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Brooklyn College Summer Session II Course 784.1 Wednesday, July 30, 2008 Blog, Wikis & Google Docs 4:00-8:00 p.m. Instructor: Valrie Edwards.

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Presentation on theme: "Brooklyn College Summer Session II Course 784.1 Wednesday, July 30, 2008 Blog, Wikis & Google Docs 4:00-8:00 p.m. Instructor: Valrie Edwards."— Presentation transcript:

1 Brooklyn College Summer Session II Course 784.1 Wednesday, July 30, 2008 Blog, Wikis & Google Docs 4:00-8:00 p.m. Instructor: Valrie Edwards

2 Did You Know III? Did You Know III? 21 st Century Learning Tools for the Classroom How DiBlasi “Emerging Technology Specialist”

3 Agenda Communicate and Collaborate with: – Blogs –Wikis –Google Docs Reflections Homework

4 Web 2.0 Web 2.0 is the transition of the Internet from a place where we surf for information and consume information to a place where we are creators of information.

5 Common Craft Show X1jPE

6 What is a Blog? A blog is an online personal journal or diary. Blog is a short form for weblog. The two words are used interchangeably. It is a place to express yourself to the world. A place to share your thoughts and your passions. A blog is your own website that you are going to update on an ongoing basis.

7 Blog Examples –David Warlick –Will Richardson 7/04/why-let-our-students-blog.html 7/04/why-let-our-students-blog.html –Rachel Boyd

8 What Should a Blog Say? Think About … 1.What are you trying to accomplish? 2.Who will be reading your blog-and how might they help you accomplish your goal?

9 How can Blogs be used to Enhance Instruction? Current Events Curriculum Rationale Classroom Website Travel Diaries A Studies Diary/Self- Reflection Diary Emerging Technologies Discussions Student Portfolios Collaboration Writing Journals Portfolio Student Peer Review or Book Review Online Poetry Outside Review Blogging Artwork International Exchanges

10 Preparing Students for a Blog Acceptable Usage Policy Blogging rules Parental Permission Review safe and acceptable online behavior Set clear expectations and consequences

11 Create a Blogger Blog The URL for the blog is: Please type this URL into your web browser

12 Create a Wiki

13 Google Docs share work and collaborate Peer editing documents save automatically Easy access online anytime Teacher can monitor and make suggestions “Revisions History” Easy for students to publish their work online using Blogger. Just click! Gives students an authentic audience for their work: parents, peers, friends and blogs.

14 Google Docs Go to URL:

15 Reflections Technology is not merely another tool one uses apart from classroom learning. Technology enriches activities and empowers teachers and students to demonstrate what they know in new and creative ways.

16 Homework Create an instructional collaborative environment that you will be able to use with your students and parents.

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