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The Relevant Standards Update Louis T. Fiore Chair CSAA Standards Committee.

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Presentation on theme: "The Relevant Standards Update Louis T. Fiore Chair CSAA Standards Committee."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Relevant Standards Update Louis T. Fiore Chair CSAA Standards Committee

2 What this will cover: the status of codes and standards that impact the monitoring industry, including revisions to NFPA 72 and the organization’s commenting process the status of codes and standards that impact the monitoring industry, including revisions to NFPA 72 and the organization’s commenting process advise on the impact of proposed revisions and standard developments, as well as suggest actions to protect your business advise on the impact of proposed revisions and standard developments, as well as suggest actions to protect your business

3 What are these standards NFPA 72 NFPA 72 NFPA 730/731 NFPA 730/731 NFPA 3/4 NFPA 3/4 UL 827 & UL 1981 UL 827 & UL 1981 UL 1610 UL 1610 CS-V-01 CS-V-01

4 NFPA Codes and Standards


6 CSAA Representatives to NFPA Committees Bob Bonifas, ADS (P) 72 FUN Bob Bonifas, ADS (P) 72 FUN Tom Chambers, Vector (P) 72 ECS Tom Chambers, Vector (P) 72 ECS Jim Murphy, Vector (P) 72 TMS Jim Murphy, Vector (P) 72 TMS Rick Simpson, Vector (P) 72 HOU Rick Simpson, Vector (P) 72 HOU John Olenick, Vector (P) 72 PRO John Olenick, Vector (P) 72 PRO Robert Williams, Vector (A) 72 FUN Robert Williams, Vector (A) 72 FUN Ted Stoler, Vector (A) 72 HOU Ted Stoler, Vector (A) 72 HOU Paul Silva, Wayne Alarm (P) 72 SSS Paul Silva, Wayne Alarm (P) 72 SSS Stan Martin, SIAC (P) 730/731 Stan Martin, SIAC (P) 730/731 Lou Fiore 72 Correlating Committee Lou Fiore 72 Correlating Committee

7 Others Tony Mucci 72 SSS, 730/731 Tony Mucci 72 SSS, 730/731 Ed Bonifas 72 SSS Ed Bonifas 72 SSS Lou Fiore 72 SSS Lou Fiore 72 SSS Rich Kleinman, AFA 72 SSS Rich Kleinman, AFA 72 SSS Shane Clary 72 FUN, 72 PRO Shane Clary 72 FUN, 72 PRO Jim Murphy 730/731 Jim Murphy 730/731 Pat Egan 72 SSS Pat Egan 72 SSS Mike Slattery, AFA 72 TMS Mike Slattery, AFA 72 TMS Scott Harris, AFA 72 PRO Scott Harris, AFA 72 PRO

8 NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code Current Edition: 2013 Next Edition: 2016

9 Various Chapters Mostly editorial changes to clarify language Mostly editorial changes to clarify language

10 SIG-PRO (Protected Premises) proposal to eliminate ground fault detection on networked (CAT5/6) wiring. This would be a Class N Circuit. SIG-PRO (Protected Premises) proposal to eliminate ground fault detection on networked (CAT5/6) wiring. This would be a Class N Circuit. SIG-PRO voted to change the definition of fire protection zones within a premises. Non-fire additions would require a isolation module to be installed for each entry into a zone. SIG-PRO voted to change the definition of fire protection zones within a premises. Non-fire additions would require a isolation module to be installed for each entry into a zone.

11 NFPA 72 Chapter 29 Household Fire

12 Interactive Services suggested revisions Any data exchange between the fire alarm system and separate independent devices via remote access shall not compromise the integrity of the fire alarm system. Remote resetting and silencing of a fire alarm control unit from other than the protected premises shall be inhibited for a minimum of 4 minutes from the initial activation of the fire alarm signal.

13 On site power requirements Communicators Communicators 24 hour power minimum for all necessary equipment24 hour power minimum for all necessary equipment Report a signal indicating loss of powerReport a signal indicating loss of power

14 Mesh Networks* Mesh networks shall meet the same requirements of supervision as low power wireless Mesh networks shall meet the same requirements of supervision as low power wireless Shared with other premise operating systems, but Shared with other premise operating systems, but Shall be listed as a fire alarm devices Shall be listed as a fire alarm devices Troubles within 200 seconds Troubles within 200 seconds *Zigbee & Z-Wave *Zigbee & Z-Wave

15 Smoke and CO Alarm Life 10 year life 10 year life (replace if device fails operability test inside of 10 years) (replace if device fails operability test inside of 10 years) CO devices require a “End of Life Signal” CO devices require a “End of Life Signal”

