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Kate Forrest C Period MANIA R a c i n g T h o u g h t s D e c r e a s e d n e e d f o r s l e e p R a p i d S p e e c h A g i t a t i o n o r I r.

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Presentation on theme: "Kate Forrest C Period MANIA R a c i n g T h o u g h t s D e c r e a s e d n e e d f o r s l e e p R a p i d S p e e c h A g i t a t i o n o r I r."— Presentation transcript:


2 Kate Forrest C Period



5 R a c i n g T h o u g h t s D e c r e a s e d n e e d f o r s l e e p R a p i d S p e e c h A g i t a t i o n o r I r r i t a t i o n E x t r e m e O p t i m i s m Careless use of drugs and alcohol E u p h o r i a S p e n d i n g s p r e e s o r u n w i s e f i n a n c i a l d e c i s i o n s I n a b i l i t y t o c o n c e n t r a t e D e l u s i o n s o r b r e a k s f r o m r e a l i t y

6 Relationships can be tough. With the mania, money can be overspent and savings lost. Abuse within the relationship and with drugs is common in the mania phase

7 Victims of Bipolar Disorder live for the mania. The nonstop happiness makes the whole disorder worth it for them.

8 This doesn’t last though….

9 The Higher You Fly The Lower You FALL

10 depression

11 depression: sadness hopelessness anxiety suicidal thoughts or behaviors guilt Low or decreased appetite fatigue Loss of interest in daily activities sleep problems

12 Depression in relationships is just as bad as mania. The withdrawn and shell like person that use to be your spouse is infuriating. This is why 2/3 of bipolar marriages fail.

13 The depression is the bad side of the disorder. The depression can feel worse than the normal depression because the mania is also felt. This can be part of the reason Bipolar Disorder is the sixth leading cause of disability internationally


15 This doesn’t last though.....

16 Soon enough…..

17 MANIA again

18 Racing Thoughts Decreased need for sleep Rapid Speech Agitation or Irritation Extreme Optimism Careless use of drugs and alcohol Euphori a Spending sprees or unwise financial decisions Inability to concentrat e Delusions or breaks from reality

19 And back…

20 Down to…

21 depression again

22 depression: sadness hopelessness anxiety suicidal thoughts or behaviors guilt Low or decreased appetite fatigue Loss of interest in daily activities sleep problems

23 The constant changing of moods can lead to a number of effects

24 Self Medicating

25 Drug Abuse:

26 Domestic violence:

27 cutting

28 And Suicide:

29 And worst of all… The cause is still unknown

30 There are theories….. But that is all

31 Heredity:

32 Brain Imbalances:

33 Hormones:

34 Environment:

35 Why should YOU care???

36 Because bipolar disorder Is affecting More and more Children and teens DAILY

37 Either because of a family member is a victim A friend Or themselves

38 A child dealing with problems more than most adults can handle…..

39 That person can be the person sitting next to you

40 Your lab partner

41 Or Your Best Friend

42 But you can help. You can educate yourself about this disorder. Learn more about Bipolar Disorder and how you can help at


44 suicide/drug-abuse content/uploads/2007/10/suicide_hanging_by_captainbonedaddy.jpg

45,1227257237,11/stock- photo-two-little-children-sitting-next-to-each-other-20979286.jpg suicide/drug-abuse 1600/child_bipolar.jpg content/uploads/2010/09/self_harm_suicide__by_raisaFEAR.jpg

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