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Tristan Zvolensky p.4 December 1st, 2014

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1 Tristan Zvolensky p.4 December 1st, 2014
Cerebral Palsy Tristan Zvolensky p.4 December 1st, 2014

2 What is CP? Disorder where muscle movement and brain activity is permanently effected Seizures and muscles spasms tend to occur

3 symptoms Muscle spasms Hypotonia Hypertonia Dystonia Fixed joints
Using preferred side of body Excessive drooling Difficulty swallowing Difficulty speaking Difficulty walking Ataxia Athetosis Oral diseases Seizures Intellectual disabilities

4 causes X link recessive Usually transmitted from females to males
INHERITANCE BITH DEFECT X link recessive Usually transmitted from females to males ¼ of daughters and all sons are expected to be affected Prematurity Birth defects Probability of CP occurring varies from ethnicity to ethnicity

5 Interesting facts Only 2% of CP cases are genetically inherited
CP is the most common physical disability that occurs during childhood Every hour, another child is born with CP Over 17 million people have CP

6 Treatment & Research Making sure the house is safe for someone with CP
Wheelchair if needed Muscle braces if needed Proper food and nutrition Therapy is customized for patient; therapy helps with mobility and social interaction, it also helps with dealing with pain and maximize independence Georgia Regents University: studies on the use of stem cells from cord blood to help children diagnosed with cerebral palsy University of Texas: investigate 2 forms of stem cell therapy on children diagnosed with cerebral palsy Recent studies are showing interest in stem cells and their effect on kids with cerebral palsy.

7 Types of cerebral palsy
Spastic Cerebral Palsy: characterized by muscle stiffness and permanent contractions • Athetoid or Dyskinetic Cerebral Palsy: characterized by uncontrolled, slow, writhing movements • Ataxic Cerebral Palsy: characterized by poor coordination and balance

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