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National Digital Learning Repository - Ireland If You Build It, Will They Come?: Strategies for Community Enhanced Learning Repositories Catherine Bruen.

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Presentation on theme: "National Digital Learning Repository - Ireland If You Build It, Will They Come?: Strategies for Community Enhanced Learning Repositories Catherine Bruen."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Digital Learning Repository - Ireland If You Build It, Will They Come?: Strategies for Community Enhanced Learning Repositories Catherine Bruen Dr. Vincent P. Wade National Digital Learning Repository Ireland

2 National Digital Learning Repository - Ireland 28/08/2015 2 Outline What is the NDLR –Brief Tour of NDLR website, content and subject areas Strategies for Populating a repository NDLR Approach - Community (of Users) Driven Repositories Current NDLR Communities of Practice Successes to Date The bottom line

3 National Digital Learning Repository - Ireland Strategies for Populating a Repository Strategy 1: Take existing content, Populate the repository with it, Provide access to existing users Strategy 2: Develop bespoke content for intended use by individual users, Provide access to the intended users & support their intended use Strategy 3: Support the intended communities of users in populating the repository themselves with new (bespoke) and existing resources 28/08/2015 3

4 National Digital Learning Repository - Ireland Strategy 1 Take existing content, populate repository and provide access to existing users Benefits –Existing content…ensures rapid population Threats –Repository as a dump –Repository as an archive (for longevity) 28/08/2015 4

5 National Digital Learning Repository - Ireland Strategy 2 Develop bespoke content for intended use Benefits (i) Populate with fresh content = “current” motivation for usage (ii) Active engagement with real users (iii) Quality Assured resources Threats (i)Can end up with content whose reuse is unproven (ii)Sustainability issues (a)Not sustainable to continue paying users to develop content (iii) Higher costs 28/08/2015 5

6 National Digital Learning Repository - Ireland 28/08/2015 6 Strategy 3 Support the intended Communities of Users in populating the repository themselves with new and existing resources Advantages (i)Directly supports sustainability of user activity/usage (a) Sustainable Structure i.e. Community becomes less fatigued than individual user (b)Community can be an existing (or long lived) networks of users (e.g. Irish Learning Technology Association ) (ii)New Communities (a)Explicit support for Community forming and self reliance (b)Support to help them sustain themselves (c)Resources for meetings, networks, forming) (iii) Benefit from economies of scale and community impact

7 National Digital Learning Repository - Ireland 28/08/2015 7 Strategy 3 Support the intended Communities of Users in populating the repository themselves with new and existing resources Disadvantages (i)Attempting to constantly create new communities (a)Communities have to grow incrementally (ii)“Lurking” Communities (a)Existing networks becoming communities for short term gains and finance, but reverts back to original network/devolve once initial funding period is over (iii)Careful management to ensure even balance of : (a)CoP identifying with (or ownership of) repository (b)Without any loss or drain to identity of community itself

8 National Digital Learning Repository - Ireland NDLR Approach (Strategy 3) NDLR CoP Coordinators (presented by my colleagues): CoPs in the context of the Literature Common principles of NDLR Communities of Practice –When every CoP has its own unique identity & needs Picture on the ground…barriers & challenges facing CoPs NDLR Nurturing and supporting CoPs –“while communities of practice need to be spontaneous and self-directed, guidelines can be helpful in creating the conditions for them to flourish” A framework of seven principles, Wenger, McDermott & Snyder (2002) –NDLR Working Model for supporting a CoP Driven Repository, within context of: Case studies of current CoPs (e.g. Veterinary Environmental Sciences CoP) Some existing models** While identifying critical points for supporting CoPs to make the repository “Their Own” ** Wenger, McDermott & Snyder, 2003; The CAMEL (Collaborative Approaches to the Management of E-Learning) model ; The ESEN Project -

