative ideas and strategies. “Effective strategy plans are a means to accomplish an end. Think of strategy as creating tomorrow,” (Kent, 2010). Always plan for your next step even after you have reached your planned objectives. Your future objectives are often subjective to what your customers, members, and website users are thinking, feeling, and saying. INVITATION – Soliciting customers to your website/store/cause through word-of-mouth, e-mails, social media, and link buttons from other websites. INCENTIVES – That will create value and prove beneficial to volunteers, donors, and clients INDIVIDUALITY - Customized and personalized to client, volunteer, and donor needs and preferences, along with their cultural, social, and professional needs met. All parties involved are partners in making your foundation initiatives a success INTERFACE – An attractive, eye-catching, user-friendly, and perhaps more interactive website which will result in customer response.

13 T HE 9 P ’ S  Passion About What You Do, Why You Do It, And How You Do It  To have a passion and heart that will fulfill impact the vision of the HandUp Foundation has for the local community and its surrounding areas by offering help and hope to people who are in need.  Prioritize order of business and pick a place to start from inclusive of all aspects of the foundation’s initiatives  Purpose Your Business Goals, Impact, And Results  To Promote HandUp’s Brand  To make the HandUp Foundation renowned throughout Susquehanna Valley Product -The Product Or Service Offered To The Customer  What we offer to others who are in need  What we offer to our donors  What we offer to the community

14 T HE 9 P ’ S  Price - Pricing Strategies With The Goal Of Meeting A Desired Profit Margin Or Costing Structure  Donation goals  Place (Distribution) - Distribution Of The Product/Service To Your Target Market/Reaching Out  Automate community exchange webpage/or use Facebook, it’s free!  Visit churches  Chamber of commerce meetings  Colleges  Speaking Engagements  Talk Radio  Professionalism - Your brands presentation, keeping in step with trends, market demand, and staying informed is crucial for a good reputation  Treat everyone with dignity  See HandUp as a viable corporation with a non-profit agenda seeking to better our communities as a whole and the individual themselves through assistance and giving back to the community

15 T HE 9 P ’ S  Promotion – Branding, communication, and endorsement, (advertising), of your product/service to a customer Flyers, mailers, advertising in valley newspapers, bulletin boards What we offer to donors depending on what they give Key chains, t shirts, calendars, various promo items…etc.. Local Channels, Radio Broadcast, Talk Radio New press release about current situation in the community, drugs, crime, etc…young people turning to crime because they feel they have no alternatives  People – Identifying, marketing, and serving your customers, community, and employees HUF discount store promo Classroom promos for organizations that would utilize them The need for enlightenment and identity Profits - Yours, mine, theirs, and other words, how can we ALL profit, (benefit), from one another

16 R ECOMMENDATIONS Prioritize And Recommend One Or More Of The Strategies Identifying Items To Put Into Action And What Initiatives To Reject Summarize The Results When Things Go As Proposed  What failed  What succeeded

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