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Transition to College Gerri Wolfe, Ph.D. Regents Center for Learning Disorders University of Georgia Gwinnett County College Fair.

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Presentation on theme: "Transition to College Gerri Wolfe, Ph.D. Regents Center for Learning Disorders University of Georgia Gwinnett County College Fair."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transition to College Gerri Wolfe, Ph.D. Regents Center for Learning Disorders University of Georgia Gwinnett County College Fair

2 Agenda Differences between high school and college Regents’ Centers for Learning Disorders Transition to college Staying in college

3 Differences Between HS & College High School IDEAA Responsible to identify Responsible to evaluate Accommodations implemented by school Accommodations decisions made by IEP team Parents are advocates LRE. Self-contained, regular classroom, resource room College Section 504/ADA Student self identify Student provides documentation Student request accommodations Accommodations determined by evaluation data Students self-advocate Regular classroom ©Gerri Wolfe, Ph.D., 2012

4 High School College School personnel responsible for providing support services Responsibility Student responsible for requesting assistance Six hours per day for 180 days. This totals 1,080 hours each year Class Time 12-15 hours per week, 10 weeks per quarter. This totals 360 - 450 each year. Frequent tests or quizzes, generally covering one chapter Tests One to 3 tests per quarter. Tests cover more material Class time allowed to complete homework, generally 1-3 hours per day Study Time Rule of thumb: at least two hours of homework for every hour in class; 3 - 5 hours per day Information is provided mostly through in-class resources; assigned reading and classroom discussion; out of class research is minimal Knowledge Course work requires more library work and writing; often required to do out of class research and write reports Assignments broken down into stepsAssignmentsInstructions less specific and up to the student to determine best course

5 High SchoolCollege Classroom attendance monitored and participation contributes to overall grade; class standards changed for students with IEP’s Grades Attendance is not a requirement. All students must meet the same class standards Teachers take attendance, check notebooks, put information on the blackboard, and directly impart facts from the textbook. Teachers monitor progress and offer clarification and assistance Teachers Instructors rarely teach from the textbook, often lecture non-stop, and expect students to learn from outside assignments and library research. Students must monitor progress and ask for assistance when needed Parents are often advocates and work directly with teachers to assure necessary academic support Parent Role Parents become mentors and work with student to offer guidance and support Time and assignments are structured by teachers, parents, and other adults Freedom Students must structure their own time between academics and extracurricular activities. Students make decisions regarding schedules, class attendance, studying, etc.

6 Disability Definition Under Section 504 & ADA A disability is a substantial limitation to one or more major life activities The condition, manner, or duration in which the individual performs the major life activity as compared to most people in the general population Walking, breathing, seeing, hearing, learning, working, performing manual tasks, caring for oneself, sleeping, reading, concentrating, thinking, communicating, lifting, bending, major bodily functions ©Gerri Wolfe, Ph.D., 2012

7 Typical Disabilities Hearing impairments Lupus Paraplegia Bipolar disorder Learning disabilities Multiple sclerosis Cancer Cerebral palsy Postsecondary requires documentation of condition Acquired brain injury Visual disorders Heart disease Cystic fibrosis Epilepsy Depression Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ©Gerri Wolfe, Ph.D., 2012

8 Regents’ Centers for Learning Disorders Provide specialized assessments for students with suspected learning disorders Serve as a resource on academic accommodations Conduct training and research activities to increase knowledge base and “best practices” 3 Regents Center across Georgia: UGA, GA State, GA Southern

9 Postsecondary Documentation Current (adult normed tests) Comprehensive and state a clear diagnosis Qualified evaluator Each institution has documentation guidelines BOR criteria for LD and ADHD The quality of accommodations received depends on the quality of the documentation  Seek evaluation during senior year of HS & consult with RCLD on documentation standards ©Gerri Wolfe, Ph.D., 2012

10 Reasonable Accommodations Review documentation Match accommodations to deficits & strengths Consider course requirements Assign individualized accommodations Monitor and modify ©Gerri Wolfe, Ph.D., 2012

11 Reasonable Accommodations Level the playing field Modifications to policy, practice, instructional delivery, and the environment Ensure that students with disabilities are given an opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of a subject ©Gerri Wolfe, Ph.D., 2009

12 Example Accommodations Extended time on tests Tape recording classes Test modification (Braille, scribes, readers) Alternative text books on tape, CD, e-text or WebCT Sign language interpreters Note takers Closed captioned videos Large print and Braille materials Course adaptations Classroom assistance (In-class scribe) ©Gerri Wolfe, Ph.D., 2012

13 Postsecondary Services Research the disability services office at each prospective institution Start early… Submit documentation and forms for review Meet with DS professionals to discuss academic accommodations ©Gerri Wolfe, Ph.D., 2012

14 Prepare for Postsecondary Study Skills Understand learning style, disability, study strategies Technology Computer proficiency Assistive Technology Self-advocacy Understand your needs and communicate them to DSP & faculty Know the campus resources Support network Transition Time Line Handout

15 Key Issues IEP may NOT meet documentation requirements for postsecondary institutions Accommodations in HS are not guaranteed in college Adult documentation Reasonable accommodations based on documentation Check with the DS office at each institution for documentation guidelines USG institutions follow BOR criteria for LD and ADHD Seek evaluation during senior year Transition FAQs Handout ©Gerri Wolfe, Ph.D., 2012

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