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Presentation on theme: "TECHNOLOGY ACCESSIBILITY A UNIVERSITY-WIDE APPROACH."— Presentation transcript:



3 IF IT IS EVERYONE’S RESPONSIBILITY, THEN IT IS NO ONE’S RESPONSIBILITY  Awareness isn’t compliance  Historically EKU had focused most of our resources on web accessibility  Training efforts alone didn’t turn into more accessible content  The problems and their solutions are bigger than they appear  What we were doing just wasn’t working  We needed a holistic approach, that brought everyone to the table

4 START FROM THE TOP  Asked the President to appoint a standing council to address Technology Accessibility  Members of the Council were appointed by the President, based on their ROLE within the University  Each member of the Council represents a particular ROLE within the University  Individuals on the Council may change, but the area they represent does not change

5 MEMBERSHIP AVP Information TechnologyDirector, Services for Individuals with Disabilities ADA CoordinatorADA Committee Dean of StudentsDirector, Human Resources Director, PurchasingDirector, Online Programs University CounselRep. IT Desktop Support Rep. IT Instructional TechnologyRep. IT Web Team Rep. LibraryRep. Model Lab School Rep. Student Outreach & Transition OfficeRep. Faculty x 2 Rep. Students x 2

6 PURPOSE  To develop and foster a university-wide culture of technology accessibility, focusing on a proactive approach, rather than ad hoc responses to immediate needs.  To identify best practices and opportunities to implement them in support of all individuals who use technology.  The Technology Accessibility Council will assess the University’s regulatory compliance with ADA, as well as other legal requirements, as it relates to technology and provide direction and oversight to ensure compliance and a proactive culture of technology accessibility.

7 FIRST SET OF GOALS ESTABLISHED BY COUNCIL  Review existing applications, hardware and other technologies for accessibility  Evaluate our current processes and determine if they can be revised to help ensure accessibility of software, hardware, and other technology purchases  Evaluate accessibility of electronic course content  Evaluate the role money plays in accessibility, especially during lean financial times  Determine the education and training needs of the University (and the Council) on the issue of accessibility January 24, 2012, first meeting

8 PLANNED WORK PRODUCTS OF THE COUNCIL  Written report on the current state of Technology Accessibility at EKU  Strategic goals for improving technology accessibility, with an implementation timeline and assessment plan for measuring progress  An education program on the issue of technology accessibility and identify strategic partners  Proposed policies and procedures to related to issue of technology accessibility  Plan for on-going review of issues and goals as technologies change

9 WORKGROUPS  Current State of Technology  Purchasing Process  Course Content  Education & Training

10 CHARGE TO WORKGROUPS  Assess EKU’s current state as it relates to your workgroup  Research and document best practices  Set goals for success and measures to assess progress  Recommend policies and/or procedures  Identify education needs and develop a plan  Identify the resources you will need to complete your work and roadblocks that exist  People, input, data, research, etc.  Determine next steps

11 PURCHASING WORKGROUP  Their statement of purpose: Identify processes for acquisition of Technology; determine how this process may be enhanced to include Accessibility as a factor to be considered in acquisitions.  Chair, Director of Purchasing  University Counsel (**added staff member who routinely reviews contracts)  Rep. Faculty (Chair, ASL and Interpreter Education department)  **Added Library purchasing agent  **Added primary IT technology buyer

12 PURCHASING WORKGROUP  Assess EKU’s current state as it relates to the issue(s), Roadblocks to making changes  Direct pay request instructions (currently allows software and hardware <$500)  ProCard Restrictions (currently restricts hardware only)  Library acquisitions (would like a library member on our committee since they have expanded purchasing authority)  Department/Division resistance (perceived “ease of payment”)  Potential additional processing time (additional Banner approval queue, contract review, etc.)  Additional Cost to the University for “reasonable accommodation” (interpreter, additional software, etc.)  Major University Events provide accommodations but notifying individuals with disabilities of the accommodations needs additional work.

13 PURCHASING WORKGROUP  Research and document best practices  Cal State  Internal checklists and standardize language  Ky. Educational Purchasing Coop

14 PURCHASING WORKGROUP  Set goals for success and measures to assess progress  University Counsel contract tracking via Footprints (tracking software)  Develop template language for speaker agreements  Develop template language for procedures (i.e. direct pay requests, procard, RFP, Bids, etc.)  Develop template language for websites and event advertisements/posters,/brochures/CEO catalog  How do we communicate with the individuals with disabilities to determine if accommodations need to be made for a particular event?

