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International Section | Leadership & Management Division | College of Management and Technology Developing National Strategy MDWSC Georgia Nov/Dec 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "International Section | Leadership & Management Division | College of Management and Technology Developing National Strategy MDWSC Georgia Nov/Dec 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Section | Leadership & Management Division | College of Management and Technology Developing National Strategy MDWSC Georgia Nov/Dec 2011 Colonel Andrew Cliffe

2 College of Management and Technology Strategy definition Derives from strategia, the function of a strategos, the Greek for general. Strategia is the general’s office & by extension the skill of generalship. 2

3 College of Management and Technology What is (National) Strategy? ‘The science and art of employing the political, economic, psychological & military forces of a nation or group of nations to afford the maximum support to adopted policies in peace or war.” Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary

4 College of Management and Technology What is Strategy? Strategy is the direction & scope of an organisation over the long term: which achieves advantage for the organisation through its configuration of resources within a changing environment, to meet the needs of markets & to fulfill stakeholder expectations. Johnson & Scholes 2005

5 International Section | Leadership & Management Division | College of Management and Technology Activity levels Purpose of strategy

6 College of Management and Technology The Strategic Level ‘The level at which a nation or group of nations determines national or multinational security objectives & deploys national (including military) resources to achieve them.’ NATO Glossary of Terms and Definitions (AAP-6(2010))

7 College of Management and Technology Levels of Activity Strategic Operational Tactical Employment of units in combat and where battles are planned and executed Campaigns are planned, conducted, & sustained to accomplish strategic objectives The development of activity to secure national defence objectives Employment of security organisations to deliver specific goals & outcomes Planning, management & support to accomplish strategic objectives The development of activity to secure national security objectives

8 College of Management and Technology Strategy & tactics Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat. 8

9 International Section | Leadership & Management Division | College of Management and Technology Developing Strategy

10 College of Management and Technology Conducted at the highest level of the organization. –Above the tactical level. Longer time horizons. Broader context & environment. Complex –Process larger amounts of information. Greater resource implications & lasting consequences. Developing strategy

11 College of Management and Technology Ethical issues at boundary of policy. No set, fixed or obvious answers. Greater levels of uncertainty & risk. More complex, frequently WICKED problems. Developing strategy

12 College of Management and Technology Developing strategy 1. Know WHO and WHERE you are NOW. National Interests. 2. Know WHERE you want TO GO. Strategic Vision. 3. Understand the CONTEXT. Global Context. Domestic Context. 4. DEVELOP the strategy to get there. Strategy & Plans.

13 College of Management and Technology National Interests Strategic Vision National Strategy Global Context - Forces & Trends Feasible Suitable Acceptable National Context - Forces & Trends

14 College of Management and Technology 1A. Know WHO you are? What are your broad, enduring values, purposes & interests? What is/are your: –Expressed beliefs, values & ethics –Religion & culture. –Constitution.

15 College of Management and Technology National Interests Enduring core interests: –National unity. –Security of the homeland. –Economic well-being. –Stable international order. –Promotion of national values. Always inter-linked. Sometimes conflict with each other.

16 College of Management and Technology 1B. Know WHERE you are NOW A realistic assessment of your current situation.

17 College of Management and Technology 2. Know WHERE you want TO GO Goal, objective or aim: Strategic Vision. A future state of affairs that an organisation plans or intends to achieve.

18 College of Management and Technology What is the nature of the context in which you will operate? –What are the critical forces & trends? –What threatens your values, purposes, & interests? –What are the opportunities to advance them? 3. UNDERSTAND the context

19 International Section | Leadership & Management Division | College of Management and Technology Strategic Context: definition ‘Strategic context can be defined as the future national, regional & international environment within which essential (security) interests are defined & (defence) needs & policy are developed, formulated & then implemented’

20 College of Management and Technology Domestic Context: Forces & Trends System of Government. Bureaucracy. Economic conditions. Social needs. Electoral politics. The Media. Public opinion. National style & self-image.

21 College of Management and Technology Global Context: Forces & Trends Competing Values. Economic Conditions. Globalization. Information Revolution. International Organizations. Non-State Actors. Conventional & Trans-national Threats. Weapons of Mass Destruction.

22 International Section | Leadership & Management Division | College of Management and Technology Facebook Data: Where people live relative to their friends

23 College of Management and Technology

24 International Section | Leadership & Management Division | College of Management and Technology Tool: PESTLE-M Political. Economic. Social & cultural. Technological. Legal & ethical. Environmental/physical. Military.

25 College of Management and Technology What strategic options are available to pursue the VISION & respond to threats & opportunities? –How suitable? –How feasible? –How acceptable? What risks are associated with available options? –Can they be MITIGATED? –Can we ACCEPT them? –Can we TRANSFER them? 4. DEVELOP the strategy

26 College of Management and Technology A calculated TRADE-OFF between: –Ends (Objectives). –Ways (Concepts & Methods). –Means (Resources). –Risk. More an ART than a SCIENCE. ITERATIVE development. All about making BALANCED choices. 4. DEVELOP the strategy

27 International Section | Leadership & Management Division | College of Management and Technology SWOT Analysis Internal StrengthsWeaknesses External OpportunitiesThreats

28 College of Management and Technology EXECUTE the strategy Constantly changing context. Dynamic process, not a static blueprint: –Shifting conditions & circumstances in strategic context. –Strategic choices made by other actors in the system. Need for continuous reassessment: –Are assumptions still valid? –Are ends, ways, means and risk still in BALANCE? –Short-term needs must not interfere with long-term goals. Wicked problems: often there are no good or easy choices.

29 College of Management and Technology Instruments of National Power ‘All means available to the government in its pursuit of national objectives. They are expressed as Diplomatic, Informational, Military and Economic.’ US DOD Dictionary of Military

30 College of Management and Technology ‘When the only tool in your box is a hammer, every problem ends up looking like a nail’. Maslow

31 College of Management and Technology Good Strategy Where you are Where you want to go How you are going to get there

32 College of Management and Technology Without strategy No capacity to assess potential risks. If the art of strategic thinking is not embedded the default mode of thinking is tactical. A more reactive approach to dealing with the threats & crisis. Much effort is directed at fire-fighting & contingency planning is not sufficient. 32

33 College of Management and Technology Strategic Leadership Uncertain/complex future: – leader makes Sense & provides Vision. Balance Current Events with Looking Ahead. Strategic issues vs strategic thinking. Dealing with issues with no neat solutions. Adjust policy | plans in light of new developments: –Strength not Weakness.

34 International Section | Leadership & Management Division | College of Management and Technology Developing National Strategy MDWSC Georgia Nov/Dec 2011 Colonel Andrew Cliffe

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