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2 DESIRE IISlide 2 The User’s View H Speed H Repeatable … reliable H Finding people, finding stuff H Scalable view H Explanatory technology H Quality mark H Community Centre

3 DESIRE IISlide 3 Resource Discovery HBuilding an integrated infrastructure to help researchers find high quality information HCross searching different gateways, different protocols - WHOIS++, Z39.50... HCross browsing combining collections of several gateways using ‘forward knowledge’ to dynamically create collections HQuality labelling information machine readable descriptions of Internet resources HPutting it all together with RDF Demo: rating, browse, search interfaces...

4 DESIRE IISlide 4 WWW Indexing and Harvesting Software HThe Combine harvesting robot distributed architecture different components talk using client server technology a modular design, easy to modify and extend HDESIRE 2 will improve and extend: Metdata indexing - to include RDF Range of document types New summarizers and summarizer mechanisms. Range of protocols harvested, to include NNTP and possibly FTP

5 DESIRE IISlide 5 Automatic classification HReport on state-of-the-art HCreate a static database from a subject harvest HTest and evaluate different methods of creating the collection HTest and evaluate automatic classification methods Simple matching with EI thesaurus and EI classification. … with linguistic and heuristic improvements (project GERHARD). Automatic classification using the Scorpion method (with OCLC). HPilot service (alpha now running) demonstrating some of the above methods

6 DESIRE IISlide 6 Information Gateways Handbook and Workshop HUser needs analysis/questionnaire and survey of current Information Gateway providers HLiterature review HCollaborative activities and planning HProduction plan, timetable and outline HChapters now in production HWorkshop for National Librarians - September

7 DESIRE IISlide 7 Directory Indexing HGoal: one distributed index for all directory protocols HTechnology to be used the same as for the web indexing part of DESIRE II LDAP crawler for LDAP and X.500 servers in NL resulting in a single index served via the web (using AltaVista technology) and central LDAP server moving from a central to a distributed index on a European scale

8 DESIRE IISlide 8 WWW Browser WEB500GW LDAP GateWay LDAP client X.500 first level DSA C=NL X.500 connector “IXC” LDAP crawler and index server LDAP client Local X.500 DSA’s Local LDAP servers and cLDAP host X.500 DUA HTTP LDAP DSP DAPLDAP LDAP(v2) Current SURFnet Directory Service Infrastructure

9 DESIRE IISlide 9 Web caching H Deployment: hands-on workshops & web site H Mesh autoconfiguration H Intercache communication H Testing of hardware & software

10 DESIRE IISlide 10 not committed Directories WEB ROADS (subject gateways) COMBINE (harvester) LDAP Crawler (harvester) News TIO Server (query routing) Directory Client Whois++ I/face Z39.50 I/face Browser ZEBRA (indexer) Referrals LDAP Gate- ways GILS SOIF LDAP HTTP NNTP RDF, HTML... TIOs/CIP DESIRE Components Cross-search/browse

11 DESIRE IISlide 11 Harvesting tools (ROADS, Combine, LDAP Crawler) Metadata storage/ management Metadata Editors Metadata extraction Indexing tools (ROADS, Zebra) Metadata Exchange (IAFA, DC, RDF, Oracle...) Index data Exchange (centroids, TIOs, GILS, SOIF, AltaVista, InfoSeek) Query interfaces Vocabulary Tools Query interfaces Metadata Registry Tools Gateways Z39.50-Whois++ Applic- ations Gateways Whois++-Z39.50 DESIRE Tools

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