15 PURCHASING WORKGROUP  Recommend policies and/or procedures  Template language for University documents (i.e. RFPs, Bids, etc.)  Template language and develop process for individuals with disabilities to notify of needs and/or event attendance.

16 PURCHASING WORKGROUP  Identify education needs and develop a plan  Define “technology accessibility” and implementation costs  Template language should be basic

17 PURCHASING WORKGROUP  Identify the resources you will need to complete your work (people, input, data, research, etc.)  Dragon Software (live caption) Cost??  Develop FAQ on websites  Library representation/input  Develop process for individuals with disabilities to communicate attendance etc. to University (ADA contact notification) (online reservations to events with drop down option)  Flyers, etc.

18 PURCHASING WORKGROUP RECOMMENDATIONS  Draft template language for Event Speaker Agreement/RFP/Bids, etc.  ADA Compliance representative be consulted during planning/building of new buildings & renovation projects  Develop faculty guidelines for textbook selection  One point of contact for student/faculty/staff/community event requests for accommodations  Create Banner approval queue to review technology purchases for accessibility compliance  Purchase scanner and software for Library to enable patrons to use reference books  Include links to Federal and State laws on Purchasing and University Counsel websites  Provide guidelines/template language to include on campus event advertisements and ticketing services regarding accommodation requests See Handout for more Details

19 ACCOMPLISHMENTS TO DATE  Website created for one point of contact with all accessibility information in one location  Guidelines and boilerplate text provided to Printing services to be included in event promotional materials  E-textbook plan has been revised and available on disability website  Template language drafted for speaker agreement, RFP, bids, etc.  All videos produced through EKU Media are now delivered with closed captioning.

20 ACCOMPLISHMENTS TO DATE  ResNet support office has assumed responsibility for helping students with assistive technologies  Student who use adaptive technology were surveyed Spring 2013. Results will be used to direct future efforts.  Read and Write Gold is now available as Pre-packaged software for all EKU issued computers  Council participated in webinar about recent court cases and ADA updates  IT website features a support article specifically relating to alt tags on websites (  Final Draft of the First Progress Report Complete

21 WHAT ARE OUR NEXT PRIORITIES?  Accessibility of course related materials  Train faculty on ADA issues and how to make their content accessible  Accountability for materials that aren’t accessible  Quality control process that includes audits and continual review  Accessibility of ALL media, regardless of where it is produced  Identify resources available for faculty and staff to make their content accessible and identify additional resources that may be needed  Training all web content authors how to use ALT tags and how to make their websites accessible  Automating and policing the accessibility of all online content

22 WHAT ARE OUR NEXT PRIORITIES?  Development of University Accessibility Policy, which has administrative support and is enforced  Partner with grants and contracts staff to help ensure accessibility and compliance  Expand Library ebook holdings, including etextbooks  Continue to evaluate online databases to which the University subscribes to ensure all resources are accessible  Continual review of hardware/software/other technologies for accessibility  Need centralized process for reporting and addressing accessibility issues. If there are accessibility issues, how do you make it known and where do you go to complain?  Awareness/Education campaign

23 NEXT GENERATION WORKGROUPS  Policy and Administrative Support  Resources & Accommodations  Awareness, Training & Education  Academic Content & Course Materials  Non-Academic Content & Materials

24 A QUICK LOOK BACK…  Gather support from the top and get everyone at the table  The initial focus was on assessing where we are and what are we doing now  The majority of work was accomplished by workgroups  Add other people to the workgroups as needed  Identify some quick wins and implement them NOW

25 A LOOK AHEAD…NOW THE FUN BEGINS  Get support from the top to ensure cooperation and accountability  Reorganize workgroups to meet the next set of challenges  Develop policies and procedures to meet compliance requirements  Identify and secure the resources necessary for success  Awareness, training, support, education, encouragement, and timelines for compliance  Once in compliance, stay in compliance. If we don’t build the processes and institutional culture that makes this a University priority, we will all be doing this again in three years.



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