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Reflection Journal Librarian: __Pam Panettiere____ Campus: ___Watkins_________________ Date: _09/25/08___________________.

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Presentation on theme: "Reflection Journal Librarian: __Pam Panettiere____ Campus: ___Watkins_________________ Date: _09/25/08___________________."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reflection Journal Librarian: __Pam Panettiere____ Campus: ___Watkins_________________ Date: _09/25/08___________________

2 SECTION ONE One of the factors that aids students in resilience, is to have a supportive and encouraging environment. I hope to provide that to all students, but in particular to the ones who have a true challenge with learning, behaving or at home. I know that students recognize if you care about them and they respond well to that. I want my library to be a nurturing environment. Respond to the following: If ‘Resilience’ is the measure of a student’s capacity to meet sustained challenges, complex tasks and new information, how does your library contribute to building greater resilience?

3 SECTION ONE, cont. Life skills are one of the components of the resiliency wheel in the text. I also think that life skills are being taught in my library as well as all other CFISD libraries. Students need to feel comfortable with research tactics, finding books that are appropriate and even proper behavior! A sense of confidence will prevail the more students are able to do things on their own. Another component of the resiliency wheel is setting and communicate high expectations. In my library we have rules that students are expected to follow. Yes, there is some leeway but students learn what is expected of them. Response continued:

4 SECTION ONE, cont. I think that the students who come to my library feel welcome and cared for. I have students popping in all day to say hi. Some just stand and chat for a few minutes. These students need consistency, caring and support and I feel that they receive all of those things in my library. Response continued:

5 SECTION TWO I think the goal of future technology integration is to have libraries and classrooms that are technology-based, student-centered and designed to increase student achievement. CFISD libraries are changing to meet those needs. Our Destiny catalog has an updated fresh look that the students love. Our databases are easy to use and create successful research forays for the students. I try to use power points and the Smart Board to present ideas/lessons to students. Soon I will take the Airliner training Respond to the following: Much discussion has taken place about technology integration in 21st century schools. How are CFISD libraries changing to be integral to the core instructional and behavioral practices that lead to student success?

6 SECTION TWO, cont. and I am excited to find ways to implement that as well. I also want to attend training on Movie Maker. The popularity of You Tube is tremendous and there may be a way to harness that technology for library and classroom use. I feel that I need to be well versed in these areas to assist teachers as well as using the technology for my own purposes. I think we as library media specialists should be prepared to be leaders in technology. Student success now and in the future is tied to technology and the students need to be prepared for the changing world. We should strive to be leaders in this field. Response continued:

7 SECTION TWO, cont. Response continued:

8 SECTION THREE The tipping point for my library was when the true focus of the library changed to the whole needs of the child. We are no longer simply caretakers of books and book talkers of our favorite tales. Yes, we still have those responsibilities but we have so many more. Students need guidance in not just finding a book or learning how to find a magazine article. They may need assistance in how to use Word or Power Point, they ask questions about current events or just need someone to listen to them. Respond to the following: Compare your school library to the Resiliency model and identify the tipping point, the first small change that will bring about great change that will recreate your library as the heart beat of the school and create change in the building.

9 SECTION THREE, cont. Our roles have changed from the age-old “stern” and “shushing” librarian. Librarians are truly media specialists who should excel in many areas, including technology. We should be encouraging and caring. Libraries today are active, lively places, hopefully filled with students who are actively participating in processes that will guide them to their future. Mentoring is a specific area in which my library will help create change in the building. I mentor one or two specific students in the SNAPP program but I also mentor many of the students who come in to the library. They feel a sense of comfort Response continued:

10 SECTION THREE, cont. in being able to come to the same place each day. They feel safe, wanted, and important. At Watkins, the library is at the heart of the school. Physically, yes, it is in the center of the school, but it is more importantly, a place where all students can feel important. I still have a long way to go with some students but progress is definitely being made! Response continued:

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