16 Smoke Detector Supervision Chapter 23 Protected Premises Fire Alarm Systems 23.16.4 Monitoring for Integrity. The occurrence of any single fault that disables transmission between any low-power radio transmitter and the receiver/fire alarm control unit shall cause a latching trouble signal within 200 seconds. Exception: Until the expiration date for this exception of June 30, 2013, June 30, 2013, the time period for a low-power radio transmitter the time period for a low-power radio transmitter 4 hours maximum for a transmitter serving a single initiating device 4 hours maximum for a transmitter serving a single initiating device 4 hours maximum for a retransmission device repeater 4 hours maximum for a retransmission device repeater

17 How we mitigate We have plans to submit a TIA* to eliminate the exception's date which would then allow a 4 hour check-in. We have plans to submit a TIA* to eliminate the exception's date which would then allow a 4 hour check-in. *Tentative Interim Amendment *Tentative Interim Amendment

18 Household Testing Testing. Household fire alarm systems shall be tested by a qualified service technician at least annually. The installing contractor shall be required to provide this information in writing to the customer upon completion of the system installation. To the extent that the fire alarm system is monitored offsite, the supervising station contractor shall provide notice of this requirement to the customer on a yearly basis.

19 Next-Gen 911 Lack of data to develop satisfactory code guidelines for the 2016 cycle Lack of data to develop satisfactory code guidelines for the 2016 cycle

20 Chapter 26 (SSS) Supervising Station Six hour requirement for DACT testing still in the document Six hour requirement for DACT testing still in the document Expanded language for “Remote Station” Expanded language for “Remote Station”

21 AICC POTS Survey August 2012 and 2013 %

22 NFPA 3 Recommended Practice for the Commissioning of Fire Protection Systems. Recommended Practice for the Commissioning of Fire Protection Systems. Move this cycle to make it a Standard. Move this cycle to make it a Standard. Fine for large buildings and projects, but is it necessary for small projects? Fine for large buildings and projects, but is it necessary for small projects? Could raise construction costs. Could raise construction costs. Look for a move to make NFPA 3 a Standard during the next cycle. Look for a move to make NFPA 3 a Standard during the next cycle.

23 NFPA 4 New Standard for the Integrated Testing of Fire Protection Systems. New Standard for the Integrated Testing of Fire Protection Systems. To be done when a building is first put on line and then at five-year cycles. To be done when a building is first put on line and then at five-year cycles. This is for end-to-end testing, which no NFPA Standard requires at this time. This is for end-to-end testing, which no NFPA Standard requires at this time. Will require alarm providers to work closely with sprinkler and other fire protection providers. Will require alarm providers to work closely with sprinkler and other fire protection providers.

24 NFPA 730: Guide to Premises Security NFPA 731: Standard for the Installation of Electronic Premises Security Systems

25 NFPA 730: Guide to Premises Security Will remain a Guide this cycle, but there will be continue efforts to convert to a Code during the next cycle. Several Task Forces have been formed to explore areas of the document that could be converted to code language (shall vs. should).

26 NFPA 731: Standard for the Installation of Electronic Premises Security Systems No major changes made to this cycles edition. There is no known jurisdictions that have adopted 731 to date.

27 UL Standards

28 UL 827 & UL 1981 UL 827 UL 827 Central-Station Alarm Services Central-Station Alarm Services UL 1981 UL 1981 Central-Station Automation Systems Central-Station Automation Systems

29 UL 827 & UL 1981 Task Groups were convened to rewrite both standards Task Groups were convened to rewrite both standards Task Groups finished their work and drafts have been “correlated.” Task Groups finished their work and drafts have been “correlated.” Drafts posted on UL’s CSDS* site for comments (Closed 7/8/13) Drafts posted on UL’s CSDS* site for comments (Closed 7/8/13) Will soon be up for a vote by the STP Will soon be up for a vote by the STP Comments will be accepted by those registered for UL’s CSDS* Comments will be accepted by those registered for UL’s CSDS* * Collaborative Standards Development System * Collaborative Standards Development System

30 UL 1610 Central-Station Burglar-Alarm Units

31 Needed change Currently under 62A Packet Switched Data Networks: “A loss of connection/signal shall be reported and identified within 200 seconds at the central station receiving unit. Language is also in UL 365 Police Station Connected Burglar Alarm Units and Systems Language is also in UL 365 Police Station Connected Burglar Alarm Units and Systems

32 CSAA Standards

33 CS-V-01 Alarm Verification and Notification Procedures Alarm Verification and Notification Procedures

34 Changes to CS-V-01 Clean up and updates Clean up and updates Public Comment Period open until November 25, 2013 Public Comment Period open until November 25, 2013 Go to: Go to: to download the draft & required form to submit a comment


36 Questions?

37 Thank you!

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