9 National Digital Learning Repository - Ireland Repository Network of Users CoP Support Around NDLR use NDLR CoPs 9 QA, activities, decision making, training, best practice use of the RLOs, Re-Use, etc. Current Practice At the heart of NDLR success is core relationship between Repository and the Users (CoPs) Users (CoPs) own Repository

10 National Digital Learning Repository - Ireland 28/08/2015 10 Stages NDLR Support & Guidance Framework for a Working Model Stage 1 – Pilot Stage - Emergent CoPs Forming/Storming Identify partners, build trust, identify common goals & experiences, begin to formalise informal relationships Depending on CoP stage of Development, NDLR typically provide: Funding Training & Information Access to NDLR Training events and resources for e- Learning, Teaching and Learning and Content Sharing. Advice, Guidance & Support Coordination of their CoP. NDLR licensing issues. NDLR metadata issues. Design, Development & Reuse of RLOs Using & Reusing RLOs on the Ground Technical, PR & Links Online tools for Collaboration, Websites, blogs, Wiki, etc. Repository accounts / CoP Categories Assistance with coordination of launch or community events with NDLR partner institutions PR materials for NDLR & CoP related events. Advertisement & promotion through NDLR partner contacts. Stage 2 - Norming / Performing Identity of the community, identify self- supporting/sustaining models, sharing resources, good practice, knowledge transfer/exchange, realise innovation Stage 3 Adjourning / Transforming Future practices - How to move forward & innovate, continue to build upon good practice, Identify locus and context of Community (subject domain and nationally/internationally)

11 28/08/2015 11 Funding Training & Information Guidance & Support Technical, PR & Links

12 National Digital Learning Repository - Ireland Current Communities of Practice Applied Social Studies (ASSCoP) Bio-Technology (BioTech CoP) Chemical and Physical Sciences (CPSCoP) Computer Science (CSCoP) Education (EDUCoP) Library Information Skills Mathematics and Statistics Service Teaching in Higher Education (MSHECoP) Mechanical Engineering (MECoP) Modern Languages (ModLangCoP) Nursing and Midwifery (NMCoP) Technology Enhanced Learning (TELCoP) Veterinary and Bio-Environmental (VETBIOCoP) Art & Conflict Apprentice-based Learning Student Retention 28/08/2015 12

13 National Digital Learning Repository - Ireland NDLR to Date Pilot Service fully operational (hosted by HEAnet) Jointly administered by all partner institutions – National First! 1816 learning resources 1197 users Cataloguing team – ensure Q.A. of metadata 12 Communities of Practice (+ 3 Emergent CoPs) National training programme 2008 Licence agreements (draft) in place NDLR Symposium 2008… an annual event in conjunction with all Partners 28/08/2015 13

14 National Digital Learning Repository - Ireland Bottom line… Communities of Users …. USE it BUILD it OWN it POPULATE it REUSE it ……..SUSTAIN it Thanks! 28/08/2015 14

15 National Digital Learning Repository - Ireland Role of the Repository Service Provider NDLR (core team) responsibilities Manage & improve services –Repository (metadata, technical & community services) Promote training/awareness/visibility Extend copyright accesses Support communities of practice –Including partial funding Instigate 'inter community' events –Conferences, workshops etc. –Support alignment of repository to HE sector providers (universities, institutes etc.), Ensure forum for collaboration in running Repository service with HE sector providers AND COP coordinators etc.... 28/08/2015 15

16 National Digital Learning Repository - Ireland Library Search (UK Jacs) Education  Educational Technology Digitizing Learning Evidence (Cork IT) Writing a Summary (Yvonne Cleary, UL) item&learning_object_id=1205&learning_item_id=2256 item&learning_object_id=1205&learning_item_id=2256 Library Search (CoPs) Nursing & Midwifery  Respiratory Distress Case Study 6 - Simple Search – “Vygotsky” item&learning_object_id=1893&learning_item_id=2997 28/08/2015 16

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