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July 19, 2003 HEP03, Aachen P. Shanahan MINOS Collaboration 1 STATUS of the MINOS Experiment Argonne Athens Brookhaven Caltech Cambridge Campinas Dubna.

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Presentation on theme: "July 19, 2003 HEP03, Aachen P. Shanahan MINOS Collaboration 1 STATUS of the MINOS Experiment Argonne Athens Brookhaven Caltech Cambridge Campinas Dubna."— Presentation transcript:

1 July 19, 2003 HEP03, Aachen P. Shanahan MINOS Collaboration 1 STATUS of the MINOS Experiment Argonne Athens Brookhaven Caltech Cambridge Campinas Dubna Fermilab College de France Harvard Illinois Inst. of Technology Indiana ITEP-Moscow Lebedev Livermore Macalester Minnesota-Twin Cities Minnesota-Duluth Oxford Pittsburgh Protvino Rutherford Sao Paulo South Carolina Stanford Sussex Texas A&M Texas-Austin Tufts University College London Western Washington Wisconsin

2 July 19, 2003 HEP03, Aachen P. Shanahan MINOS Collaboration 2 MINOS Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search –Precision  m 2 and sin 2 (2  ) measurement in  disappearance –Beam from Fermilab Main Injector: Mostly   tuneable energy –2 detectors separated by 735km baseline Near Detector: 1kt detector at Fermilab Far Detector: 5.4kt detector at Soudan –Improved   e limits –At 735 km, SK  m 2  1-4 GeV oscillation maximum 735 km

3 July 19, 2003 HEP03, Aachen P. Shanahan MINOS Collaboration 3 NuMI Beam Neutrinos at the Main Injector –120 GeV Protons from Fermilab Main Injector –10  s pulse, every 1.9s –Proton Intensity: 4x10 13 protons/pulse design 2.5x10 13 p/p expected at startup –Hadrons focused with 2 horns Horn and target positions  tune beam energy spectrum Main Injector Near Detector 470 events/kt-yr 1270 events/kt-yr 2740 events/kt-yr Decay pipe: 678m x 1m radius Target, Horns Rock: 240m, muon monitors Hadron Absorber: 4.7 m Al/Fe 103 m 1040 m Not to scale

4 July 19, 2003 HEP03, Aachen P. Shanahan MINOS Collaboration 4 NuMI Beam Status Excavation of underground complex complete Decay Pipe installed Tunnel/Hall Outfitting in progress Target has been fabricated Horns have been assembled Project will be complete/ commissioning starts Dec. 2004 MINOS Near Detector Hall (100m underground) Some of the NuMI Shielding - Much more than mass of Near and Far Detectors combined!

5 July 19, 2003 HEP03, Aachen P. Shanahan MINOS Collaboration 5 NuMI Beam Status Horn 2 Assembly Decay Pipe Decay Pipe encased in concrete to protect groundwater

6 July 19, 2003 HEP03, Aachen P. Shanahan MINOS Collaboration 6 Far Detector 5.4kt total –484 planes in two ~14.5m long “super modules” –Each plane 8m octagon –2.54cm Fe, 1cm Scintillator –~1.5T Magnetic field Readout –2 ended readout –8x optical multiplexing into M16 multi-anode PMTs –~92k strips, 23k channels Overburden –710 m (2090 mwe) 1 supermodule Magnet Coil 8m

7 July 19, 2003 HEP03, Aachen P. Shanahan MINOS Collaboration 7 Far Detector Status Completed MINOS Far Detector A person Far Detector construction completed! –1 st supermodule operational since 7/02 Veto Shield –Build from same scintillator used in detector –Help ID Atmospheric neutrino interactions

8 July 19, 2003 HEP03, Aachen P. Shanahan MINOS Collaboration 8 Far Detector Data X Y Z Up Going Muons: interactions below detector –Use timing to select up going muons Magnetic Field –Distinguish    + Example: 5.4 GeV/c up going  Time vs. Y Up Going  log 10 (p) distributions MINOS PRELIMINARY UPGOING MUON DATA One sign  Other sign 

9 July 19, 2003 HEP03, Aachen P. Shanahan MINOS Collaboration 9 Atmospheric Neutrinos MINOS is 1 st Large, Underground detector with Magnetic Field –Distinguish   from  +   vs.   –CPT test: P(     P      ? Expected number of events: Number of events in Neutrino Antineutrino 24 kT years Reconstructed contained 440 260 vertex with muon Reconstructed upgoing muon 280 120 For  m 2 =0.003 eV 2, sin 2 2  = 1.0  2 Probability for nominal neutrino oscillation parameters compared to different values of  m 2 for antineutrinos.

10 July 19, 2003 HEP03, Aachen P. Shanahan MINOS Collaboration 10 Same sampling/structure as far detector 980 t High rate (10  s spill) –HE beam: 20 interactions/m/spill –LE beam: 3.2 interactions/m/spill –High speed electronics –4x multiplexing in spectrometer only All Planes have been assembled Near Detector

11 July 19, 2003 HEP03, Aachen P. Shanahan MINOS Collaboration 11 MINOS Event Topologies   identified by  in Charged Current interactions  CC NC e CC Example Monte Carlo events Pulse height vs. Strip & plane 4-5 GeV neutrinos MIP energy loss = 30MeV/plane 1 plane  1.4 X 0 Interaction length  6 planes 1.2m 4.7m ~1.0m 0.7m 1.7m

12 July 19, 2003 HEP03, Aachen P. Shanahan MINOS Collaboration 12 CC events Oscillation Measurement  Charged Current events –Far detector observed/expectation for no oscillations –Energy dependence yields oscillation parameters The Details… –Hadron production Unlike Far, Near Detector sees non-point source of neutrinos MIPP - hadron production experiment at Fermilab –Neutrino Cross sections –Detector response & Calibration 2% relative, 5% absolute CALDET calibration detector at CERN See C. Smith’s talk in detector session Example No osc.  m 2 =2x10 -3 eV 2 sin 2 (2  )=0.9

13 July 19, 2003 HEP03, Aachen P. Shanahan MINOS Collaboration 13 5 Year Plan MINOS Collaboration has submitted a 5 year plan to Fermilab Physics Advisory Committee –Physics with beam starts 2005 –Expect 2.5x10 20 protons 1 st year –Request 25x10 20 p.o.t total MC with  m 2 = 0.0025 eV 2, sin 2 2  = 1.0

14 July 19, 2003 HEP03, Aachen P. Shanahan MINOS Collaboration 14 Electron Neutrino Appearance For  m 2 = 0.0025 eV 2, sin 2 2  13 = 0.067For  m 2 = 0.0025 eV 2 Observed number of e CC candidates with and without oscillations. 25x10 20 protons on target. 3  discovery potential for three different levels of protons on target and versus systematic uncertainty on the background.

15 July 19, 2003 HEP03, Aachen P. Shanahan MINOS Collaboration 15 Summary MINOS – Main Injector Neutrino Oscillation Search –1kt Near Detector at Fermilab, 5.4kt Far Detector at Soudan, MN  disappearance –Demonstrate oscillatory energy dependence of effect –Precision measurements of  m 2, sin 2 (2  ) (10%) e appearance –Improved bounds on |U e3 | 2 Status –Far Detector construction complete –Beam tunnel and Near Detector hall complete Installation to start early 2004 Physics starting April 2005

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