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Donna Shelton, PhD Northeastern State University Tahlequah, Oklahoma Podcasting: Language Instruction Applications for an Online Phenomenon Note to recipients.

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Presentation on theme: "Donna Shelton, PhD Northeastern State University Tahlequah, Oklahoma Podcasting: Language Instruction Applications for an Online Phenomenon Note to recipients."— Presentation transcript:

1 Donna Shelton, PhD Northeastern State University Tahlequah, Oklahoma Podcasting: Language Instruction Applications for an Online Phenomenon Note to recipients of this file: I have removed photographs and embedded media files so that the presentation does not use up so much memory. I have included URLs to example media files where possible. This is also the longer version of the presentation with additional sources and information. Thanks!

2 Agenda  What are podcasts?  How are schools using this technology?  Where do I find Spanish-language podcasts?  How can my students and I create podcasts?  How can I incorporate podcasts into courses?

3 What are podcasts?

4 Podcasts and Vodcasts  Digital audio and video files distributed over the Internet  Available through download from websites or through a subscription feed  Listen and/or view on a computer or a mobile device such as an iPod or an MP3 player  Podcasting software – iTunes, Juice, iPodder – needed to subscribe  Many of these applications are available online free of charge

5 Podcasts and Vodcasts  Subscriptions to pod- and vodcasts are made possible by software called RSS  Some RSS applications are open-source or free  To make podcasts, digital audio can be converted to an MP3 file, a format recognized by RSS  To make vodcasts, digital video can be converted to a variety of formats that RSS can deliver  The RSS file includes text that describes your MP3 or video file for the potential user  Again, pod- and vodcasts can be created, posted, and downloaded without subscription

6 How are schools using this technology?

7 Methods for Using the Technology  Use growing rapidly  Podcasts in higher education  Content delivery method for online or hybrid courses  Supplements to traditional courses accessed through websites or course management systems  Outreach or recruiting tools  Podcast-based programs at many institutions

8 Methods for Using the Technology  University-level projects, both general and language-specific  Georgia College and State University, see  Duke University, see html and html  Stanford University, see  Iowa State, see

9 Methods for Using the Technology  University-level projects, both general and language-specific  on=site&site=achapin-ipod on=site&site=achapin-ipod  s/ s/

10 Methods for Using the Technology  Podcasts in K-12 schools  School and/or district information for families and community  Instructor-produced content for classes  Student-produced content, either for regular classes or for extracurricular projects  School events such as sports or music

11 Methods for Using the Technology  K-12 projects, both general and language- specific , Spanish at Gadsden City HS, Alabama , The KidCast Forums, projects in various disciplines  0in%20Education, Podcasting in Education 0in%20Education ,, the Magic of Learning Languages through Technology

12 Where do I find Spanish- language podcasts?

13 Sources of Content: General  Podcast directories are searchable and generally organized into subject matter categories  These directories are general but do include some Spanish-language podcasts  The Education Podcast Network, http://epnweb.org  Podcasting News, , http://www.podcast.net

14 Sources of Content: General  General podcast directories, continued  Podcast Alley, http://www.podcastalley.com  The Podcast Network,  iTunes Podcasts,

15 Sources of Content: Spanish  Spanish-language podcasting still in early stages of development  Considerable growth in available podcasts just in last year  Directories below cover a variety of topics     

16 Sources of Content: A Warning  Podcasts and vodcasts are easy and inexpensive to create  Anyone can and does publish them  Files containing adult content, extreme views, and inaccurate information are common  As with all online content, instructors must be cautious

17 Sources of Content: Suggestions  For many classes, instructor- and student-created podcasts have greater value than published files  Appropriate content is still difficult to find  Advanced or Superior proficiency level required for comprehension of most published files  Be aware of student Internet access limitations if iPods or MP3 players are not used  Dial-up service impedes access to many podcasts because of file size  Instructor- or student-created podcasts should be brief  Encourage use of school or university computers or burn files to CD

18 How can my students and I create podcasts?

19 Creating Podcasts and Vodcasts  Hardware needed for podcasts  Digital audio recorder and microphone  Or, computer plus microphone  Or, microphone built into computer if available  Computer to upload files  Hardware needed for vodcasts  Webcam or digital video camera  Computer to upload files

20 Creating Podcasts and Vodcasts  Software needed for podcasts  Application to download the digital file from the recorder to the computer  Generally comes with the recorder  Application such as Audacity or Odeo to record directly to the computer if no recorder is used  File conversion application, such as iTunes, if needed , free download  RSS server software for subscriptions  Open-source applications such as Drupal,  Server software would be managed by IT staff  Subscription capability is not required

21 Creating Podcasts and Vodcasts  Record the content  Save the audio at maximum quality  Convert the file to MP3 format using iTunes or another application  Upload the MP3 file to a website or course management server  Test the file on a computer and on any MP3 player

22 Creating Podcasts and Vodcasts  Software needed for vodcasts  Screen capture applications such as  Camtasia  Apple QuickTime Pro  Windows Movie Maker, comes with Windows XP  These applications allow you to “capture” PowerPoints, digital video clips and photos, and your audio in one file

23 Creating Podcasts and Vodcasts  For a tutorial on creating podcasts, see the Webmonkey article “All the World’s a Podcast” by Michael Calore  html html  See also the Podcasting News article, “Make Your First Podcast”  Podcast.html Podcast.html

24 Incorporating podcasts into your courses

25 Incorporating the Technology  Three ways to incorporate podcasts and vodcasts into curriculum  Those available for subscription or download online  Those created by the instructor  Those created by students

26 Incorporating the Technology  Previously published content  Individual podcast downloads or subscriptions  Authentic texts, generally for students at higher proficiency levels  Regular or supplemental content for upper- division courses  Interpretive communication activities  Current events, social, political, cultural topics  Regional variations in language for linguistics study Go to for examples.

27 Incorporating the Technology  Instructor-produced content  More appropriate for Novice and Intermediate proficiency levels  Community members, upper-level or native- speaker students could provide content  Should be brief, with visual elements as appropriate  Pronunciation exercises  Mini-lessons on grammar concepts  Listening comprehension exercises  Cultural content presentations

28 Incorporating the Technology  Student-produced content  Interpersonal and presentational activities  Interviews or other conversational tasks  Story telling  Songs  Readers’ theater  Radio shows, newscasts  PowerPoint presentations with audio  Student self-assessment  Podcasts allow students to evaluate their own performances

29 Additional Resources Best, June. (June 20, 2005). Duke’s Free iPod Program Has Mixed Results. CNET Retrieved March 30, 2006 from 1025_3-5754005.html. 1025_3-5754005.html Blaisdell, Mikael. (2006). Academic MP3s: Is It Time Yet? Campus Technology, March, 38-50. Calore, Michael. (December 16, 2005). All the World’s a Podcast. Webmonkey. Retrieved April 15, 2006 from (December 5, 2005). Duke Sees Growth in Classroom iPod Use. Retrieved April 15, 2006 from Make Your First Podcast. Podcasting News. Retrieved April 16, 2006 from Terdima, Daniel. (November 3, 2005). Stanford Using iTunes to Take Lectures Global. CNET Retrieved March 30, 2006 from 1041_3-5931232.html. 1041_3-5931232.html

30 Questions? Thank you! Donna Shelton,

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