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Chapter 21 review. Counterculture- movement that upheld values different from the mainstream culture Generation gap- - lack of understanding and communication.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 21 review. Counterculture- movement that upheld values different from the mainstream culture Generation gap- - lack of understanding and communication."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 21 review

2 Counterculture- movement that upheld values different from the mainstream culture Generation gap- - lack of understanding and communication between the older and younger generations Woodstock- 3 day festival of music in Bethel New York in 1969 Commune- small communities where people have common interests and share resources

3 Haight-Ashbury- Area of San Francisco where thousands of hippies gathered to experiment with drugs, wore unconventional clothing and listened to rock music Timothy Leary- radical preached that drugs could free the mind and encouraged American youth to “turn on to drugs and drop out of mainstream society.

4 Feminism-movement for political, economic and social equality for men and women NOW-National Organization for Women ERA- Equal Rights Amendment

5 Betty Friedan- Author of Feminine Mystiques that redefined what the role of women could be, going against the stereotypes of women Gloria Steinam- Founder of feminist Ms magazine Roe vs Wade- 1973 court case that assured women the right to legal abortions

6 Cesar Chavez- Formed the United Farm Workers to fight for rights of the migrant farm worker AIM – American Indian Movement Wounded Knee- American Indian Movement took over village at Wounded knee until government reexamined the conditions of reservation Indians

7 Ralph Nader- activist for consumer rights Rachel Carson- Author of Silent Spring that pointed out the effects of pesticides on the environment and the responsibility of man to care for the environment

8 Cuyahoga river incident- River in Cleveland Ohio that caught on fire from debris and oil on the river Earth Day- Founded by Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin this protest of environmental concerns is celebrated by billions each April 22nd.

9 EPA- Environmental Protection Agency was founded in 1970to protect the entire environmental chain Love Canal – an area of Niagara Falls New York where toxic chemicals were buried and seeped into the ground and water causing a high rate of illness leading to a massive government cleanup (Superfund)

10 Three Mile Island- Nuclear plant meltdown in Pennsylvania that threatened the release of radioactive materials

11 What characteristics define the counterculture-? Experimentation in music, art, sexuality, drugs and spirituality challenging ideas of the older generation

12 What inequalities existed in America that led to the Women’s Movement? Job discrimination as well as unequal pay, discrimination in education, political discrimination. Women were viewed as objects and second class citizens

13 Why did Latino immigration grow in the 1960’s? Immigration was not limited and Latinos were seeking jobs and freedom that were not available in the homelands

14 How did the environmental disasters of the 1960’s highlight the dangers that man was creating? By not protecting the environment we were endangering both man and animal life and future existence on the planet

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