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June 28, 2011 PUC Project 34610- AMIT Stakeholder Steering Committee Anna Grau 6/28/2011.

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Presentation on theme: "June 28, 2011 PUC Project 34610- AMIT Stakeholder Steering Committee Anna Grau 6/28/2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 June 28, 2011 PUC Project 34610- AMIT Stakeholder Steering Committee Anna Grau 6/28/2011

2  Support Model Concept  Six-Month Vision  Key Elements  Timeline 6/28/2011

3  Rather than starting with technology-specific requirements we want to start from a technology-agnostic, process-based viewpoint.  By this we mean understanding the customer touchpoints (where they would interact with a support model), on an event-driven basis. 6/28/2011


5  We cannot control where the customer makes first contact, but we can understand what type of events might lead to contact (and with whom- actors), and build use cases from there. 6/28/2011 Customer Receives HAN device Customer Registers to SMT Customer Registers for Special Plan 1.Consumer Receives HAN Device a.Will Device Provision? i.YES: Go to 2. ii.NO: 1.Consumer calls TDSP because HAN device won’t provision a.Who provided the consumer with HAN device? Transfer; (specific guides will cover troubleshooting) 2.Consumer calls REP because HAN device won’t provision a.Who provided the consumer with HAN device? Transfer; (specific guides will cover troubleshooting) 3.Consumer calls SMT because HAN device won’t provision a.Who provided the consumer with HAN device? Transfer; (specific guides will cover troubleshooting) 4.Consumer calls Manufacturer because HAN device won’t provision a.Who provided the consumer with HAN device? Transfer; (specific guides will cover troubleshooting) Etc.

6  The first six-months vision of the Smart Meter Texas HAN Support Model is to provide an integrated mechanism, across HAN market participants, for consumers and third parties to find within a single contact whom and where to go to acquire an answer to their HAN Support question. 6/28/2011

7  Support roles and responsibilities will be clearly defined in matrix form in an operational “umbrella” white paper. It describes knowledge management, event management, escalation/notification processes and very high-level use cases that support the vision.  Companion white papers will be provided to the key actors that describe their interoperable roles from their perspective and allows for more detail. 6/28/2011

8 JulyAugustSeptember 6/28/2011 OctoberNovemberDecember Complete Umbrella Document and Straw Use Cases Begin Circulation of Use Cases and 1-1s 1-1s: REPs, TDSPs, Manufacturers, Regulatory 1-1s as needed; true up with requirements list Review drafts and finalize for delivery

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